Chapter 10

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Have you ever gotten that feeling in your gut where you just know that something is not about to go your way and you have no way of fixing it because you are already neck deep in trouble and no one is there to save you? If you still can't relate, how about when you have studied your ass off for a test and when you get the scores back you find that you did horrible on that test anyway? You know how it feels like you could throw your heart up at that moment. Well at this moment I could not feel any different.

"Go! Go! Go! Go!" The drunk teenagers in this room were yelling right now. We were all crowded around a table with two turtles racing each other, one being mine and the other being Blake's. Can you imagine my surprise when as soon as mine got close to the finish line, Mr. Fillers, as I named him, decided he was tired and needed a rest. All the while Squeaky, as Blake stupidly made his named, was just about to win Blake the bet.

"No no no no! Come on Mr. Fillers you can't do this to me. Come on I thought we were friends. I was routing for you." I scream at him trying to get him awake and to move. At the same time Squeaky had just finished making Blake McCormack the winner.

Wait a second... You don't know the whole story, let me go back.


Seventeen years ago

"push, push, push. Just one more you're almost there" The room is filled with the crying of a baby finally.

"congratulations it's a girl" The doctor says as she hands me to my mother.

Wait a second, way too far. We need to go back to two hours ago.

Two hours ago

We pulled up to the house that the twins party was being thrown at, which is obviously their house. As Blake, Jenny, and I walked through the door, we see idiots doing idiotic things. Those things consited of a kid named Bradly sliding down the railing of the twin's massive staircase, some kids playing a game of strip poker, and I even saw a turtle race going on I think. Once we were in the house, Jenny went off to find a guy for the night. Blake started looking around, still with me though, and I made a beeline for the kitchen with Blake in tow.

When we got there, I wish I hadn't. There was a couple completely doing it on the counter. It was honestly a sight to see. I didn't know either of them, but apparently Blake did.

"Damn Jason is that you?" Blake asked the guy. I guess he wasn't too into the girl he was currently banging on the now non-sanitary counter, figuratively not literally. I say this because he immediately he perked his head up at the sound of his name being called.

"Blake is that you? Man I haven't seen you in what six months?"

"About so. I didn't know you moved out here. I thought you were in New York?"

"Well i was but then mom missed her family so we moved here because it's a whole lot closer to them than before you know. We just moved back the other day and I heard about this party so I came here."

"Well man we gotta catch up." At that point I had already downed three shot glasses of vodka with this guy that was sitting next to me at the bar thingy in the kitchen. I like my alcohol as you can tell. I'm also definitely not a light weight.

"Oh yeah Jason this is Lexie and Lexie this is Jason. He's my best friend since way back when. We lost touch for a while. And Jason this is one of Jenny's friends shes cool."

"Well hello gorgeous" Jason says suggestively. Whats with guys and always trying to suggest sex all the time.

"Yeah no. Wanna do some shots though?" I ask him already knowing that Blake isn't doing any.

"Of course." This is how I found out

he would be attending our school on Monday morning.


After a few shots and dancing with random people later, I decided to go sit down on a chair to catch my breath. About ten minutes later, Blake comes and asks me to dance. I agree and we start dancing.

I don't know if there was something in the drinks, if we were just really into the music, or if someone compelled us into doing it but somehow my lips ended up on Blake's. Now I don't want anyone to go assuming things, no I am not a slut if you're going to start shaming. Just don't. Blake's lips started making their way down to my neck, so I pulled back and smirked.

"Only people that deserve it get to leave their mark on me." I said with a laugh.

"Fine then how about a bet?" He asks.

"A bet? What kind of bet?"

"A turtle race. If my turtle reaches to the end of the finish line before yours, then I get to declare you mine for the night. If yours reaches the end then you get to punch me." He says. He probably thinks that I'm a sucky puncher because I'm 'a girl' whatever. I stupidly agree.

I knew it was a 50/50 chance of me winning. What I didn't know was that Blake's turtle would be on figurative crack.


Yayayayayayayayay updated! And also thank you so much for 3k reads!! You don't understand how happy this makes me.

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The Nerd's secret (completed) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora