Chapter 13

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"If I tell you this you have to promise to not tell a single soul anything about this." I nodded as a silent promise not to. "I don't even know why I'm telling you this. Something about you just makes me want to open up and spill everything out to you and I don't even really know you. Other than the fact that you are really good in school, your name is Alex and your best friends name is too but no one really knows how you two are so close either. That's really the only things I know about you. But somehow I want to tell you my life story."

I'm honestly stunned that he feels that way.

"Alright so here it goes. When I was born I was a twin. I had a twin sister. Her name was Bailey. She was my everything. She was perfect and I was very protective of her. No one hurt my baby sister without having to deal with me. We were so close. At age eight these dumb kids on the playground started to make fun of her and I wasn't going to let it happen so I stopped it. They quit for a while. Then later on people started to do it again and I got them to stop again. This happened quite a few times up until around our thirteenth birthday. I don't know why anyone would bully her. She was perfect to me. When we turned thirteen, somehow it stopped. She quit telling me that kids were bullying her and she acted completely fine. I researched into it a little and couldn't find anything happening. If only I would've dug a little deeper. Just a little and life could be so much better right now.

"For years I heard nothing of her getting bullied. I was happy. She acted happy. That was until about a year and a half ago we were fifteen almost sixteen. It was a Sunday. I had just come home from a friend's house and Bailey was supposed to be at hers just like every weekend. Instead later on that afternoon, we get a phone call from the hospital saying that they were sorry and that she was there. Bailey was found passed out in an old shed of one of neighbors.  She overdosed on pills on purpose. There were three letters lying next to her. One for me, one for my mom, and one for my dad. We all got one.

"In it included the reason for doing what she did. Turns out she had been getting bullied even when she had told me she wasn't and she said she couldn't take it anymore. She had kept it so quiet. Everyone had. She never included any names in the letter but I found them. It took time but I took every one of them down. The guys I beat to a pulp and for the girls I didn't do anything physically but I ruined their reputation. I then got evidence and took it to our principle and they were all suspended some expelled and this would be on their record for life. Now when they go to get a job or apply to college, people will see this.  They ruined my sister's life so I ruined theirs." Blake looked up at me and I saw he had been crying. I felt my cheeks and saw I too was crying. I didn't know what to do so I just hugged him. We sat there until the warning bell rang telling us we had five minutes before the start of school. We had only been sitting there for fifteen minutes but it felt like I had been with him through all of that now.

"I'm sorry I'm so soo sorry" was all I said

"I'm alright. Thank you for being so easy to talk to and I know you probably didn't want to hear that but it really felt good to get that off of my chest." He says as we both wipe our faces clean of any past tears and stand up reluctantly ready to go to class.

As we walked into our first period math class, people already sitting in there congratulated Blake for standing up to Lyndsey. Some of the jock guys said things about the hickeys that he made no attempt to even cover up this morning. They asked serious of questions like where'd he get it, who he got it from, and they made comments that they were awesome and looked like he had a bunch of fun. Let me tell you I had a bunch of fun giving them I hope he had fun getting them. Blake never gave straight answers about them though.

Lyndsey wasn't in there even though there was one minute before class. When she did walk in though, all eyes were trained on her and I as she slowly made her way into class. Slowly must I repeat? She was glaring at me too. In her usual seat at the back she sat and I could feel her eyes burning holes in the back of my head. 


School that day was crazy. People were coming up to me and talking like we were friends. Like no honey we're not friends. Remember when you helped Lyndsey and also thought I was revolting? I didn't say that though. I just smiled and kind of kept to myself.

Some people weren't nice to me. Well weren't behind my back. They were what you and I would call jealous. I could hear those girls asking why I had two hot guys being my friend and why do they stay my friends? I honestly couldn't tell them why. 

When lunch time rolled around, I was excited to finally sit alone. After getting my food I went and sat down at my usual table. Alex was already there waiting for me. Uh oh that can never be good. He never gets in here early enough to have his food and already be sitting. When I got to the table I was bombarded with questions of what happened. I explained everything to him. I told him about how Blake and I were partnered up and how he's Jenny's cousin. How he went to the party with us and that he felt the need to stick up for me considering he thought of me as a friend. What I didn't tell him though is about the hickey situation and about bailey. I could never tell him about either of those things. Alex did say something though about those though. More of to himself though.

As soon as I thought we were done with talking about Blake, He himself strolled over to our table and asked if he could sit with us. We both of course said yes.

The two guys talked and I kind of zoned out until I heard Alex ask something that made my head pop up.

"Hey those look nice. Where did you get those? Was it the party?" Alex asked referring to Blake's neck. 'Please don't tell him please don't tell him' I chanted over and over in my head.

Blake did though. The whole thing. "Yeah from the party. It was nice."

"Who did you get them from? Do I know her? If not I think I want to meet her." Alex said and they both laughed. Um yes you know her she's sitting right next to you and is your best friend. Please stop talking about it. I wish I could've said that but I didn't. I guess Blake forgot that Alex was friends with Lexie too because the next thing that popped out of him mouth surprised Alex. A lot.

"Her name was Lexie, she's a friend of my cousin's. I think I actually kind of like her." Alex at the time was drinking, when he heard this he spit his drink out at me on accident and it gets all over me. Alex just looks at me for a while, looks at my scarf and a look of understanding crosses over on his face. I make a pleading look of don't say anything and I guess he understood because all he said was awesome and then they changed the subject.

Blake and I decided to meet up at his house later on that day.


Thanks so much for all of the great feedback! Also sorry if this is really long.




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