Chapter 10

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UPDATE/EDITED: Again, I have fixed this, but if you find anything wrong please let me know! I added some parts that could still hold some errors.



Chapter 10

       I was somewhat happily munching away on Doritos and watching one of the greatest TV shows ever, with last night's catastrophe nearly forgotten. Then again, you can't really focus on anything else when the amazingness that was Jensen Ackles filled your TV screen.

       It was only ten in the morning, and I was planning on spending the majority of the day in bed watching Netflix and eating junk food. At least, I was going to- until my phone started ringing at the exact same time some dude got dragged under a van in the bar's parking lot.

       I nearly screamed my head off.

       My breathing was escaping my lungs rapidly as I blindly patted my bed for my phone, my chest clenched in terror. Talk about timing. I felt like my heart was fixing to explode. "H-Hello?" I couldn't hide the shake in my voice, or the absolute terror either. Supernatural usually never freaked me out, but I was home alone and that was scary enough. Good things never happen to me when I was home alone.

       "Princess? You okay?"

       I let out a sigh of relief when Trey's slightly worried voice reached my ears. "Y-yeah, I'm fine. The phone ringing just spooked me a little." I said with a nervous laugh, but jumped out of bed and pulled the curtain from my window back anyway- just to make sure nothing could jump out at me. The light from the sun shined into my darkened room and eased the tight grip around my heart as I climbed back under my covers.

       His heavy laughter quickly eased my tense muscles and I suddenly wanted to laugh with him. What a silly thing to get so scared over. "You scare too easily." He chuckled which only made my cheeks flame bright red.

       "I do not."


       "How did you even get my number?" I grumbled into the receiver, even though I was trying to hide a very bright smile. Trey just had that effect on everyone. No matter the situation, I'm sure he could make anyone smile.

       "I have my ways..." His voice trailed off ominously, as if his 'ways' were deep, dark secrets locked away.


       "Okay, you drive a hard bargain- I give. I swiped your phone while you were talking to Rex in the music room last night, and I might have saved your number in my phone."

       "You're such a tough nut to crack." I couldn't help the laugh that rose with the joke. Trey and the rest of the boys always made me feel so- so giddy, like nothing was ever wrong in the world. Well, at least three of them did. Rex was an enigma wrapped in a thousand more. He made my head spin, and not always in the good way.

       "I know, mind of steel- that's what I have. Anyway-y-y, don't forget that you said you would hang out with us today. Be ready in like, ten minutes. Yeah, be ready in ten minutes and we'll pick you up."

       He sounded so upbeat and cheerful that I felt rather bad about what I was going to say next. "I-I don't think I can, Trey-"

       "What? Why not?" His cheerful voice was suddenly gone, and I could practically hear the pout in his voice.

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