Chapter 38

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You know devils don't fly

So don't expect me not to fall
Devils don't fly
But God we almost had it all
But I got chains and you got wings,
You know that life ain't fair sometimes
Devils don't fly 
But I try.

Angels were never meant to fall
And you were the loveliest of all
If I thought God could fix it
I'd pray for your forgiveness
But I've been cast down, thrown out
When I crossed to the other side-Artist:Natalia Kills Song:Devil's Dont Fly

Blaze’s Pov.

I walked in smiling ready to see Sage and have her brighten my work-filled day, but I walked in on her frowning and everyone else quiet.

“I don’t think you thought this whole idea of yours through Blaze,” Mark paused and glanced at Sage. Zac was silent and this time I had no idea what was going through his head. “You didn’t think about Sage’s emotional state after this, or how we’d react to this.” He shouldn’t have brought this up, I knew what I was doing, but I wanted it to last as long as it could.

"Sage knows better than to fall in love with me Mark, she' smart." I replied, and for some reason this makes Sage burst into tears. I wasn’t the consoling type, and Sage was never one to cry, but in that moment I wanted to hold her, tell her that I’m sorry for what I did.

"No I'm not smart! Obviously I'm the stupidest person you know!" She yelled at me. I was taken aback but all I could do was stare at her.

"Sage what are-" I began, I didn’t want her to say it, I didn’t want us to lose what we had going so soon.

"I'm an idiot and I know it. You told me that you picked me because I was smart. Smart enough not to fall in love with an arrogant, stoic, but deep down loving guy like you, but you were wrong Blaze. And at first I thought that maybe I'd be angry at you, and that you were the stupid one for being so lovable, but I realize that I'm the dumb one for doing exactly what you told me not to, for doing the most stupid thing I've ever done; which is fall in love with you. I'm so sorry."

I saw the tears run down her face, reminding me of what I just done; I just broke a girl that was perfectly fine. I didn’t know how to deal with this. She ran into our room and slammed the door shut.

I knocked on the door. “We have to talk Sage. You don’t mean that. I uh have to go pick up some things but when I come back we have to discuss it.” I wanted her to take it back, I wanted her to come out and say it was just a joke. I didn’t know how to handle someone other than my grandma loving me. How could she love me after all I did and said?

I left the house to go bring back her favorite ice cream and finish up some business I had with Cory’s hospital bills. When I got home, the house was unusually quiet and dark. I flipped on the light and walked towards the bedroom. I knocked and heard my Grams say “Come in.”

“Grams?” I questioned looking around the room, not seeing Sage or any trace of her. “What’s going on?”

I wasn’t prepared for the look my grandmother gave me. She glared up at me and said “You’re an idiot.” My mouth gapped open like a fish.

“What?” I asked not believing my ears.

“You heard me. I don’t care that it wasn’t real at first, that girl loved you.” Then she walked out of my room and condo without another word. It was unlike my Grams to not lecture me or tell me what to do. I looked back at the bed and saw a letter, on a simple sheet of paper in Sage’s big girly handwriting. I could see some still fresh wet spots and ink smears from when she cried. It only took me that far to see that she had left, that she was finally done.

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