Chapter 10: You Were My Inspiration

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It feels good to be back! The sun is shining, the plants look beautiful and the Sports Festival is just a few weeks away. I feel a bit chilly, knowing that I'm a part of the Basketball team yeahhh. Its been a while since Mom and Dad gave me a motivational booster. They said that, play to have fun. Be a true sportsman. I am, and I want to win for Dad. First Day already, we start of with the Opening Ceremony. The Ceremony lasted for about an hour or two then its off to the scheduled events! We already have a game on the first day? Yes! Time to show my skills. Its the first time I ever got into the lineup because the others would steal the spots and reserve it for their friends. I countered it. Chris wasn't interested in Basketball so we had him to lead the Boy's Volleyball team. He's good at that. Jamie leads the Girl's Volleyball team yayyy.

"The others are changing into their uniforms, shall we?", Prince said.

"Lets go.", I replied.

I think I already saw our first opponents. They didn't look killer-deadly but I could feel their aura.

"Okay, how we doing this?", I asked.

"I can lead our section. Jason, you'll act as our on-court coach. Make plays from the sidelines and then enter the game when you feel like it. Make sure your bros can handle the Full-Court press.", CJ said.

"We can survive that. Its just like we practiced guys!", Prince replied.


"GG Win on three. One! Two Three!"

"GG Win!"

It went the other way around. CJ made a lot of good plays for everyone on the team while I made every play a reality. Prince scored the first two points and ended with 14 points and 2 steals while I scored 10 points and 4 rebounds.

"Not bad man, lets keep it up!", CJ said.

"I could do better, just feel a bit sluggish today.", I replied.

My only issue was finding that one girl who made this possible. Who gave me the power to join the team.

"Where's Nika by the way?", I asked.

"Haven't seen her in a while bro. Its the Sports Festival, she could be anywhere.", Prince said.

"Sighhh. Okay, thanks bro."

The rest of days like this all end up walking, chatting, playing, watching a movie, or just hanging out with my section. Brandon isn't with us all the time, the guy has other friends to be with.

~My realization is that I have a window opportunity to talk to Nika at the start of everyday since all students gather up before the event continues. I got to school almost late, that means I'm near the back. She always arrives early so she's up in the front of the line. The morning ceremony ended and I tried to talk to her. She vanished already. Seriously? I don't know where they always go...

The second game was up, it was already the Semifinals and I'm ready to battle. I thought of everything I wanted to accomplish this game, make my stats better, help the team better, all things with a better. First half was a blast. I shot a perfect 5/5 from the perimeter and Prince knocked down his favorite 3 pointers. CJ was racking up assists and fastbreak points. Then I saw someone that lifted my spirits. I saw Nika and her friends watching by the sidelines. Its time to prove my awesomeness haha. We established the goal to bury them some more with points. And I lead the charge. With all my 3-pointers were going down, I felt unstoppable. All I know is, the ball always got into the basket with the help of Prince's passing and dribbling. Time winding down on the 4th quarter, and at the last second, I shot a 3 pointer and it went it. I looked at Nika and pointed to her. She just smiled and teased by her friends. All I have to think about is tomorrow. The Championship game, I wonder who are we going to face...

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