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I had a Life Science test tomorrow and as usual, I'd waited until the very last minute to study for it. It wasn't wise of me to do this, since I was terrible at the subject and I found the topic that we had covered the past week to be mind-fuckingly boring. I hadn't listened in class either.

I'd spent the entire afternoon going through my notes, trying to cram as much information into my brain in the short span of time that I had left until tomorrow. Manda always chastised me for sabotaging myself like this, but I never did it on purpose.

I was up in my room with my favourite mix of alternative songs playing in the background as I sat at my desk, highlighting random sentences and taking half-assed notes. I could already tell that this test was going to fuck me sideways but Papa hadn't raised a quitter.

By 21:00, my brain was ready to explode, but I still had a bit of a ways to go. I checked my phone for notifications for the first time since I got home. As soon as I put the device off of flight mode, I saw that I had a few missed calls from my dad.

Dad💛: I've been calling but your phone is not ringing. I wanted to tell you that I'll be coming home late tonight. I know I promised I'd be home early today but something came up. There are leftovers in the fridge. Love you.

I sighed. I was kind of looking forward to watching Suits with him when he came home tonight but I'd just have to suck it up.

Baby Daughter👨‍👧: ok thanks for letting me know. Love u too.

I headed downstairs and reheated the lasagne we'd eaten last night while I scrolled through my Instagram feed. An unknown number popped up in my Whatsapp notifications:

+27579479502: hey

+27579479502: it's Collin

At that exact moment Manda's name popped up:

Manda🖤: btw I gave Collin your number. You need to get to know him better. Give him a chance.🤗

Pait👑💛: you insufferable bitch

Manda🖤: love ya

I sighed again.

Paiten Hearth: hey Collin 🙂

Collin Mentjies: hud?

I cringed at the use of the text slang.

Paiten Hearth: i'm good, how about you?

Collin Mentjies: i'm grand. wud?

Paiten Hearth: study break.

Collin Mentjies: word? what u studying for?

Paiten Hearth: life sciences

Collin Mentjies: I already know you're gonna kill that test, you a smart girl 🌸🔥

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