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Important A/N in the end
Ethan's POV

It all happened so fast, all I could do was stand there, frozen.

Hearing those words meant nothing, coming from any other boy standing here. I've realized that in this school, teenage boys take pride in the amount of girls they sleep with and take offense to someone jokingly calling them a homo.

But hearing it from him, that's what hurt most.

I didn't want to. . . But I could feel my tears begin to slowly drag down my face. The idea of even looking at him began to hurt my chest, so I left. I left Angie and Jack and made my way past everyone in the school even though, I could faintly hear someone calling my name in the background.

I knew this would happen. I just knew it. Falling for a boy who can't even admit he likes kissing other boys. I should've known to stay away the moment I found out he had an ex girlfriend .

I already knew what it was like to fall for a "straight" boy. I shouldn't have fallen for him but I did it anyway and now here I am, in front of my locker, shamelessly letting my tears fall down while everyone walks by giving me weird looks.

"Ethan." A breathless Tobias panted, clearly from chasing after me.

Hearing his voice used to be so calming to me, but now. . . I wanted nothing more than to rip his throat out.

"Get away." I choked. I just wanted to be on the other side of the school from him and avoid him at all cost. I slammed my locker shut and tried to walk the opposite from him.

"Ethan, please." I could feel him grab onto my hand and I just couldn't take it anymore.

"No! Stay the hell away from me!" I jerked my hand away from his and saw as his face spread with hurt, "I hate guys like you!"

I don't know what it was that came over me but, something inside me told me to punch his chest and shove him away. Once I did. . . I couldn't stop.

"I hate you!" Shove.

"I hate you!" Punch.

"I fucking. . ." Suddenly I couldn't hit anymore. As my hands laid on his chest, I wanted nothing more then to keep hitting him but then I realized. . . all he did was stand there and let me pummel him.

I looked up at him with my puffy eyes and took a step back, admiring the boy I was falling for, in front of me.

"Ethan, please—"

"No! You don't get to be selfish anymore. You don't get to kiss me and pretend it never happened." I whispered.

Even when I'm angry at him, I still protected him. Right here, in this hallway, as much as I wanted to shout at him and expose him for kissing me after what he said outside, I didn't. Instead I whispered all of this to him because I knew what it was like to be humiliated for who I was and as much as I wanted to, I would never do that to Tobias.

I realized back at my old school, what was stopping me from being who I truly was, and it was the fact that I cared too much of what people thought of me. I cared so much that I never found my true self, because it was masked by someone I thought everyone would like and accept. Little did I know, the day I stopped caring, was the day I actually started living for me and not for them.

And he wasn't ready for that, I get it. He still cared about what people thought, I could see it in his eyes. As much as I tried to avoid it, I noticed.

When we were at his friends house, he was constantly making sure his friends were distracted before kissing me. At school, he made sure no one was paying attention to him when we made glances at each other. He cared about what they thought and I've seen this before.

With Jeremiah.

At my old school, He told me time and time again how much he loved me but when it came down to it, he cared more about his image then me.

At my old school, when he was outed, he twisted the story and said I was a desperate twink who "wanted it so bad." He put me out to be some horny slut that wanted it from any guy and would get on his knees in front of every straight boy just for the kicks of it. After that day, I never looked at him the same.

I didn't want to go back to school anymore. I didn't want to see his face anymore. I didn't want to live anymore. Because the one person I trusted, loved, and gave my virginity to; made me out to be some gay slut and somehow wasn't looked at as a disgusting gay anymore, but looked at as a man.

I was wrong about Jeremiah, and maybe about Tobias too.

" I didn't mean what I said outside,
Ethan please believe me. Cameron was just being annoying and I didn't know how to respond." Tobias pleaded.

"I know you didn't mean it. But what if Cameron wasn't joking? What would you have said then?" Suddenly it was like rocket science for him. He didn't know what to say and stumbled over his words, "Look Tobias, you don't have to admit it to yourself or this stupid school, not now. But I will not let anyone toy with me to figure it out either. So whatever this is— was, is over."

And with that, I walked away. . . with pride.

As much as I cared for him, I wasn't going to risk losing the last piece of dignity I had in myself over some boy would couldn't even make his mind up about his sexuality.

But when he realizes who he truly is and accepts himself. . . Then he'd know where to find me.

Just a couple more chapter left :)
ALSO! Quick announcement.

Y'all remember "True Colors" the book I posted one chapter of and abandoned? Yeah well it's back and has been revamped.

Now if you have no idea what I'm talking about well.....  a WHILLLE back I came out with this book called "True Colors" a book about college kids living life in the real world, where colored people get mistreated by the police, LGBTQ+ kids don't feel safe in their surroundings, where woman and men  treated as equals, etc etc. I had so much plans for this book but never went forward with it.

But I am now. With a new and improved cast and with never before published chapters.

If you haven't already, check out the first chapter and let me know what you think. :)

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