Chapter 31

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Sorry for any grammar and editing mistakes! (I know there's a hella lot)

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Chapter 31

       I frowned as I opened my locker and grabbed my lunch bag. Rex didn't have a lot of food at his house so we had to stop by mine an hour before school to grab something for lunch. Luce was actually home, and kind of flipped when she saw us. Apparently she had been calling my phone constantly and freaked when I didn't answer. I hadn't even noticed it was gone, to be honest. Turns out, it had been in my dad's jeep since the warehouse thing.

       It's been two days since the whole "incident", and even though Rex didn't want to, I insisted that we go back to school.

       Speaking of Rex...

       "Hey you."

       I smiled as his big figured plopped against the lockers next to mine and his hand instantly reached for my own. "Hey." I smiled up at him as I closed my locker and he pulled me into his side.

       "So Denton is going to be fine. Brett took him to the doctor's this morning." He announced as his arm went around my waist and pulled me closer.

       "Really? That's great!" He shot me a small smile before he pulled me closer and kissed the top of my head. My frown came back.

       He hadn't kissed me again since that night back in the apartment, on the mouth at least, and I was more confused than ever. We hadn't even talked about it. I didn't know what we were, where we stood, or what the heck was going on. Rex never brought it up either, but it wasn't like he was acting like it never happened. As a matter of fact, he's become more touchy than ever. He barely lets go of me.

       Not that I'm complaining.

       "Whatcha' thinking about, Roza?" His breath tickled my skin as he pressed his lips against my temple. Even though he hasn't kissed me on the lips since that day, he has no hesitation with pressing small kisses against every other inch of my face.

       He's such a tease.

       "Hm, nothing." I gave him a big smile as he pulled me into his chest and pressed a kiss to my forehead.

       "That's not your 'thinking about nothing' face."

       "Glad to know I have one of those." I grumbled, but he just chuckled and went back to pressing his lips to various parts of my face. We were leaning against the lockers with one of his arms wrapped tightly around me and the other wrapped lightly in my hair.

       "What are you doing?" I asked with a laugh as his hand cupped my cheek and he started dragging his lips across my forehead.

       "Kissing you." His sneaky voice mumbled against my skin before he went back to pecking my forehead and temples. I couldn't help the bubble of laughter that breeched my lips as his arms tightened around me and his lips began tickling my skin.

       "Rex stop! That tickles!" I couldn't help the giggles that enveloped my chest as he started gently biting the skin on my jaw. He chuckled and rubbed his lips against my cheek one more time before he rested his forehead against mine.

       "I like kissing you, Roza."

       My eyes widened at his words, and for a moment I thought he was actually going to lean in and kiss me again... but he didn't. He pulled away and chuckled at my frown before he wrapped his thick arm around my shoulders and drew me into his side.

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