Chapter Thirteen

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Asher's POV
I bite down on my lip, as we sail the river that goes everywhere in my town." How long till we get to school?" It's already almost time for Lunch and we haven't even got on the road yet.
"About ten minutes Asher." Dad says lazily as he stretches out on the second couch, drinking an iced monster energy drink in a glass cup with a small umbrella in it." Just enjoy the day off, I've already called the school and said that you have a virus and you may not make it to school today. I threw in you're name as well Hana."
"Thanks sir."
"Why don't you call me by my name Hana?" Dad asks frowning slightly as he stirs his drink." Makes me feel old with you calling me sir all the time."
She looks at him sheepishly and shrugs." You never told me you're name."
His mouth slightly opens as he stares at the cup in his hand, as if it started doing the chicken dance and started talking about a weird rash." Oh. Well then call me.... Hmmm. What's a good nickname... Call me Richard. Makes me feel important and scary while also trash and boring."
I roll my eyes as Hana smiles as dad smiles at his drink, proud of making a teen smile." Then you can do my makeup homework." I grumble out and grab his red bull from the cooler and snap it's neck before drinking it's blood." And the song."
He narrows his eyes at me and pouts slightly at the red bull in my hands." What song?" Hana asks looking between the two of you curiously.
"Nothing. Just a song I have to sing to Asher whenever she's gloomy... Or ragging. And yes, I found that out Asher." I heat up slightly, but try to keep my face blank. My mom and I would use different words and codes for periods ever since we began to worry about mine. I've never had a period, at most only facing small cramps that later ended up to nothing. One by one he's been figuring the new ones out, no matter what it took." I had to go to a gynecologist and ask just to find out that one. Why ragging though?" Hana squints at my dad and he glances her way and takes the straw out of his mouth." You see Hana, I'll fill you in. Asher here is embarrassed of her father- that's me by the way- knowing about period problems. So her and her mother come up with replacement words to throw me off. All of which I figure out, which is harder than you think considering they have a code for almost everything. Pillows are pads. Bullets are tampons. The vet is the gynecologist. Stop Med is her mother's birth control, and V soap is that vaginal soap stuff." He looks at the two of us, Hana blushing furiously and me looking at him sternly. "Well this has took the turn for the worst. Let's rewind. Asher I'll do no such thing as the song or you're homework. Enjoy this peace and quiet. Quiet being the key word for you to remember when you start to form a comeback in you're head."
"Shut the hell up old man." I grumble and slide down the couch even further. My phone rings and begins to vibrate on the table. Dad looks at it before picking it up and squinting at the number.
He smirks before picking up the phone and answering." Fire department. You light em we fight em." I look at Hana and squint at the phone. Usually she's the only one that calls my phone, or my mom..." Sorry, but we don't have an Asher. We have a Mike. Would you like to talk to Mike?" He frowns slightly and sighs." Why does it matter to you who I am? More importantly who are you and why are you calling Asher's phone?" I raise up, realizing it's obviously not mom on the other line." Boyfriend? You're Asher's boyfriend!" He gives me an accusing glance and Hans gasps before looking at me wide eyed." I highly doubt you're her boyfriend." He turns from me and looks at the lake." Because she would've told me she had one. Why do you want to know where I am? Where are you? I'll slap the god damn temple off you're face, if I hear you call yourself Asher's boyfriend again. She doesn't have a boyfriend, I won't allow it. Well if you must know where the fuck am I, I'm on a boat. Yes, Asher's on here as well. She's looking at me right now." I scowl at him and come running towards him. Probably a prank call.
"Give me the phone! Who are you talking to."
"Apparently you're boyfriend. I thought I was the only man in you're life Asher." He scowls into the phone and if looks could kill...
"I don't have a boyfriend just hand me the phone! Now!" I groan out and punch at his arms." I'll punch you into the river if you don't hand me the phone right now! Daddy now!"
He huffs out a breath of air and throws the phone my way." Explanation when you're done, Kay?"
I nod before letting out a frustrated growl and going inside of the boat and closing the door behind me." Hello?"
"Asher is that you?" Without an answer from me he lets out a grunt, whoever HE is." Who the fuck was on the phone? And why was he saying you're the only man in his life, and why were you calling him daddy? I mean that's hot but not when it's for another man."
