Chapter 9

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© Sweetslover8 2013. It is illegal to copy and/or steal.

~Uploaded December 16th, 2013

Twenty minutes later, we arrived at a small restaurant called Minnie's. I would laugh if there was a mouse in a polka dot dress that would be serving us.

I had been squished between Nolan, the door and his cheesy pick-up lines the entire car ride here. And when I say cheesy, I mean triple cheese pizza cheesy. The whole "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven" thing? If I had a dollar for every time I heard that... Not to mention the guys kinda smelled since they were playing soccer in the blazing sun a few moments before. I don't normally complain about those kind of things, but the girl in me can't help but think... Eww! At least Dylan's driving wasn't terrible. He was actually a pretty good driver. And he kept joking around with the other guys so I made it out of there alive.

The restaurant was a small brick building with "Minnie's" written above it in black cursive. The daily specials, burgers and pizza, were displayed in the window. As we entered, I was hit with the strong smell of melting cheese and meat sizzling on the grill. My stomach grumbled from neglect. I hadn't even eaten breakfast yet. Garrett smirked when he heard my stomach. How embarrassing...

"Hungry?", he asked. I nodded my head and inhaled the mouth-watering scents of the restaurant. I think I drooled a bit. "Come on. We have a usual table." He gestured for me to follow him and the other guys to a table in the back. The table could accommodate six people; Garrett and Dylan sat on one side while Nolan, Brody and I sat on the other. I vaguely wondered why I was always stuck between those two. Maybe they had a bet going on?

A woman in her fifties came up to us with a notepad and pen in hand. She had gray hair pulled back into a loose bun and an polka dotted apron. Close enough. She smiled widely at the boys and I.

"Hello, boys. How are you today?" They all answered fine, except for Nolan who practically shouted, "Starving!" The woman laughed then noticed me. "Oh, hello dear. I'm sorry, I didn't see you there." Well no wonder. I was stuck between two giant masses of meat.

"It's fine", I said, trying to get the boys to give me a little more elbow room. They moved aside just an inch. "I'm new in town. I'm Dani."

"It's a pleasure, Dani. My name is Mindy, or Minnie, and I'll be your waitress today. Take your time ordering. You want the usual, boys?" The boys agreed wholeheartedly, and Nolan added a side of poutine, whatever that was. "Someone's hungry today", Minnie commented as she wrote down his order.

"Dear Minnie, I am always hungry. But today is a day for celebration. Dani over here-" He put an arm over my shoulders. "Managed to beat Dylan at a soccer kick-off. So now Dyl owes us all lunch."

Minnie looked at me, looking impressed. "Is that so?" She looked at Dylan, as if to confirm whether or not this was true. Dylan nodded stiffly. "Well, that I suppose that is a call for celebration. Just don't burn a hole in his pocket, alright?" The boys all muttered a reluctant "Fine."

"So, what will you be having, dear?" I looked at the menu in front of me, advertising burgers and pizza and more of that poutine stuff. I really had no clue, and it didn't help that the boys were shouting suggestions to my ears.

"Um, I don't think I've ever had poutine. Could I get that please?" Minnie smiled at me and wrote down my order. She said she'd return in a bit, then headed towards the kitchen.

"You've never had poutine?", Garrett asked me in shock and disbelief, his mouth agape. I shook my head no. "You, my friend, have not lived until you've had it. Where have you been living? Under a rock?" Not quite, but close enough.

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