Return to the Assignment

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Oh I am so sorry for not updating guys. I have been really busy and I'm dealing with an injury. I'm back though and trying to finish this story. Also I might start working on another story right now or sometime in the future. Be on the look out for that. But anyway here's a chapter...ENJOY!

Chapter 5: Return to the Assignment

Crimson walked into the police department heading towards her station. She was still very tired.

Lately she hasn't been able to sleep well. The nightmares had been getting worse. It was like someone's life was being shown to her through the dreams. What was even more absurd is the fact that all of her dreams took place in the school.

She tried shaking off the thought of it all and focused more on her case. She sat down at her desk and picked up some papers. Hopefully this would be over soon. This case was more stressful than she thought.

"Ugh...huh? What's this?" Crimson observed a note on her desk.

It was from the sheriff.

"Crimson, I am currently unable to speak with you in person. I want you to do an overnight investigation of the school later on. Hopefully it isn't too much trouble for you. I trust you can do this." -Sheriff Collins.

Crimson sighed as she finished the note. She had to go back to that place. She was still getting over the first experience there and to add on top of that she was still concerned about the dreams.

Crimson shook her head and got up. She was not gonna let her head get the best of her. She did have a job to do after all.

Gathering her things Crimson took off back to her house to grab some supplies for the night.


"Alright, Crimson. You can do this." Crimson mumbled to herself as she walked towards the abandoned school.

She was shaking more as she got closer to the old building. Her mind was flooding with questions that struck fear into her heart.

This was going to be a long night.

Crimson made it to the school after five minutes and walked in. She looked inside a couple rooms to see which she would set up in. She looked in one room and noted that it was the front office. There was a desk and a couple of shelves in the back of it with some smaller personal offices here and there.

She decided to set up in here.

She pushed the door open and walked in. Sitting her stuff down on a chair, she opened her backpack to make sure she had the necessary supplies. Crimson took out her phone to check the time.

Surely enough it was 5:35 p.m. It would be dark very soon.

Crimson took out her notebook, a camera, and a flashlight. She made sure to be wearing the right clothes too. Crimson wore a black long sleeve shirt with black jeans. She also wore a black jacket, gloves, and black boots. She took out one more thing from her bag which was a face mask.

Crimson put it around her neck for future use.

After finishing up with her things Crimson walked out. She grabbed her flashlight and turned it on to test if it worked. Thankfully it did. As she walked further in the school it began to get dark.

It was night now which meant her investigation began.

Crimson shined her light in the direction she walked to see where she was going. She was hoping that maybe there was still a power box or something here. Maybe it would work. Crimson looked around.

As she was walking she ran into something making her fall and lose her flashlight. The batteries had fallen out and caused the light to go out.

"Oh shit..." Crimson cursed as she got up and felt around on the walls.

She moved along the wall until she felt something. It felt like a switch. She grabbed it and flipped it surprised when she heard a noise followed by bright lights. Crimson closed her eyes slowly opening them adjusting to the sudden brightness that consumed her.

"Huh, the lights do work then." Crimson laughed at her discovery.

She looked on the ground and saw her flashlight along with the batteries. She picked it up and placed the batteries back in. Crimson looked down the hallway.

Just as she thought.

The school looked even creepier at night.

Sighing Crimson walked down the hall. She held the flashlight tight in her hand as she turned down another hall. This school was really big. Gosh. This was going to be a 'fun' night.


After awhile of pointless wandering Crimson decided to head back to the office. On her way there Crimson swore she heard something behind her. She turned around to find nothing. Crimson raised a brow and continued to walk.

She got halfway down the hall when she felt something on her shoulder. Crimson froze. She slightly turned her head around again feeling a sharp presence behind her.

She turned around completely and gasped at what she saw.

It was a dark figure. It had long arms and was about Crimson's height. It had no mouth, no nose...well basically everything missing from a face except the eyes were there.

The eyes were a dull yellow. It looked like it was staring at Crimson in rage. This brought fear into Crimson's features.

Before she had time to react the thing reached out to her. Crimson backed up out of instinct barely missing its hands. Crimson took this chance to run away.

She ran faster than she thought was capable. She felt herself speed up as she felt the presence close behind her. She shook her head fighting the urge to look back.

She already knew what was there.

Crimson turned down another hallway seeing a room she could hide in. She ran into the room closing the door behind her and ducked down keeping quiet. She felt the presence outside the door and started to shake.

Crimson placed her hand over her mouth hoping to muffle some noise that she was emitting. The presence stayed there for few agonizing minutes. Crimson began to feel her eyes water, shaking violently. Soon enough the presence vanished. Not like it walked away but just...disappeared.

Crimson eased her shaking and calmed her breathing slowly getting up. She looked out the small window and saw nothing.

Was she seeing things? Probably. She did forget to take her medicine this morning. Long story.

Anyway Crimson got up completely and opened the door. She walked out and continued to walk to the office disregarding the experience but still wary nonetheless.

Crimson walked in the office tired as hell. She was still shaken up from the experience she had. Maybe she was seeing things felt so real.

Crimson shook the thought from memory. She had to focus on her job. She took out the notebook and a pencil. She wrote down a few things she found so far. It wasn't much but it was a start. Crimson checked the time and saw it was only 8:15. She sighed for what seemed like the 20th time that night.

'It is going to be a long night...' Crimson thought dreary.


Wow. That actually took some effort. Well I finally finished it. I'm sorry it took so long guys. To be honest I've looked at it almost everyday. I also noticed that I've got 11 reads on this story so far. It's not much but I really appreciate you all who've read this story. Please give me some feedback on the story and also I plan to work on another story. So let me know what you all think. Catch you all later, bye!

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