Step 8: Know Thy Enemy

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This chapter title is pretty accurate so on that note...


Oh school, how I despise the.

I stood up.

"Can I borrow your journal from Friday?" I asked Kevin.

"I don't even know where it's at."

Well someone's annoyed.

"Hondo can I borrow yours because he's being a jerk." I asked.

"She has them."


"See I told you I didn't know." Kevin said.

I walked over to the table of journals.

Kevin started tugging at yellow ones.

His journal was yellow.

Kevin found his and took it.

I sighed.

"Can I use it?" I asked again.

"After I write today's."

I whined.

Geez Selena you sure are mature!

"Please like-"

I stood over him and wrote it down.

"What- is that cont- count? Oh counties!"

Yeah this boy had that bad of handwriting.

He told me the question.

Then I wrote down his answer.

"Thanks." I smiled.

I absentmindedly touched my hair.

Oh like no one has ever slightly worried about their hair while in from of your crush?

Thank you. 👌

"Oh I'm stole standing." I said awkwardly and sat down.

I gaped.

"You-You're wearing pants." I said in shock.

Self control...

Holy hell he looked hot!

I've seen nothing but short on him in my 14 years of life (dress pants not included) and seeing him wear jeans was...oh sweet Jesus.

Okay stop looking down Selena.

Jesus Christ.

"Yeah. My mom made me."

I giggled.

"Your mommy still dresses you?" I teased.

He laughed.

"No like she was all here's 4 pairs of pants and you're going to wear them and I was like no girl and she was like yes girl and I was like fine girl." he laughed.

I rolled my eyes at him saying girl like 5 times.

"Hey um, do you watch Switched at Birth?" he asked.

"Oh my god yes!!" I squealed.

"Yeah well that's one of the guys my sister got a picture with." He nodded.

"I knew that guy looked familiar! I stared at the picture for like ten minutes trying to figure it out and I finally figured it out! He plays Ty on Switched at Birth."

Kevin posted a picture of that guy and his sister.

His sister is like a model and freaking beautiful. Seriously their parents make attractive kids!

"Yeah that's him. I told you she knew all the famous people."

"I never disbelieved you." I shook my head.

I frowned at the fact he thought I didn't believe him...

"It you wouldn't know he was in that show its a 'chick show'" I said, quoting his words from earlier last week.

"Yeah that was in LA this weekend." he nodded.

"Okay! Test on our counties!" Ms. A announced.

"What?! You never told me I had to study from Friday!" I screeched.

I was gone friday.

She smiled smugly at me.

Yup, I believe you mothered your bitchy daughter.

"I didn't have time to study! I was in Denver." Kevin groaned.

"You were in a car for hours. you could've studied." Ms. A nodded.

"That's like 4 hours like that's not enough time."

I laughed. Four hours was too much time to study not not enough.

"It takes you four hours it takes me like one and a half." Austin piped up.

"Well whatever." Kevin laughed.

"I was in Denver for the wiener festival."

I burst out laughing at him.

"The what?"

"Wiener festival. It's a festival for wiener dogs."

I bit my lip, trying not to laugh, but it wasn't working.

"You have a wiener dog?" I giggled.

"Yeah she's like cutest dog ever. she's my girlfriend." he smiled at me.

Lucky bitch.

Haha get it?

Well I thought it was funny. Hahahahahahahahaha.

"Your girlfriend?"

"Yeah. I tell her she's my girlfriend."

I giggled.

"How cute." I held back the urge to ruffle his hair. if his hair wasn't gelled down them maybe.

"What's with guys and wiener dogs?" I asked.

"I don't know. they're cool. Dylan has one."

Oh come on guys you're asking for me to tease you.

I looked up from Kevin and I's conversation.

"Oh do we start?" I asked.

She nodded.

Oh damn it Kevin see what you do! distracting people!

"Dude what the f*ck she never told us there was gunna be a test." Kevin swore.

"No one wants to hear your complaints." she announced to the class.

"No one wants to take your test." I mumbled under my breath.

For a second I thought she heard me.

"No one wants to take your dumbass test." Kevin groaned to me.

I smiled. "I just said that."

His lips tugged upward in amusement.

She handed us the papers.

