Chapter 5 - The Runaway

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The next day we walked for about 6 hours straight and then found a waterfall we could drink and bathe in, we walked near a small cliff that was high enough and safe enough to jump off.

I take my jeans and shoes off and before you could say “waterfall” I jumped into the water laughing and screaming my lungs off. I plop into the water like a heavy rock and come back up like a floater. Daniel laughs and jumps in with his pants on, which he somehow cut into shorts in the morning.

We float on top of the water not far from each other and laugh like two little kids; splashing and laughing without a care in the world.

We dive in looking for anything edible and wave at each other smiling as bubbles float up to the surface.

It was the best night so far since everything started to happen; we ate, told jokes and danced around the fire like Indians of America, it was fun acting like a kid again.

Daniel and I hung the wet clothes up near the fire. When there was no more sign of light in the pitch black forest we got changed and talked to each other until we fell asleep. Daniel stayed up longest watching me sleep, I knew because I could hear him breathing; soothing me as the dark forest revealed itself at night.


Four days later in the forest and Daniel and I finally find a little mountain one bigger than a hill but pretty wide. We climbed up and sat there for a couple of hours hoping that a plane or something will come and find us. We gave up and started rolling halfway down the mountain and clambering back up, laughing and trying to push each other back down.

When we got bored and tired we lay down facing the sky and imagined sheep’s, dragons and faces shaped in the clouds above us.

As the stars started to shine and the moon grew visible we heard loud thunder noises but there wasn’t any lightning or thunder not even rain. We looked around and saw flashing lights above us; it was a helicopter!

I don’t know how they found us although I wondered if it was by Daniel's phone, but I’m pretty sure there wasn’t any reception.  

I saw Nick in the helicopter and I jumped in and put the seatbelt on, when I looked up he winked at someone, I think it was at Daniel for taking care of me; well I guess he did since I was in one piece.

‘Oh and remember,’ Nick smiles at me as we flew off, ‘You’re turning 16 in few days.’

I smile, ‘of course I remember!’

I wake up with Daniel, Nick and some other men shouting and barking at each other like dogs. I get changed and walk down stairs not sure if it was a good idea or not. I hear The Warden shout and then Daniel straight after. ‘What are we going to do with her now? She’s just going to cause more chaos. I can't look after her 24/7; she has to go. She’s a brat, I'm sorry.’

Not knowing that I was standing right behind him everyone except Daniel went quiet and glares at me, but I ignore them and look at Daniel.

Did he really mean that? Or was I just dreaming he said that?

He turns around slowly unsure if he should or not and Nick just stands there watching both me and Daniel’s faces. I feel an urge to cry instead I walk off, shocked, offended, angry and confused.

When I get through the door I start to run not sure where I was going to go. I then start bolting as soon as I hear Nick and Daniel pleading, both trying to catch up to me but I already had a five seconds head start. ‘Remiah, come back, I didn’t mean it! Please! I’m sorry!’

Whatever! I thought grimly.

For once I don’t listen to either of them and go where ever I now please, I should’ve done it a long time ago but I guess I didn’t have the guts to, or just didn’t want to.

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