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When he woke up he had only pain to feel and only bars to see. Josh knew his arm had been ripped off but had to prove his theory, and sure enough he found he only had one arm. His other arm was hanging on the wall as if it was some sort of trophy, his shoulder was bandaged but Josh knew stone Devils don't bleed so why waist bandage? He slowly got up to remove the bandage, for he had to see how bad it was, but as soon as he stood, pain shot from his chest to every inch of his body, Josh screamed in agony and his creature-like cry woke up the person in the next cell.

The person groaned and hisses in pain, "Sorry" Josh whispered. "J-Josh?" The all too familiar voice called confused. "Lauren!" He jumped to the edge of his cage and reached for her, but she was all too hesitant to touch him. "Are you ok? How did you get here?" He asked concerned.

"I'm fine, I escaped by jumping off of that chair you had installed" she was half smiling and half worried. "What! You could have gotten seriously hurt!" He yelled at her but only because he was worried. "Chill!" She yelled back.

He sighed, held her hand and the silence grew until she finally noticed his arm, "Oh my gods! What happened to your arm?!" She screeched concerned yet obviously grossed out. "They pulled on my arms and legs in different directions," Lauren gasped, "I guess I'm not made of strong enough stone.."

He knew he was weak, he knew he was pathetic but he didn't want her to know for if she did, she would hate him even more. "Oh Josh it's ok, look we can glue it back on, we can somehow get glue and-" she had started to ramble on about her plan but Josh was having none of that.

"Bullshit!" He burst outraged by how she thought it was that easy. It's all her fault, why can't she just love him? "Nothing can fix me! I'm broken glass! No amount of glue can fix me, only one thing can but it's impossible!" Lauren was shocked and yet curious as to what will fix him. Maybe she could help?

"What can fix you?" She asked slowly, not wanting him to have another outburst. "It's-its love and the only love I've ever received was from you, but I guess all things run out and have their limits...Besides, I'll be dead by the time you ever love me again" he had spoke as if he was already dead.

"What do you mean you'll be dead in only a matter of time?" She had to ask, even tho she knew she wouldn't like the answer. "They shot me with poison," he showed his chest, how it had a small hole indicating the bullet and from there spread like a spiders net to the rest of his chest. Its ugly over stretched vines were a colorless black, and where his heart lies, it had made it its target.

"It's spreading fast. I only have forty hours left, then my body goes limp and my disturbed soul crumbles away into a pit of death."

Her heart went out to him, she knew that but she didn't want to risk anything. Lauren knew that she was at fault with his injuries and so she had to set it right, she needed to love him, she had no other choice. She leaned towards his cage and gave him a slight kiss on the cheek which made him freeze in surprise.

His heart thumped once in his rib cage, showing that that little gesture was enough to shed that extra stone protection. His heart was ready to be loved again, his heart was ready for anything she threw at him. "Now I know what your thinking, 'she's gonna take a long time to love me back and I'm gonna die here soon'" she spoke in a deep voice trying to imitate Josh. "But I promise you I will love you soon enough, I promise I won't let you die", she was going to fake it to get him human and then she'll see, but she always kept her promises.

He gave her a hug trying to pry out of the bars and she hugged him back. It was silent for about two minutes and in two minutes the guard in the experimenting room came back for Josh and possibly Lauren. "Alright lover boy it's time to get back in the lab!"

"What? He's too injured to go back there within two hours!" She screeched at the guard mad that they didn't care for his health. "Awe is this the chick you tried to steal from us?" The smirking guard asked pleased to see her back. Josh growled a beastly creature like growl that warned the guard to stop or there would be consequences. "Awe are you protective of her? Too bad she will be dead before you" the guard was having a blast making Josh have some sort of reaction.

Josh lost it, he charged at the guard and grabbed his jacket through the bars, lifting him up two inches off the ground. "If you ever say anything about her again I won't hesitate to claw out your non-existing heart. My claws are longer than yours so it will be fairly easy. Got it?" Josh sneered at the now frightened guard, who shook his head 'yes' to answer Josh's question.

"Good" Josh let him down, Lauren was in awe, he was sexy when he was protective and showed he really does love her. Maybe letting her heart love him isn't so bad.

As soon as Josh let him down, the guard attacked him and held Josh on a one arm behind back grip. "I'll come back for you" he warned Lauren while unlocking the gate to get Josh out. He still held Josh, and locked the gate again, walking painfully fast out of the cell den.

Lauren was scared, what will happen to him? Should she care? Will his arm ever heal? She was left with so many questions that were only answered by her own imagination.

Josh was in so much pain, he knew they'd try to get out answers in at least two ways: by nearly killing him, or by torchering her. He would much rather him but he knew he wouldn't let out any answers so it left his options leading to her.

Pain shot up his right arm as the guard pulled on it. "You know you have to give us some answers sooner or later. Her or you.." The guard was pleased he had another to torcher, he knew he'd get answers somewhere.

They strapped Josh onto the table nailing his wings again. It's was so uncomfortable, Josh kept squirming, "Answers now or regret it later!" the top guard spat in his face. Josh felt angered but knew he had to say something, "I turned human.." He whispered but everyone in the lab froze and stared at Josh in horror and also awe.


"I've turned human but was rejected and so turned into this" he nodded towards himself, trying to not let out too much information.

"Well you've still got some human in you," Josh let out a curious look, "cuz you are bleeding"

Josh glanced at his now un-bandaged shoulder and sure enough there was a trail of dark, human blood.

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