New Beginnings

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Y'all are amazing readers and supporters and I can't thank you enough!! This chapter will be a shorter one at the moment but I will work ononger chapters. Thabksbfkr the support and keep on voting and commenting.


"Saint",A voice moaned, waking me up from a peaceful slumber. Well as peaceful as sleeping on the couch could get. With a sigh I heaved myself up off the cushions and strolled into the hallway searching for Rogue.

Rogue stood with a hand holding himself up against the wall as a stream of slobber made it's way down his face.He was drunk. When he finally noticed me standing in front of him he smiled, a lopsided toothy grin that only helped to show his drunken stupor.

"Baby come he-eere",He stumbled with his words almost falling straight on his face. Luckily Rogue managed to catch himself before face planting.

"I think you've had a little too much to drink",I giggled while reaching out to stable him .I pulled him a little closer holding my breath as he opened his mouth again.

"I ju-ust drin-nk to get you o-off my mind",He slurred, stumbling more into my arms."Let me help you up the steps",I said softly ignoring what he said.

"So you can have your way with me", Rogue whispered edging closer to my ear. He leaned forward like he was going to say something else but his body had other idea's. He threw up all along the hardwood inches from my shoes.

"Come on lets get you to bed", I huffed and pulled him to his feet. The struggle up the stairs was real. Rogue would stop every few steps dry heaving and then continue to slowly make his was up the stairs. Finally we made it to his bedroom and at first look he hasn't cleaned it for a few days after I slept here. Pushing clothes and other unmentionables out of the way I finally got him to the bed, were he fell with a thud.

"Goodnight Rogue",I whispered, tucking him in with a kiss. I got two inches away from the bed when Rogue grabbed my arm. He grunted and I turned to see him with his eyes wide open.

"Stay with me",He groaned loosening his hold on my arm.

"Rogue there's nowhere to sleep. And I'm not getting in bed with you",I groaned with protest. The stench of alcohol hadn't hit me hard until then. I covered my face with the sleeve of my shirt hoping to stop the horrid smell that leaked off of his clothes. It reminded me of times when Luke would come home drunk and helpless at my doorstep begging me for help. He wasn't as tolerable as Rogue was though.

With a shiver I turned back to a half sleeping Rogue,"Will it make you feel better of I slept on the couch in case you need help with anything".

"Yes please", Rogue moaned tossing and turning in the bed,pulling the covers tighter around his body. Reluctantly I grabbed another pillow and unwrapped the blanket from the couch and layed down. I scanned the room taking in every dent and hole along the walls and ceiling wondering how they got there. And after awhile I finally drifted off to sleep with a restless Rogue sleeping in the bed across the room.

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