Chapter 14

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"Jared," Tommy said as he knocked on the door again. "I'm sorry to interrupt y'all, but I need to talk to you about something."

Jared turned and looked at Tommy where he stood in the doorway, his expression serious for once instead of jovial and joking.

"What's up, Tommy?"

"It's about Alpha Jordan-" he began.

"Schmuck," Angel muttered under her breath, causing Jared to look at her quizzically. She just shook her head at the question in his eye.

"You caught that too?" Tommy asked her.

"Caught what?" Jared asked as he looked back and forth between his brother and his mate.

Angel looked up at him as he stood beside her, one arm wrapped around his waist before glancing back at Tommy. Sighing, she nodded her head and looked down at the ground. "Let's head to your office, and have a sit down."

Jared laced his fingers with hers and tugged her down the hallway, Tommy following behind them. Once they reached the office, Jared released Angel's hand and took his seat behind his desk, accidentally bumping the computer mouse and waking the screen up. He glanced at the computer screen, noticing a flashing email icon as he adjusted himself in the seat before motioning towards Angel and pulling her into his lap when she came near.

"What's that?" Angel asked, nodding towards the screen when she also noticed the flashing icon.

"I don't know," Jared said as he clasped his hands as they were encircled around her. "Probably spam. I'll check it later."

"Go ahead and check it now. We'll wait."

Jared glanced at Tommy, quirking an eyebrow in his brother's direction, asking if he minded with a single look. Tommy nodded and Jared reached one hand for the mouse to click on the icon to open the email program. He frowned as he realized the email wasn't spam, but a messege from another alpha.

"What is it?" Angel asked as she noticed the furrow his frown caused between his eyes.

"It's an email from an Alpha in California," Jared told her as he clicked on the new email and opened it.

"Why would an Alpha from California be writing you, " Tommy asked, walking over to read over Jared's shoulder.






Dear Alpha,

I am writing you in regards to an email you sent out to an acquaintance about an unknown shifter you recently came in contact with. They didn't have any idea who the girl was, but forwarded the email on, thinking someone else might be able to identify the young lady. I received the email and was shocked when I opened it.

A little over eighteen and a half years ago, I met my mate, Rebecca. She was a beautiful young thing, with blond hair, ice blue eyes, and a smile that could melt your heart. We both recognized each other, and made plans to marry once she turned eighteen. We did, however, go ahead and complete the mating bond.

Her younger brother was not pleased with this because she was in line to become Alpha, and unless she renounced the title, it would merge our two packs. She did not step down, and he tried to convince her father our arrangement would not work and wanted him to make him the pack heir. Their father did not comply with his son's wishes.

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