Chapter 26

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  'Angel, we need you and your parents to come up here,' Tommy linked to her as they waited with her mother's pack. 'Robert's gone.'


  "What's wrong, Little One?" Jared asked at her outburst.

  "We need to get to Robert's office," she said as she made eye contact with her parents. Turning, she caught sight of the old man guarding Robert's beta, and asked him to lead them to it. She grabbed the bound man by the scruff of his neck and forced him to walk in front of her. "Come on, tiny. You're with us. You just might be useful."

  The whole group decided to follow in the wake of all the powerful alphas, and soon a line was trekking up the stairs. The three alpha couples walked into the office to find the two betas and the enforcer waiting for them.

  "Rebecca," Connor began. "Do you have any idea where your brother could have gone? We searched this entire room, and there's no hidden alcoves or niches he could have hidden in. We figured since this used to be your pack house, you might know someplace we didn't think of."

  "I haven't been in here in over eighteen years, boys. I have no idea where to even begin searching for a hidey-hole," Rebecca said as she glanced around the room. "Did you check the closet over there?"

  Tommy sighed and nodded his head. "That's the first place we looked."

  Angel glanced in the direction of the closet door, a frown marring her face. Something about it seemed off to her. She looked at Jared, trying to see if he noticed it too, but he was too busy testing a bookcase.

  "Declan," she said, getting the man's attention. When he glanced her way, she shoved Robert's beta, Max, in his direction. "Hold him for a second, please."

  She slowly made her way to the open closet door and peered in. She studied the walls, and moved the few articles of clothing around. Then she stomped on the floor. When she kicked the walls, the side wall sounded off to her and she turned her head to look back into the room.

  Rebecca walked over to her.

  "Did you find something, honey?" Her mother asked.

  "I'm not sure. This wall sounds weird to me," she kicked the wall again. "What do you think?"

  Rebecca studied the wall for several minutes before she looked at her daughter. "We need a flashlight!"

Angel turned and headed towards Roberts desk in search of the flashlight her mother wanted . She had only taken a couple of steps when she heard a soft whooshing noise behind her. She turned her head just in time to see her mother being pulled into the previously closed wall.



Jared turned as he heard Angel scream. Before he could move, he watched her launch herself into the closet that Rebecca had just been pulled through. He rushed to the open doorway, but he saw the false wall sliding shut again with a soft click before he could stop it.

"That bastard's got a hidden room in here, and he's got both of them!" he yelled across the office to Derrick, who had been on the other side of the room. Jared turned his attention back to the wall. He saw no obvious signs that the side wall of the closet was false, and there was a hidden evil behind it. If he hadn't watched the door close, he would never have guessed it was there.

A beam of light suddenly flaired to life over his shoulder, illuminating the small cramped space. Jared glanced over his shoulder and smiled gratefully at the flashlight held in his mate's father's hand, before he turned his attention back to the panel of the wall separating him from the woman he loved.

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