Step 10: French Vanilla Iced Coffee

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I literally fell in my seat as Ms. A started our notes.

But as she says, she won't be doing the work for us.

Which in our words is, I'm not helping you.

"Jesus." I mumbled.

"Jesus Christ." Kevin said after me.

I looked over to him slightly.

I just said that...again.

Ms. A forgot something and walked over to her desk.

"God I'm so stressed out." Kevin groaned.

"We all are." I replied simply.

"I know but I have drivers Ed and I'm like failing math and then all our teachers think we don't have other homework to do and it's like no we have a lot of shit to do."

"They don't care." I crossed my arms over my stomach.

"I know! I mean I'm so stressed about math! Do you know what it's like to think about something all the time?"

I gulped and nodded.

Besides One Direction, he was always on my mind...always.
Even when I didn't want him to be.

(Prayers for those who died and served for 9/11)

A hand hit my shoulder.

I turned to the culprit.

Kevin Brooks everybody.

I turned back. Don't add fire to the fuel Selena.

His hand hit my shoulder again.

When I turned to him he had a look that made you want to hit him back, which was exactly what he wanted and exactly what I did.

He hit my leg.

I shoved his shoulder.

He hit my shoulder.

I groaned and used all my might with one hand to shove him practically off his chair.

He chuckled and left me alone.

"What not in a good mood or what?" he asked.

"I'm in pain." I winced.

"What? like mental pain or-?"

I looked at him like he was crazy.

"Physical duh."

"Oh...what happened?" he looked at me.

"Like you care." I rolled my eyes and went back to my journal.

"Yeah I really do just tell me."


"Why not?"

"It's stupid and you'll laugh at me." I crossed my arms.

Hell I'd laugh at me. if I wasn't the one to get hurt.

"I promise like swear to god I won't."

I sighed and stuck out my pinky.

"Pinky swear?"

"Well I usually don't keep my pinky swears but I will so tell me." he wrapped his pinky around mine.

His hand was...cold.

Where are those stereotypical sparks that I used to feel in fourth grade?
Well I guess no one's crush last forever.

I think you pass the crush phase.
Then there's the phase where they just genuinely make or break your day.

That's what phase I'm in.

For him I'm probably just another girl.

I snapped out of my thoughts and into brown eyes.

Oh yeah!

"I um...fell off my bed." I mumbled.

"Ouch. sounds like it hurts."

"It does."" I nodded.

My bruised leg was killing me!
Even worse that it's an internal bruise so I have no idea where it is.

We concentrated on our work, even though my mind wasn't on school...


I walked into class in a good mood.

I was in a mood because tonight was the showing of Denver on the X-Factor.

I don't know what I'm more excited for, seeing all the people I met on TV or seeing myself in those crowd shots!

Mark "Be on TV" off my bucket list!

I sat quietly at my desk and started writing.

For a second there I thought it would be a boring day...for a second there.

"Selena." Kevin started singing.

I turned to him with a smile and focused back on my work.

"Oh yeah you're pissed off at me. and I'm pissed off at you." he said.

I turned to him in confusion.

"Because you kicked the shit outta me when I tapped your chair in math yesterday. You like broke my shin girl like right in half."

I laughed.

"Shut up. don't be a girl I didn't kick you that hard."

He smiled.

"So Dylan and I went to McDonalds and got a 32oz French Vanilla Iced Coffes. And we drank them. and they were like almost black like no cream. And in Drivers Ed I was all jittery and shaking and Dylan had the shits."

I laughed.

"Dylan what?"

"He had the shits." he chuckled. "But now that I'm laughing at him I'll probably get like that."

I scooted my chair away.

He moved closer an smiled at me.

I laughed and rolled my eyes.

One thing I thought of was when he said French Vanilla Iced Coffee is Maple Lattes. That because in the song Treacherous by Taylor Swift.
And this thing Kevin and I have is so treacherous.

"Get a book." ms. A said.

I got up and grabbed the last book and went to sit down.

"Yeah just don't get me one." Kevin retorted.

