Chapter 26

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Sorry I'm a little behind schedule, you have to understand school is just ugh. And thanks for all the comments and the votes! Keep that up! It motivates me to write even when I dont feel like it. 

Also from last chapter the most loved Zac and I can see why! He's just so lovable. lol the brotherly sisterly duo are in here to put in a little humor. :) I got some great comments about Sage and apparently the oh-so- dreamy blaze. lol. 

Oh! and if you like werewolf stories check out mine, called Trusting the Alpha.


I give you everything you want everything you need
Even your friends say I'm a good woman
All I need to know is why?

Why don't you love me?
Tell me, baby, why don't you love me
When I make me so damn easy to love?

I got beauty, I got heart
Keep my head in them books, I'm sharp
But you don't care to know I'm smart

Artist: Beyonce

Song:Why Dont You Love Me?

Sage’s Pov.

Once we ordered breakfast we sat around in the living room and played games until it was about six and everything was ready to go. We sat at the big brown table by the downstairs kitchen. Of course I had the boys bring all the food down stairs. I sat up the feast on the table, and the table was set up previously by Zac, which I have to admit he did pretty well. We sat around the table, said prayer and dug in, if I do say so myself the food was delicious!

“So Lana do you know what I want for Christmas?” Zac asked, and Lana rolled her eyes before the comment even came out.

 “No Zac, what do you want?”

“Well I was going to ask Santa for you, but instead I think I want some of your mom’s Mexican food. Her spicy salsa or her fajitas. I’m up for it!”

Lana shook her head and replied, “Zac only you could think of more food, when we’re eating some delicious foods right now.”

“Oh yeah, forgot to say little one, I love the food its great!” Zac chuckled shooting a glance my way and then back to eyeing Lana.

“Vale yo haré eso por ti, estúpido.” Lana replied with a smile. All I know is she said something along the lines of ‘do it, for you, stupid.”

“So we’re exchanging gifts this year? Oh yeah! I’m too ready!” Aubrey clapped excited; honestly I was scared to see what she would get me. I mean lately she’s been insinuating things about me and Blaze’s non-existent love life, and I think she’s going to by me lingerie or something along those lines.

I wonder what Blaze would get me…. If he‘d get me anything I mean he is doing so much for me already. I didn’t know what to get him though. What could you get for someone who already has everything his heart’s desire? If I was going to get him something; which I was! It would have to be from the heart and kind of sentimental.

“Knowing Sage, she’ll try to get the perfect gifts for everyone.” Blaze joked, with a chuckle. And no one laughed they just stared at him like he grew another head.

“It’s been a while since Blaze has joked. And it wasn’t even like a dry, sarcastic, humor like usual.” Aubrey stated her mouth still wide open.

“Yeah, that was weird and yeah probably. That’s Sage for you, she always thinks about what you want.” Mark said, slowly turning his head from the now straight faced Blaze.

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