Chapter Seven (7)

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More swears than usual, sorry /:


Tylers p.o.v

The movie was almost over. I think. Owen was hiding behind a pillow, peaking from the sides and top, every time their in that damn elevator. But I dont blame that shit was freaky.

But hell, dont even care. Owen looked adorable right now. In a non-gay way.

Looking back at the screen some body was coming from the back of the elevator. Sneaking a peak at Owen, who was shaking, he shot up from the couch and was sitting on the cushion behind my back still clinging on to his chest as he watched.

"What the..." I stopped myself then looked behind me, at Owen who had his arms now wrapped around his legs. Trying to not laugh, I looked at the expression on his face. Yah. He was scared shitless--his mouth hung open and eyes filled with fear and shock. Smiling at him I let out a laugh trying to  calm myself by hitting my knee with my hand.

His eyes went into slits, then jumping up from his spot he attacked me; I was now on the floor, I groaned and kneeled on my knees. Then he jumped on my again, like I was a horsy, sending me down face first straddling my back. Throwing harmless punches, smacks at my back.

I dont know if he was expecting me to get hurt, but hell no. Now I was like dying laughing.

Instantly stopping when he bit me, wait, he bit me! Owen bit me ! What the hell did I look like a chew toy ?

He got up off me and started to do a 'happy dance'; pumping his fist in the air, shaking his head making his hair go in random directions and shaking his ass in my face. Which wasnt that bad of a view, to be honest. And yes, ok. I enjoyed it but it does make me gay either!

Sneaking up from the floor I tackled Mr. Ass Shacker onto the ground carefully. Making sure not to suffocate him from laying on him. I began to tickle his sides causeing him to laugh uncontrolably. Kicking his eyes in the air trying to swatt my hands away.


I wanted to make him laugh, hear him laugh if makes me feel fuzzy and nice inside. And he looked so happy, Owens head going back and forth.

"Sop. Sop" Owen panted between laughs--Did he just talk? Obeying his orders I stopped and started to watch him, his chest rising up and down, trying to catch his breath. His mouth opened then closed, when my leg started to vibrate. My leg? I fished my hand around in my pocket pulling out my phone.

Joe was calling me. He never called me. 'One sec' I mouthed to Owen.Then placing my phone to my ear, not wanting to talk to this ass, all he would do is call Owen names behind his back.

"What do you want Joe?" I answered.

'No need to be a dick just checking to see how you and fag are doing'

My jaw clenched "Dont call him that" I replied, turning around to looked at Owen, who looked like he was about to fall asleep.

'But he is one'  Joe whined.

"Hes not a fag dipshit,"

Owen shifted, rolling over one arm under his head and the other streached away form his body.

'Well its fucking true you get that? You used to watch him get pushed around, talk about him. And now you care? Are you one of them too?' He basically yelled from the other side of the line. And what the hell was he talking about?

"One of who?" I sighed getting tired of this conversation.

'A fag' he said clearly annoyed.

"Joe stop stop saying that. I dont like guys" I paused. "But Owen had no friends and did deserve what Sean was doing to him" I defended.

'Hes a fucking fag! He doesnt deserve a life, let alone friends' He hissed.

"Seriously? Shut up, he does deserve a life and friends"

'Hes deaf, and gay who wants to be friends with a physically fucked kid?" He snapped 'and do you really want to lose your friends to it?' He threatened.

"If their really my friends they'll stay beside me no matter what" I sternly said before ending the call. Could it be true? Would all my friends leave me because Im friends and hang out with Owen? Because hes gay? Because hes deaf? Like I understand he cant hear when people to all this crap about him but does he care?

Exammening his sleeping figure sprawled out on the floor now in a ball. I picked him up off the floor carrying him to his bed, like the time with Sean but this time not hurt. Once he was tucked into bed I walked down the septs with my sleeping back and laid it on the couch. Turning out the TV and the lights out, and I was left in complete darkness white the little light the moon let in through the drapes. Pulling my shirt off before I suffocate myself because apparently I almost did once, I fell asleep.

"What do you want?" Groaning I rolled into the couch. "Stop" I whined. Being shaken awake, trying to smack the hands away I failed miserably.

"Tywer" Someone whispered "Tywer, wake up" Owens low, scrachy, choppy voice spoke. My eyes snapped open, then closing immediatly when Owens bright damn phone was infront of my face. Letting my eyes adjust it said;

Im scared.

I looked up at him who was watching everything around him exspecially the TV, he pulled his blanket around himself tighter. Nodding I moved in the sleeping bag giving him some space, I patted it down, moving more, he hesitated before getting in. Grabbing his phone I typed;

'your cold'

"Sowwi," he whispered, I did my best smile then turned over hugging the cushion. Not soon after he shifted and snuggled into my back, what a cuddler.


Song - All Of The Lights

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