"There was no more."

He got up.

Well fine then for believe me.

"Ms! there's no more books."

"You'll just have to share with Selena."

"Perfect." I sighed.

Kevin sat next to me and grabbed the book.

He covered it with his arm, chuckling.

I laughed and put my hands on his bicep -by coincidence- and pulled.

He chucked at me and flexed his arm.

Oh dear god I just felt Kevin Brooks flex his arm.

I think I just died.

"Don't get cocky." I shoved his arm.

He smiled and let me see the book equally.

That lasted for two minutes though.

He turned the book to him.

I moved over and read over his shoulder.

What I noticed right away was that our face was inches apart.

God Selena don't look up. God we were kissing distance! I think I'm going to pee myself.

Once we stopped reading aloud, I backed up.

Jesus Sel make it obvious!

"My dad graduated that year." Kevin whispered to me.
Well as well as that deep of a voice gets.


He pointed to the date 1984.

"My dad graduated that year." he whispered.

My first thought: Damn your parents are old.

"Oh." I nodded.

"Cam move with Alina." Ms. A said.

"Oh busted finally for talking."

I couldn't help but giggle. I never liked Alina.

"What's happening?" Kevin asked.

"Alina and Jayla were talking so she moved Alina." I explained.

"Oh. Hey Ms! you know...Selena and I talk a lot."

She eyed me.

I turned to Kevin with wide eyes.

"No we don't!"

"Yeah we do." he nodded to Ms. A. She nodded and turned away.

"No we don't! You're going to get me in trouble!" I hissed.

This dawned him.


"Why'd you say that?!"

"I wanted to be moved." he smiled.

I slumped back in my seat.

"Then why don't you move?" I said, looking down.


"Then why don't you just ask her to move?! You probably got me in trouble." I hissed.

Maybe I was just being sensitive, but it hurt me. if he didn't want to be by me, he can sit on the damn floor on the other side of the room.

"No, Selena it's not you I swear it's just how I am with everybody I-"

"I get it." I interrupted him.

I brushed my bangs back and looked down.

"No Selena it's not you and I really didn't mean to get you in trouble. I- I'll go talk to her after class okay? Let her know I was just kidding...I don't want you in trouble."

Damn he really attempted to fix this I'll give him that.

"Okay." I nodded.

He never did it. I guess it doesn't matter though; I didn't believe him anyways.

(Bonus Section)

I love Mock Trial.

We're the best group of teenage girls there is.

Oh yeah and Frank. but that is kinda the same thing haha.

"You can't sing." Mr. Smith shook his head.

"I promise you I can!" I groaned.

"Sing for us. Sing Twinkle Twinkle little Star."

"I can't sing that I haven't practiced it with my voice range."

"Sing a One Direction song." Ashe suggested.

Ashe was such a nice person I just loved her.

"I can't sing all of their voice range."

Well I can sing Paramore...and Miley Cyrus.

Lets go with Still Into You.

"Okay I'm just going to stand in the corner and sing so I can't see your faces." I announced.

"That's alright." Mr. Smith nodded.

There was only three people but still, I had that bad of stage fright.

I sang a main chorus line.

I turned around.

Mr. Smith had a smile on his face.

"Wow. I'm really impressed! I had no idea you could sing like that!"

I smiled.

"You were good...but-"

"Don't ruin it!" I interrupted.

"Yeah Frank she did good just leave it." Ashe said.

"I was just going to say you need to work on your range." Frank said.

"Well I was nervous do you expect me to be perfect?" I laughed nervously.

I smiled.

I had impressed Mr. Smith so I was happy.

Nothing is better than proving yourself(:


So yeah.

I just finished watching X-Factor and whoo man I saw a hot guy lol

He's 19 though darn it!

Speaking of that, Happy Birthday Niall James Horan!

I can't believe the guy that still says 'turdy seven' is twenty like OMG I'm dying.

Happy birthday Niall so yeah let's hope I have a Good Friday the 13th Might have a new chapter?

Haha later guys xx

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