"Um excuse you but why the duck do you want to know? And I called him daddy because that's his title obviously."
"What? Are you in some type of weird kink type of stuff? And why are you on a boat and not here at school?"
"No. He's my dad. My father. I'm on a boat because none of your business. Trust me I had planned on coming to school, and you never answered my question."
I hear a heavy door shut, and the sound of a locker opening before they answer." Sebastian? Cole? The guy that took you to the nurse? Ring a bell."
I freeze and cross my free armored my chest." Why did you tell my dad you were my boyfriend? He's been told I don't talk to any boys and the one that I do I hate. Which is true."
"It was more of an imitation thing... Though I like that title." I roll my eyes and hear him chuckling." You're probably rolling you're eyes right now. Aren't you?"
"That's creepy."
"So you were? Haha! That means I get a prize next time I see you. And I'm sorry about the dad mistake. Not really a good first impression is it?"
I lean against the wall beside the bunk beds along the wall in the first hallway, and put my hand into a fist." I don't see why it matters. And why are you calling me? More importantly why do you have my phone number?"
"It does because the boyfriend always has to have a good relationship with the dad. I don't feel like getting shot at on the first date. And I'm calling you to check up on you. You weren't at school so and its not like you to miss. And I got you're phone off of the one dude. Dylan...."
"Daniel?" I bite my lip slightly at why he still has my phone number. I deleted his a long time ago...." And you're not my boyfriend, nor will you ever be. I don't date."
"I'm hearing that you don't date but mess around. And I'm okay with that... For now."
I widen my eyes and sit down on the bottom bunk, that's along with the others that's inside the wall." That's not what I'm saying and you need to slow the hell down. I'm not going to date you, hook up with you, or even communicate with you. You're just trouble I don't need, let's also not go to the fact that you probably have every sex disease known the man and tapped everything in the halls that can walk."
"Yes you will. Because you're mine Asher. All mine. No one else's. and I don't have a sex disease, nor have I've tapped every walking thing in the school. I've had sex with many girls but only the ones on my list."
"I highly doubt that considering you go for the cheerleaders, how probably contain more bacteria than you should."
I hear him chuckle into the phone." I like it when you're sassy.. And I don't go for the cheerleaders. I go for bigger challenges, I like to play with my food a little before I eat it. And there's only one girl on my list now. And guess who that is? Their name starts with an A and ends with a R."
"Archer? Sebastian do you have a crush on the schools star quarter back? If you're asking me for advice then I don't know what to tell you. I have no experience when it comes to that stuff."
"Oh I believe you do Asher. Why exactly does lover boy have your phone number even though you two supposed to hate each other?" I freeze and glance around, as if someone could hear his words coming from the phone." Though I don't like the idea of you dating someone else... And of course. I just love his sandy blonde hair, blocked forehead that's way to small for his face, and shoulders that make him look like a walking frankenstein. Nothing gets me more horny." He clears his throat and I hear him tell someone 'what's up?' Before another door closes and he lets out a grunt." Okay no more fun and games. You just made Zander think I was gay. Let me talk to you're dad."
"What? No."
"Yes, I want to apologize. Let me prove myself to you Asher."
"No. And you don't have to prove anything because I don't like you. Never have, never will."
He grumbles something under his breath and talks to me again, this time his voice more stern." Let me talk to him or I'll tell Hana."
I freeze, my blood running cold and time seeming to freeze around me." No you won't, or I'll kick you're ass."
"Funny. I was just thinking about you're ass. I wouldn't kick it though. More like slap it and pinch it..." He chuckles a boyish laugh before he's footsteps stop." Put him on the phone though. I want to apologize. Can't I at least apologize? It would be the nice thing for me to do.."
I stomp my foot before stomping all the way back to outside and scowl, as dad turns to me. His arms are folded over his chest, his shirt missing showing his muscles and many tattoos. There's not a place on him that doesn't have ink on it. He raises his eyebrow and I shake my head." Here." I throw the phone into his arms and fall onto the couch, Hana looking at me almost hurt. "He's not my boyfriend. Just a stranger who has a serious possessiveness problem."
