BC Might as well be Married

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Canada drove the old truck up to a tiny little old style brick house. The door was turquoise, while the frame was pastel yellow. Up the sides of the house grew ivy vines and flowers. Prussia liked the cute little house and thought it really suited the quiet Canadian. The young blond stepped out of the truck reaching for the box of donuts the shutting the door with his hip. Prussia followed him leaving his junk in the truck. Canada slipped to the door and looked into the tiny garden bending over to find the right gnome. Prussia bit back the vicious temptation to slap the Canadians ass and just simply looked away. The younger males violet eyes found the gnome and he reached for the key hidden underneath. He stood up adjusting his falling glasses and looked down at the pale Prussian to see him looking away.

"You okay?" He worried.

"Me? Oh just fighting off temptation." He joked hoping the innocent Canadian wouldn't understand.

Luckily he didn't. He wanted to ask but didn't want to pry so instead he turned to open the door.

"After you." Canada said showing the Prussian in.

Prussia smiled. "Such a gentleman." He snickered.

When the snowy male entered the home his nostrils were flooded with the sweet spicy aroma of apple pie. The cinnamon and apple sent danced around the room settling Prussia's nerves completely. He took off his black boots and the Canadian followed behind waiting for him to move into the house.

"This is the tiniest house I have ever seen." Prussia said moving in. "It looks like an old ladies house." He said looking at the floral printed couches and hanging plants.

"Sorry." Canada said a bit embarrassed. "It's not the newest home."

"Huh? I didn't say I didn't like it! It's retro!" Prussia turned around.

"Oh?" Canada said a bit surprised. "We should probably eat some real food." Canada thought of the donuts.

"Naw, I'm beat, we can get something in the morning." Prussia said yawning in a big stretch.

"We can get it on the road, stop by Timmies." Canada agreed.

"Where are we going?" Prussia asked.

"Well it's going to be a ten hour drive to Vancouver so I was thinking we could take the truck, some blankets, stop at some sights, drive through vancouver and then take the ferry to the island."

"The island?" Prussia cocked a brow.

"Yeah, Vancouver island, it's very popular..... Amongst some people." Canada said a bit beaten.

"Then it's a plan! Now, where do I go? I need to have my beauty sleep so my sexy man face will be twice as awesome in the morning."

Canada walked over to a small pine door and opened it to reveal a queen sized bed sided with an old dresser and mirror. Prussia swore the bed smelt of elderberries.

"I'm sorry.... The towns people make my homes.... And decorate them...." Canada sighed as he looked at the flower coded old bed.

"Hm? Why are you apologizing? It's one night? It's cool anyways it's like going to the grandmothers place I never had!" Prussia laughed.

Canada smiled, even though he hadn't been a very good host so far, and has only fed the poor Prussian donuts, he still seemed so happy and grateful.

"Thank you." He said speaking his mind.

Prussia turned around a bit taken back.

"Thank me? Canada, I know my presence is god like but you don't have to thank me." He smiled.

Canada snickered. "It's not everyday I get to show my little country to someone as awesome as you."

"Canada.... Seriously...9.985 km2 is not small." Prussia said surprisingly. "Second largest in the whole WORLD!!"

Canada laughed whole heartedly. "You havent even seen half of one province."

"I plan on seeing it all so don't give up on me yet." Prussia winked.

"I won't, now go to sleep." Canada said with a motherly tone.

"Yes mum."

Canada smiled then closed the bedroom heading himself to bed.


In the morning Canada woke up to the smell of sizzling bacon and sweet pancakes. It reminded him of the mornings when he lived with France and older country would bring crepes with berries and powdered sugar to wake him up. But France wasn't here? Prussia was!

Canada leapt out of bed and dashed himself to the kitchen. Prussia stood by the stove with a plastic bag on the counter filled with groceries. On his left was a plate scaled with cakes and another plate with a craze of bacon and sausage. On the stove he was breaking eggs.

"Prussia?" Canada thinking a little that he might be a robot.

The snowy haired male turned around with bright red eyes.

"Morning sleepy butt! I thought you were going to sleep the day away, but you caught me at a good time, how do you like your eggs?" Prussia said with a big smile.

"Over easy." Canada said still shocked.


Canada inspected everything then looked through the grocery bag.

"I am not going to lie, those pancakes are not homemade, they are definitely aunt Jemima.... But to make up for it!! The awesome me got the best bacon for you! Maple! But the sausage is as German as I could get it." Prussia said determined.

"It looks great Prussia!" The sweet Canadian bellowed. "You didn't have to do all this I could have bought the stuff and made it."

"I was scared you'd buy donuts again." Prussia snickered.

Canada laughed at the sky remark. "I promise, on the island we have to have three things for sure. Poutine from pirates, Nanaimo bars from Nanaimo, and calamari." Canada reminded.

"Poutine? Nanaimo bars?" Prussia said a bit curious and untrusting.

"You'll see." Canada nodded.

"Okay, I'm trusting you with this." Prussia looked over at the table. "You wanna set the table then?"

The blond adjusted his glasses and nodded quickly opening cupboards and having old tan plates with corn and roosters decorated on them. He placed them and cutlery on the table then headed back into the kitchen reaching the top shelf for 100% maple syrup. He had seen Prussia had bought Aunt Jamima's which was some what of a relief because some people couldn't handle real syrup. He placed it on on the table then took the food over waiting for Prussia with his eggs. Prussia placed the three eggs in front of canada then his own scrambled to him.

"Well, let's eat!!!" Prussia said proudly.

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