Being the idiot I am, I put random names off the board on random places of the map.

You were supposed to name the ones you knew.

Blonde moment Selena.

Kevin, being the same dumbass I am, copied mine.

Idiots do alike I guess?

We reviewed it.

I proudly got 3 right, including the county I live in.

"You know football season starts Thursday." Kevin piped up to me.

"Really? who plays?!"

"Denver and Ravens since the Ravens won the Super Bowl last year."

I nodded.

"When do we play?"

"Steelers play Sunday."

"Great." I smiled.

"I wonder when collage starts?" I asked.

"I don't know."

"I like collage better."

"I like NFL better."

"Why? They just play for money." I shrugged.

"And collage people aren't afraid to hit anyone." I pointed out

"Well they at good in collage to get drafted into the NfL to play for money." he chuckled.

"And they're not afraid to hit anyone. like I've played football for 8 years and if you put me out there with them I'd be scared as shit because they hit hard."

"They scare the hell outta you." I laughed.

"Dude yeah."

"Well I still like collage better."

"What team are you?" he looked at me.

"Roll tide."


I facepalmed.


"Roll tide Alabama?"

I giggled and shook my head.

"Alabama. Usually when you say you like roll tide it means Alabama."

And I was a girl like come on bro! work with me!

"Oh. I wanna go to collage there."

I dropped my pen.

"What?" I looked at him, making sure I heard him correctly.

"I wanna go to collage in Alabama. Remember those scouts watching me? they're trying to get me into Alabama. if not there Tennessee. Standford too but I don't wanna go there."

My jaw dropped.

"I'm from Alabama. Note, its hot."

"I know I've been there."

"Where to?"

He named a few places in northern Alabama.

Couple things:
1) the heat is worse the lower you go, he's in for a surprise.
2) he should at least know the damn team logo!
3) Holy shit.

But sad thing is, I wanted to go to school in Oregon, or at Harvord.

But you can still apply to Alabama...God Selena go back to human mode.

"If your from there where's your accent?" He asked

"Grew out of it." I shrugged.

He nodded

"Southern accents are sexy."

Jesus Christ of course you would say that!

"Hmm." I nodded.

Awkward moment when you miss that annoying accent you had when you were five.

"Everyone working?" Ms. A called.

"Suck my d*ck." Kevin mumbled.

I covered my mouth to silence my laugh.

"Sorry." Kevin smiled at me.

"It's okay. I have a brother bro."

"How old is he?"

"Eight but that's old enough."

"Hmm. I'd never e friends with your family." he said playfully.

"Your family is already friends with my family." I rolled my eye and shoved him playfully.

God he's fit.

Not intimate family though thank god by the way.

Soon he started singing Kelly Clarkson.

Which sent me into a fit of giggles.

"Today's Dylan's birthday." I told him.


"Well why aren't you sitting with him?"

"Because we're not best friends."

"Yeah you are." I rolled my eyes at his lying.

"No really. he's changed. we barley talk and hang out."

"Dude. my best friend and I barley talk or see each other in months. you are fine." I said, talking about Scar.

I need I talk to Scar.

"That's because she moved!" he snapped.

I suddenly saw a glimpse of a Kevin I've never seen. heartbroken.

"We live right next to each other." he shook his head.

My heart ached for him.

I desperately wanted to hug his side but I resisted.

"My dad's my only real friend."

I gulped.

"What about Austin or Jason?" I asked.

"Nope." he shook his head.

"I'm sorry. that bites dude."

"Yeah." he nodded, before paying attention to Dylan who is walking over.

I gulped.

I don't think I've ever related to him more.


I so did not mean to say this.

"You say girl a lot. like kevin." A girl told me.

"Yeah I'm by him a lot. you pick it up. but I don't do it as often as him."

"Sounds gay." Audrey laughed.

"No. he does it in like a childish teasing cute kinda way."

Audrey and the girl looked at me.

"No! not like that! like a cute as in adorable ugh! like um cute as in a playful-" I crossed my arms and huffed. There was no way to fix that.

The bell rang.

I stormed out of there.

No I didn't call Kevin cute.

I called what he says cute.

Ugh there's no difference!

Nice going Selena!

Enemies with Benefits: Freshman in TrainingNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