I look back at dad to see him still scowling, but less, and looking out at the water as he holds the phone up to his ear. He nods as he says something and my stomach drops when he erupts into laughter. What the hell are they talking about? He glances back at me and frowns but quickly goes back to smiling and walking away." It seems as if you're dad likes this boy." Hana says distantly as she watches dad grab his cup and disappear with it in through the boat.
"Yeah. That sounds like Asher." I hear him say before closing the door, making me able to here nothing.
"I wonder what the hell he's telling him. It's hard to tell what lies he may come up with to get dad on his side."
Hana frowns and looks at me, squinting." Why didn't you tell me of this possessive boy? And who is he?"
I cross my arms and lean all the way back on the couch." Because I'm mad at you- still am. And ask you're lover boy, he's the one who gave the dickhead my phone number."
Hana's frowns deepens as she slides out her phone and seems to do just that. I spot my red bull and pick it up before raising up and waking to the railing, looking at the dark water beneath me. When did everything stat to tumble down? When Hana and I became distant? When I became to skip school? When I had to explain myself to my dad over a boy- who my dad now seems to like more than me?
Great question Asher. It's when you let everyone start to come into the wall you built. When you began to become the push over you hated to see in stories... Who am I kidding? I've always been a push over at school. It's part of the reason why I began trading to become a street fighter. I felt helpless, and then their words actually got to me. Made me feel worthless. That's why I let Daniel in at the time. He'd tell me not to listen to them, that they all were just airheads wanting something better than themselves to poke out to bring down to their level. I growl slightly, and tighten my fists. This boat has to have a punching bag. It wouldn't be dads if it didn't. I chug the red bull of its last contents and stomp into the boat, ignoring my dad who sits on the phone and go down inside of the boat. A mini kitchen/ living room, three small bedrooms, one bathroom and.... I open the door and smile when I see the weights and the punching bag that easiest the biggest room of the boat. I take off my shirt and just kick dads jacket on then change my pants to a pair of basketball shorts he has laying in a bag in the corner. I jump around and shrug my shoulders. This makes up for my lost practice yesterday. I jump on my feet, my arms in the fighting position and for to the punching bag and let loose. I throw punch after punch, and even swing around and kick it. My body seems to have a mind of its own as it uses dads training and does combo after combo of hits. Me imagining the punching bag as anyone who's upset me in the past week and punching until my knuckles are split and my arms feeling like jello, but I keep going. I suck my head down as I block an imaginary punch and swing couple times, each punch making the punching bag make a very satisfying noise as I hit it hard enough to make it sway a couple times. Beads of sweat travel down my back, stomach, and hairline but I only use that as motivation.
Only when my lungs seem to collapse from lack of oxygen and my muscles feel like they could fall off at any moment, I stop and walk away to catch my breath." Winner of round one." I hear my dad say and I look over to see him at the doorway, pride in his eyes." Sorry Sebastian, but I'm going to have to go. Asher's needing me." He doesn't wait for a response before laying the phone down on the ground and smiling at me." Ready for some 101?"
I nod and he rolls his shoulders before coming towards me." Ready?" I ask and he nods as he gets into his fighting position." Start." We circle around each other and I jump on my feet and I notice the twitch in his right leg. He's about to move. I move out of the way the time that his foot turns to me, making me miss getting hit with his fist that came at lighting speed and go back to his aides just as fast. I use that moment to throw punches myself, he blocks them all, none coming to the speed of his but once I get a rhythm going I get more in and move faster than I ever had. He swipes away my fist and lands a punch on my stomach causing me to lose my breath but as trained, I stay focused and try to catch my breath at the same time. The burning sting from his fist still lays on my stomach as I shrug my shoulder again and come at him in full speed. Our hands seem to be in unison, as my fist hits his open plan and his fist hits mine. We've trained together to long, meaning we know each other's thinking in fighting and weaknesses. I try something new then. I squat down and do a three sixty turn with my foot out, causing him to trip and I use that chance to put him in a headlock. He tips is over and crushes me in to the ground and I let go of his neck as he does it the second time and slip away, as his shoulders hit the ground at full force. He winces but gets back up and comes towards me again. Our hands move at a speed where it's hard to tell who's who's, the confusion sometimes letting us get a punch in on the other one. I smirk as I punch his unguarded place, causing him to move away from me, rubbing his ribs slightly before coming again. I sling his jacket off of me, revealing new and old bruises from our training and my toned skin that's wet from sweat. It seems as if I got baby oil and had rubbed it on my body, it's shining so bad, making my dads punches slip slightly when it comes in contact with my skin. I let out a chuckle before swinging my leg around and hitting him in the leg, causing him to fall down where I jump on top of humans keep him down as I put his hand in between his shoulder blades. "One..." Two... Three... Four... Five...." My voice comes out after gasps as I catch my breath and count say the same time." Six... Seven... Eight... Nine... Ten.. By the rules, you're out." I flip off of him and lay on the ground in a starfish position my chest moving up and down rapidly from the workout.
