A Plane Ride

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    That night Matthew and Gilbert talked about their plans and decided they wanted this tour to be a little more spontaneous. They decided to take a plane to Prince Edward island to see the northern lights. So once their stay at the bnb was up they then packed up the SUV and headed to the Victoria Airport there they would depart to the Charlottetown Airport.

"Have you ever seen the northern lights?" Matthew asked as they got back on the road.

"Uh..... In uncomfortable circumstances yeah." He chuckled.

"Oh." Matthew said awkwardly. "Well, let's hope these will be comfortable."

"I'm gonna make it so uncomfortable." Gil winked. "Don't worry bout me."

"I'm always worried about you." Matt gave a concerned smile.

"I could fall in love with you." Prussia teased

   Canada's face lit up crimson as he stumbled over his words. He grasped at the small medal eagle pendant around his neck and looked back to the road.

"I-I could maybe too." He whispered gently.

   Prussia just barely caught what the Canadian said, he could feel his heart pounding he took in a deep breath fighting back the large stupid grin forming on his face. He slipped his hand to Canada's taking it in his. Matt flinched but then intertwined his fingers with his.


   At the airport the two went through customs together. They were at the medal detectors when both of the machines went off as they walked through. Canada looked to Prussia who shrugged then the younger country understood what was going on.

"Random inspection." An elderly lady stated. "You can choose between the machine or a pat down." She said kindly.

"The machine please." Canada said shyly.

   The woman nodded pointing to a large glass machine. She looked back to Prussia who stepped up with a large toothy grin.

"And you?" She looked him up and down.

"Pat down please." He chuckled.

   The woman smiled laughing along and asked Prussia to face the conveyer belt asking how his trip was going, and where he was heading.

"We're going to the Prince Edward islands. It's our honey moon." He said looking over his shoulder as Canada left the scanning booth.

"How sweet." The woman said honestly before backing away. "You're all clear, have a wonderful honey moon." She said to both of them as they met up.

"Honey what?" Canada stared at Prussia.

"Come along sweet heart let's get our jackets and shoes." Prussia dodged the question heading to the conveyors.

   Canada chuckled following him closely. They got their stuff and headed to the lobby to wait for the plane. They walked past a few gift shops which Canada dragged Prussia away from as they found which platform they'd be leaving from. They sat in the chairs for maybe half an hour before they finally boarded. They got onto the plane, sat together and waited for the pilot to come over the intercom.

   Prussia held a tablet that they played games on together, including an ancient classic called "Fruit Ninja". The plane finally went off down the tracks speeding up until the passengers could feel that one push to send them into the air.

"That never gets old." Prussia commented with a wide grin.

"Hmm?" Canada looked up from the tablet. "What doesn't?"

"Y'know, when your heart drops as the plane leaves the ground." Prussia commented. "I remember when planes first came into existence, more than just my heart dropped that day." The silverette snickered.

"I do not want to know what that means." Canada cringed.

"It means I shit myself." Gil answered boldly.

"Ew!" Canada pushed him playfully. "Ever heard of too much information?!"

"Dont act like you dont want to know everything about me." The german winked.

"Maybe not everything." The blond sighed.

   The crimson eyed male placed a hand on his chest feeling slightly offended. "Matthew Williams. I thought I knew you." He pouted.

"Well maybe it's you who needs to know everything about me." Mattie extended his slender hand to the pale males cheak pulling it in for a light peck.

    The man turned to look at him with a wide toothy grin his face lighting up. "Wanna join the mile high club?" He whispered to his partner.

"In your dreams." The boy whispered back to him. "Try to behave yourself or we'll get in trouble."

"Oh, what will they do, throw us off the plane?" The Prussian sat back.

"Yup." Canada crossed his arms.

"That's not possible." Prussia pointed out the window. "We are going way too fast for that door to even have a chance of being opened. Too much pressure."

"They have a machine for it." Canada persuaded. "In the back. Kinda like the jaws of life."

"You are not going to convince me that Canada Airlines tosses people out of planes." Gilbert poked Matthew's chubby side.

"Alright, but when they throw us out into the flatlands of Saskatchewan I dont wanna hear your whining." The boy reached for a menu.

"I-" Prussia hesitated looking to the front and back of the plane to check if such a thing could be hidden somewhere. "I dont believe you but I'll behave cause I dont want to embarrass you." He decided.

"Uhuh." Matthew raised a brow under his glasses. "Dont forget it's a five hour flight."

"Jesus. I keep forgetting how big you are." He sighed. "I think we'll have to go to the washroom so I can check for clarity." He teased.

   Canada rolled up his menu and whacked Prussia over the head. He immediately widened his eyes apologizing like crazy.

    Prussia held an evil grin over his lips as he sized Canada up. "I'm going to tackle you once we land." He decided.

"Aaaah.... Ok." The blond blushed deeply putting away his pampflip.

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