Empty Bottle

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{I got bored and created a social media app strictly for this book called "Post It" it's literally like IG and Twitter all in one.}

Ethan's POV

Once I got home, I could hear my mom in the kitchen, on the phone ranting about her day at work. I avoided going to the kitchen and went straight to my room.

It's been awkward since I came out to my parents. My dad can barely speak to me and my mom just tries her best to ignore the subject. I would too if I found out my 17 year old son was gay. But I don't understand why it's so out of the norm.

Who cares if I like guys, you don't see me judging people who like the opposite sex.

The only person who I know for sure is fine with it is my older sister, Emily. She's older by two years but she's honestly my best friend.

When I came out to her, she shouted 'I knew it' and hugged me. Confused at first, she later told me she was always suspicious about my sexuality but never really cared much. It was unexpected but it was nice to know I had someone by my side.

Then we moved. And the move definitely wasn't easy. Since we moved to another state, transportation to my old school was out the picture, so I had to switch to another one nearby.

With moving, my sister leaving to live on her school campus , and being left with my non-accepting parents after coming out to them; I decided to just keep to myself and start the school year fresh.

But then I bumped into this cute guy on my way to homeroom and suddenly keeping to myself was no where near what happened.

Although I found him attractive, I noticed him looking at a girl on the other side of the room. He looked uncomfortable with the fact that she had her arms all over the guy next to her.

Since I'm very observant, I knew that was either his sister and he was very overprotective, or she was his ex. And since they looked nothing alike, I knew that was his ex.

So, he's definitely not gay...

But who is? This is my last year in high school and since I'm finally being accepting of myself, I want to find someone...

I don't want to spend my last year of school mopping over what happened at my old school. This is a new school, a chance for me to start fresh and not have my past follow me.

But my plan to move on and find some way to maybe have a love interest was starting off bad considering the one guy I found cute was straight. I clearly didn't have the confidence to "out gay a straight guy."

So I tried to make conversation since he was generous enough to show me to my next class. It was obvious my random ranting was annoying but I didn't really know how to control myself in front of him.

He was just so cute...

So I kept telling myself to ignore him since it was pretty obvious he wanted nothing to do with me.

But then I saw him at lunch, I couldn't keep my eyes off him. I was sitting with these group of people I met in Chemistry. In the group, I mainly talked to Angie and Jake. They were best friends and although I thought it would be awkward since they had a lot more in common with each other and knew each other for much long, rather than me who they met today and know nothing about ; but surprisingly it wasn't.

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