I roll over into my stomach and catch the glimpse of a pair of familiar pink vans and look up at the person to see it non other than Hana. She looks at the two of us wide eyed, her posture rigid and unmoving. Her eyes glance everywhere and anywhere, her eyes never staying on one thing for a millisecond." What the hell." Her voice cracks slightly before she runs out of the room, and I pop up off the floor and chase after her.
"Hana!" I scream as I watch her figure disappear up the small later that takes you up the top floor of the boat and I jump up them and nearly catch her arm but miss it by a hair." Hana!" I scream again and fasten my pace as she makes it out of the room and outside. Where does she even think she's going?" Hana!" I scream one last time, this time in annoyance as I grab her from behind, where she automatically begins to thrash around." Hana. What the hell, calm down."
"No! You're a fucking assassin or some shit like that!" She screams and I pick her up and lay her on the couch, before keeping her down with my own body." Please. Don't kill me."
"I'm not an assassin. And I only promise not to kill you if you stop moving!" She stills and I let out a sigh of relief." Thank god." I mummer be off looking into her eyes." What the fuck is wrong with you?"
"You- you. You can fight. Like really good. It's not normal for someone as boring as us, and our age to fight like that. Please don't hurt me."
I shake my head as I look at her scared struck eyes and close my mouth that was hanging open." Hana, I'm not going to hurt you. I'm still you're best friend Asher. Why would I suddenly hurt you after all these years I haven't laid a finger on you? And it's just because my dad has been teaching me how to fight, to defend myself. Just in case I'm at the wrong place at the wrong time."
She gulps and takes a deep breath." When can I learn?"
I freeze again and lean my ear closer to her." What?"
"When can I learn to fight like that? That was cool and is probably even cooler she your the one behind the fists. When can I learn to fight like that?"
I sigh out a breath. At least she isn't going crazy anymore." I don't know. I've been practicing with dad for maybe over a year now. It's takes time." I raise up and she does as well, making sure not to let any of herself touch my sweaty skin and I slide back on the couch giving her space.
Her eyes travel down me and they stop at my toned stomach, which seems even more detailed and carved in from the swelling of exercise. A bead of sweat goes down the carving of my abs and Hana watches it." How long have you had abs?"
"I haven't paid much attention to them. I say for about eight months though. They've been getting better and more noticeable over the months.."
"Asher. Why do you dress like you do then? Why the large shirts, slightly baggy pants and the weird fashion statements? Why wear that when you could make everyone drool with the change of an outfit? Why aren't you hanging out with the other girls that have amazing bodies and get chased after boys..."
I frown down at her and cross my legs on the couch." Because that's what I want to wear. I don't want that attention that's only there because of how I look. I want to stay with you, someone who hangs out with me even though I wear embarrassing outfits and stay away from the popular kids. The nerd, the outcast, is who I am personality wise. So I'd much rather be titled as one of them then a stuck up Barbie. My mom and I have already had this conversation thousands of times..."
She nods and slowly comes to me and wraps her arms around me. Her shoulders shake and I tense when j realize she's crying on my shoulder." I'm so sorry Asher. I'm sorry I've been ignoring you over Daniel, when you'd never do that to me in a million years. I'm such a crappy friend compared to you. I'm so so sorry. Please forgive me?"
I wrap my arms around her and nod into her shoulder." I forgave you a long time ago. I just put on an act to make it seem as if I was still mad. And forgive me?"
"For what?"
"For making a bet with Xavier saying I wouldn't forgive you until you came crying to me and begging for my forgiveness."
She giggles as she slaps me sloppily on the arm, the muscles not even moving from her touch." Yeah, you're forgiven."

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