Chapter 2

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© Sweetslover8 2013. It is illegal to copy and/or steal.

~Uploaded September 6th, 2013

I tried to ignore the girls as they squealed and shrieked like a bunch of newborns. They were more excited about my date then I was. I tried to block out their mindless chatter and focus on what an idiot I had just been.

How could I go on a date with Jonathan McMurray? He was so typical, so boring, so... bland. He was like cake without the icing. You'll enjoy it, but not as well as you could as if you actually had the icing.

"Corey, are you listening to us?", I heard Lily ask.

"Oh, leave her alone, guys. She's probably thinking about all of the stuff she has to pack up for tomorrow before her dad comes to get her", Tania spoke up. I looked at her gratefully.

The girls thought that my dad was some wealthy entrepreneur that was constantly traveling the world. He had supposedly bought me a small house in town where I could "learn more independence". He would come and visit every month and as much as he wanted to meet my friends, he would prefer spending time with his daughter. He came off as snooty to my friends, and that's exactly what I wanted it to seem like. That way, they wouldn't ask too many questions.

In reality, my real dad (or as I like to refer to him as, "The Sperm Donor") didn't give a sh*t about me. He would order me around, making me do 50 extra laps around the training room for talking back to him, or crawl through mine fields for an extra hour. He couldn't give a flying rat's ass about me anymore then my brother.

And who is my dear asshole of a father, you may ask? Why, no other than General Frederick McAllister of the US military. He was a big war hero at some point but honestly, I've stopped caring. Everytime my brother, Eric, or I have asked him for even the smallest of things, or tried to strike up a conversation with him, it's like he was disinterested the second we opened our mouths. 

I felt a hand rest on my shoulder and I snapped my eyes open. I didn't even realize I had fallen asleep. Jess and Lily were already out of Jess's VW and waiting for me and Tania to get out. I pushed the door open. I really wish they hadn't insisted on coming over to my house to help choose my outfit. I needed a nap. Badly.

I took the key out of my pocket and unlocked the door. It opened up into a small living room, with a sofa and flat screen TV and a few bookshelves. The kitchen had modern stainless steel appliances and was at the back of the house with a patio overlooking the backyard. The bedroom and bathroom were down a hall on the right.

Jess and Lily wasted no time in running past Tania and I and into my room. I looked at Tania.

"What are they so excited about? And why aren't you shrieking like them?"

"First of all, they're just glad you finally got a date. And second, I don't shriek for any guy. They shriek for me." I couldn't help but smile as we continued onwards to my bedroom.

When we stepped through the threshold, my eyes went wide. But then again, it shouldn't surprise me by now. Within the twenty seconds that they were in my room alone, Jess and Lily managed to empty my entire dresser and closet onto my bed and drawer. Jeans, t-shirts, sweaters and jackets were thrown everywhere. And I mean everywhere. There was a bra hanging from a lampshade!

"I hope you're planning on cleaning that up later", I said while picking my way through my clothes to sit on my bed.

"Yeah, yeah, we will", they said dismissively.

"Hey Lil, skirt, shorts or dress?"

"Hmm. Why not? Dress." I looked at Lily.

"No way in heck am I wearing a dress. It makes me look so..." I shivered. "Girly."

Jess and Lily rolled their eyes. "Newsflash, Core, you are a girl."

"Isn't it enough that I'm wearing a skirt right now?"

"With leggings underneath!", they protested.

"Yeah, because otherwise it'll blow up and well, you know... Wait, what are you guys doing?" They had started advancing on me like lionesses on antelope. Except, instead of bearing claws and fangs, they had a frilly pink dress, heels and lots of makeup.

"Don't you da-"

But before I knew it, I was standing in front of the mirror looking like a girl that was too dolled up for her own good. Her hair had been almost ripped out of its ponytail and now tumbled down her back in dark waves and gently framed her slightly oval face. Her eyes appeared darker and stormier than usual, accentuated by all the mascara and eyeliner. Her skin had a healthy glow to it and the dress clung to her figure like a second skin up until her waist, where it poofed out like a tutu. Ugh. And her long legs seemed even longer in the heels. She looked...

"Oh-Em-Gee!!!", Jess squealed. "Corey, you look totes gorgeous!"

She made a little circling motion with her finger. I rolled my eyes but twirled around. How had I gone from the kick-ass soldier that had escaped the most secure building in the US (other than the White House, of course), to a girl who could be coaxed into going on a date with a guy she finds undesirable and most importantly, coaxed into wearing a dress?! Perhaps I shall never know.

"Totes fab, Core. Now let's practice walking in the heels."

"Jess, please. I walk in heels every day." She rolled her eyes.

"High-heeled boots! It's not the same thing! Now walk."

Reluctantly, I took a step forward and stumbled but caught myself. After a couple of minutes, I could have been a model on the runway for Victoria's Secret or Valentino.

"Have I passed the examination, doctors?", I asked the girls. Well, Jess and Lily anyways. Tania was sitting on the corner of my bed, occasionally nodding in approval or shaking her head in dismay.

"Missing one thing." I groaned and Lily walked over to my vanity table and opened my jewelry box. She sorted through it for a couple of minutes, during which my feet were killing me, then came out with some jewelry.

She walked over and put a series of bangles around my wrist, diamond studs at my ears and a silver chain with a heart charm around my neck. "There, perfect." I returned to the mirror. I had to admit, they did good work. I checked my watch. 6:45.

"Okay, girls, thanks, go to go, bye!", I said while rushing out and grabbing my purse. "And don't forget to clean up my room!" I really regretted agreeing to wear heels. Actually, I never even really agreed to that.

I walked quickly to the movie theater, enjoying the fading summer weather. Fall would be here within a couple of weeks. I slipped on a jean jacket as the breeze blew coldly, mostly because I felt naked in such a short dress.

I arrived at the theater right on time. I saw Jonathan waiting outside by the entrance in jeans and a striped sweater that vaguely reminded me of a bumblebee. His blond curls blew around in the wind like some sort of male supermodel. On top of that, his eyes lit up when he caught sight of me and met me halfway to the door.

"Hi Corey. You look really good. Gorgeous even." Huh. That's what Jess said. His eyes ran up and down my body, and although I know he meant what he said, I couldn't help but feel that the compliment wasn't completely authentic. And his gaze felt almost perverted. I had to keep my guard up with this one. More than usual.

It's just one date, I told myself as Jonathan opened the door for me and gestured for me to go first. I smiled and nodded politely and quickly walked inside. Just one date. My first and last in this town.

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