Chapter Eight (8) Part 2 ......

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Owens p.o.v

When we were holding hands it didnt feel awkward, but rather nice,

Even though we weren't actually holding hands, he was just giving my money back, I dont care it meant more to me.

Because his hands, had once held my tiny ones—that had made my face flush a bright red!

And yes, I did just admit I have small hands.

I wonder what it would feel like to have his hands roam my body? Touch me, feel me, caress me, rub me, lic—and what the hell is that? Since when in the right mind of god have I ever thought anything like that.

And before you ask what the hell is up with him; I am a virgin, and never had my first, I want it to be special and Im happy about it actually.

Well thats until Tyler decided to be friends with me, my hormones have been like blown wild, but no, I dont touch myself its just awkward... Even thinking about it now is awkward. So now I will switch the topic.

As I speak, we—as in Tamarah who has curly dark red hair, with a clear, a dark skin complection, dark brown eyes always filled with happiness and a nice body. Tyler well you know, hot... Dark brown hair just above his neck covering his dark brown eyes swiped to the left and a little tan. Jackie, wavy brown shoulder length hair bright blue eyes and black frammed glasses, the smart type and a not so curvy body but fits her well., Joe light brown hair kinda like mine and dull green eyes, he is the muscular type but not to muscled and seems nice, Ben who is dirty blonde always laughing has beautiful straight teeth and brown eyes, Aiden and Auden who are twins they have light brown hair with blonde highlights then the new addition me were walking randomly in and out of stores in the mall.

I looked around and everybody was talking except Tyler—who was walking next to me, phone in one hand, then Joe, who was on the other side of Tyler and I, hands in his pocket. He looked pissed ever since they came when Tyler and I were eating, and Joe nor Tyler have shared a glance at each other and if they did it was a nasty ass glares.

Wonder what hopped up their ass'.

Not that its any of my business, but Im nosy. I cant help it.

Arm slung around my shoulder switch the direction I was walking in, I looked to the left and everybody was walking into a store called bluenotes, and it was Tylers arm.


A grin spread on my face, and I let my eyes wander over everybody. When my eyes landed on Joe. I erased the grin off my face, did he just see? Oh my gosh what if he tells Tyler, then Tyler doesnt talk to me ever again; and I freak him out.

I started to move my shoulder, and Tyler looked down at me confused, then I pointed to his arm. He made the 'Oh' face and removed his arm, giving me a shy smile, while a light red blush rose on his face. Aweh, Tyler is blushing!

I pointed and laugh a little, Tyler swatted my hand away giving me a playful glare.

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