Chapter 6 - The Other Side ~ Picture Of Jack Cornwall

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I wake up under a blanket and a lady damping my head with a wet towel, I got scared and sat up quickly, jumping off the bed and half walking half running out the door. The lady tries to stop me and said that I am far too weak to go anywhere right now; I ignore her and walk out of the house.

My heart started to ram hard into my chest, but this time it wasn’t of fear or anger it was happiness and amazement! I did it! I made it to the other side of the island.

I stand at the door, dizzy and light headed, looking at all the people and houses, the people are looking at me too – normal people. I laugh and then all of a sudden my head starts spinning and the scene becomes a blur, my legs become weak and my body becomes too heavy to keep up and before I know it I collapse again. The lady from inside the house calls for someone named “Jack” and the same guy from the forest picks me up ever so gently and puts me back into the bed as I was half conscious. I must have said something because before he left I saw a smile on his face, the same lady rushing in and taking his spot beside me.

When I wake up again I see the two young girls from the forest.

‘Hello, I'm Leena,’ says the youngest girl in a bright pink dress, golden haired, her face almost perfect – she was cute.

‘And I'm Taylor, I'm 12.’ ‘And I'm 7 and a half,’ beams Leena.

They were both very pretty and nice but I didn’t feel like talking and kept quiet. They said they were sisters and said that I was in their house. They also said that they found me in the forest when they were looking for wood, and their brother Jack had to carry me to their house.

I didn’t talk once and stayed quiet listening, my throat dry and hurting, I only told them my name and said thank you for helping me, barely a whisper.

They said I could have a shower so they gave me a towel and some clothes then left me in the room.

As soon as they left I got up, slowly, and walked to the shower. For a moment I looked at myself in the mirror and thought about how upset Nick would be if he wouldn’t find me, I also thought about Daniel and whether he got fired or not and whether he still cares about me. Did Daniel really say them things or was I just imagining it? Was I really just a brat?

I realise I wasn’t wearing the ruined and dirty jeans and top anymore, a robe over the top of my underwear and bra. The lady must’ve changed me, or was it the girls? Either way I was thankful, but also embarrassed as I remember that I had barged out to the front porch wearing someone else’s pink robe, I probably looked crazy. I feel my cheeks reddening as I also remember Jack having to come out and get me from outside – in this robe. What did I say to him when I was half conscious? My head starts to feel light and I hold on to the rim of the sink. Forget it, I laugh at myself staring at the eyes in the mirror that seemed to stare back intensely, he didn’t see anything, or cared… I hope.

When I finish my shower I put on the clothes they gave me. It was a pretty peach coloured sleeveless dress that comes four inches above my knees, and a pair of black flats. I brush my hair and put it on the side letting it wave three quarters down my stom­ach and stand in front of the mirror admiring my shiny, wavy brown hair .

I stay in the bedroom for a bit wondering whose room it was and walked around a little. It was a plain room but it looked and felt comfortable, there was a bed with blue covers and a white pillow, wardrobe and drawer. I knew it wasn’t just a guest room or a room people barely slept in because I could feel the presence of someone else. I could smell the faint scent of cologne, a nice smell which also lingered with the smell of the forest trees and the smell of the ocean, there was also a feeling in the room that I could feel one I couldn’t place or name. It felt like I was in my own bedroom, my home, the scent of this room made me feel safe – it made me feel home.

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