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"We're having another braai in Irene this weekend," Rob says to me while we're video chatting.

"What's the occasion?"

"Just a get together. It's been a while since we've seen each other as a family so we have to fix that," Rob said with a chuckle.

It was well past 23:00 and although we were both extremely exhausted, we wanted to talk before bed. The past week had been hectic for the both of us and we hadn't had much time to talk.

"Would you like to accompany me?" he asked and ran a hand through his perfect locks.

"I'd like that very much," I said.

I'd enjoyed my time with Rob's family when we last went in January. They were a kind and easy-going bunch of people.

The only thing that had had stood out was how stand offish Paiten had acted, but I supposed it had more to do with how uncomfortable she was with me. Her dad had just introduced me to her and she had little time to adjust.

Paiten and I had moved past the awkwardness of the first few weeks. I sensed that she was more comfortable around me these days.

Whenever I came over to visit, she'd talk to me instead of ignoring my existence. I was glad she no longer saw me as a threat because she was quite a delightful girl.

"I'll pick you up at your place at 11:00 on Saturday," Robert said.

"Great," I replied.

"Goodnight Anna."

"Goodnight Rob," I cooed and pouted my lips at him.

He chuckled and ended the call.

I plugged my phone in on the charger and laid on my back to stare at the ceiling. I'd never imagined my life would've ended up the way that it had a few years back.

Being with a man like Robert was one of my wildest dreams come true; he was patient, kind, smart and distinguished.

We'd met through a mutual friend and after a few dates together, it was hard to deny the obvious chemistry that we had.

At first, I'd kept on waiting for him to up and leave like so many others in my life had done. I waited for him to get tired of me, or for his perfect persona to melt away and reveal the true monster he was hiding but none of that happened.

The man was literally perfect and I was smitten for him. He was the kind of man every little girl had dreamed about when the envisioned what Prince Charming would be like.

I hoped that I could be with him for as long as time permitted because I really liked him.

But when I woke up the next morning, my mind kept on taunting me, because if I really liked Rob as much as I claimed I did, then why had I dreamed about his devastatingly gorgeous daughter instead?

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