Talk Around Town

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I'd decided to explore Willow Falls after Scott gave me the next night off. He explained that after what happened last night he wanted me to have a little time to myself and I wasn't complaining. I needed a few things for the motel anyways.Food to fill the mini fridge inside my room was calling name.

It took less than ten minutes to reach the center of town were is was alive unlike the days before. People roamed outside shops and others tried to keep track of their children who kept running off,but none the less it was refreshing to see people look so full of life. I haven't seen such a peaceful and welcoming town in a while.

I pulled up to a small boutique shop towards the end of the street and hopped out.A few people glanced over a me but continued to carry on with their own shopping.

I opened the heavy metal door only to be greeted with the smell of flowers and an elderly woman. She was small and fragile looking but that didn't stop her from greeting me with a warm smile.

"Well hello there sweety! Can I help you with anything today", She asked politely making her way over to me.

"I was just looking for some clothes actually. I'm staying at the motel down the street and they don't have a washer",I admitted while looking at my feet.

"Oh sweety I'm so sorry. I think we might have a few things your size over here",she pointed.

She lead me over to a few racks near the middle of the room and then left me alone to do my own shopping. I rummaged through a few shirts and some pants before picking what I wanted and going to the checkout counter.

"Thank you",I spoke as I payed and grabbed my bags heading for the door.

"Sweety", She called out causing me to turn towards her,"I know this may seem strange but I was wondering if you would like to stay with me".I starred at her for  few seconds, her words catching my surprise.

"Oh I couldn't do that ma'am. I wouldn't want to intrude and plus I barely know you",I whispered putting my hand on the door.Her question sparked my nerves , I tried to send signals with my eye's for her to let me leave but she persisted.

"I insist darling. You seem to be by yourself and this town will chew you up and spit you right back out.I know almost everyone in this town and I don't know you.Plus that motel will drive you insane if you say too long",She pleaded," I'm Penny by the way."

I started at her for a few moments letting her words sink in. She did have a good point about it not being safe for me and she seems like she could use the company.It was dangerous trusting someone so easily, I learned that from experience.But this being my third day I doubt Luke would've found me yet.A hotel would be pretty obvious as well.

"Is it okay if I give you an answer tomorrow. I have to be at work in a few hours",I said lyig about being off.

"Oh that's fine hun. Just stop by the shop anytime tomorrow and let me know".

"Thanks ma'am. Oh and I'm Saint by the way".

We waved at each other one last time before I finally walked out of the door and headed back towards the motel so I could get ready for an afternoon nap, all of his running is exhausting.

I walked into the bar after my nap just in time for rush hour. For the most part only locals were occupying the bar's but a few of them had motorcycle vests on. The others must be coming later.I caught Scott's attention after he served a few more people and waved him over.

"So Saint how's the town been treating you", Scott asked once the place settled down enough that I could hear you.

"A woman named Penny told me I could come live with her",I said getting straight to the point,"Do you know her"?

"Penny? As in the woman who owns RC's Boutique in town"?

"Uhm yeah I think, how do you know her"?

"That's Rogues mom. You know, the guy who stood up for you last night."

"Oh I didn't know that".

"I'd consider it honestly. You'll never have better protection than with her.Rogue makes sure his mom is the safest person in this town", Scott admitted before turning to fill a few glasses.

By living with Penny I could have the best protection while staying in this town. And he won't suspect me to be living with anyone either. Penny could be my safe haven.

GUYS THIS IS THE FIRST STORY I'VE REACHED OVER 1k ON AND I CAN'T THANK YOU ALL ENOUGH!!! Please keep liking,commenting,and reading! And feel free to share any ideas that you have with me.

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