Chapter 20: Khushi

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19th January

Khushi ran her hands over the sari, enjoying the way the soft fabric slipped through her fingers. It was a magnificent creation, entirely sunshine yellow except for the pallu, which was a bright, rich red with a border of silver, gold, and black thread. Bright blue gems were studded throughout.

Everyone was here, his entire family and hers too, because Anjali-ji had decided that they'd all shop for the wedding together and take advantage of the Raizada discount. Bua-ji and Jiji sat on a couch with Nani-ji, picking out a bridal outfit for her, while Anjali-ji and Nanhe-ji looked at sherwanis for him. Mami-ji was looking at something with Aakash-ji, while Mama-ji shook his head. Khushi sat with her mother on one of the couches.

She glanced at Arnav-ji. He was on the other side of the living room, a file spread across his lap and his phone in his hands. Somehow sensing that she was looking, he glanced up and gave her a small smile that went unnoticed in the chaos that surrounded them.

Khushi pulled another sari into her lap from the pile that sat on the table in front of her. This one was navy blue, with a threaded border worked in two shades of gold, and crystals embedded randomly along its length.

Her eyes shot to Arnav-ji as he coughed. He shook his head slightly.

Khushi glanced at her mother, but Amma was distracted, now helping Jiji with her selections. No one else was paying attention to her. Trying to look casual, she hovered her hand over a purple sari, and he gave another shake of his head. He rejected the pink one as well. She worked her way through all of them. He said no to the orange one, but yes to the emerald-green and peacock-blue, then no again to a red and black one. Finally, she'd narrowed her choices to three: the yellow and red one she'd favored at first, and two blue ones.

Arnav-ji reached for the jug of water on the table next to him and poured himself a glass. Khushi noticed the piece of paper that fell from his hand and onto the table.

"Amma, do you want some water?" she asked.

Amma glanced at her before distractedly saying yes. Khushi walked over, avoiding his eyes in case someone was watching, and slowly poured her mother a glass of water. She spilled some on purpose and reached for napkins to mop it up, gathering the note in her hand with the same motion.

Khushi handed Amma the water before sitting back down. She glanced around to make sure no one was watching and quickly unfolded the note.

I want to see you in the yellow one.

She folded it back up and put it inside her bag, hoping that no one could see her blush. When she looked up, Arnav-ji was watching her, a smile playing on his lips. She gave a quick nod when he raised an eyebrow at her. She was getting the yellow and red one.

"Chhote, come and pick what you'll wear."

Finished talking with Nanhe-ji about his selections, Anjali-ji turned her attention to her brother. Khushi watched out of the corner of her eye as Anjali-ji sat next to him with a catalogue.

"Di, I'll wear a suit like I always do," he gestured dismissively at the catalogue, "You know I don't wear these things."

"But Chhote, it's for Aakash's wedding."

"Aakash won't care what I'm wearing, Di. Look, I'll prove it to you. Aakash!" he raised his voice so it carried to the dining room, where Aakash-ji had been exiled so he couldn't see Jiji's outfit, "do you care what I wear to your wedding?"

All conversations ceased as everyone looked at Aakash-ji, who gave a bewildered shrug. Arnav-ji turned to his sister, victorious.


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