Chapter FiftySix

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Asher's POV

I wake up to a slight buzzing of my alarm clock and raid up out of bed, stretching out my arms. I'd usually work out, take a shower, and go down stairs but I can't anymore. So all I do is limp to my closet, grab a pair of leggings and a sweater before going back to my bed and putting them on. I raise my leggings on the casted leg up to my thigh and fold them I awards until that ones like a pair of shorts. I put on the loose sweater, not bothering with a tank top for it and I go to the bathroom. No cuddling or braiding either, considering that's two handed hairstyles and I only have one. I brush out my hair and grab a hair bow, going to have mom put up my hair for me. I put on mascara and lip balm, then put on some deodorant and a spray of perfume before leaving the bathroom. I get my crutches out of the corner and set them alongside my book bag, this one being a big one that goes over both arms so I don't have to packing binders in my arms. I sigh out and put my new phone into my pocket, and grab my crutches after sliding on my book bag. I limp to the door and go down the stairs, taking every step slow until I'm finally down. The smell of eggs and sausages filling the air. I smile as I walk into the kitchen to see dad standing I front of the oven as he flips the eggs. He glances up and gives me a small smile, his eyes going to the table and I look over to see mom. Her hair being up in a ponytail and a loose shirt on with tights. My eyes widen slightly, this being the first time I've seen mom so... Dressed down. I inwardly gag when I see the hickeys on her neck and decide to just not pay it any attention. I don't want to throw up before school.
Dad sit the eggs and sausages into a plate and sits it onto the table." Fight for it." I roll my eyes before grabbing a plate and putting an egg and two sausages on it." Saddest fight I've ever seen in my life."
"Really? Someone showed you a video of you at the fights?"
"Haha. Just remember I'm in control of you now and we're going to be alone in the car."
"What are you going to do? Wreck us?"
The two of them tense and look at me scoldingly." Asher, don't say something like that."
"What?" I look at them before blushing slightly." Oh right. I forgot." I frown and sit down at the table and pick a piece off my sausage before nibbling at it. The headlights coming at me flash in my eyes and the sound of screeching tires make me flinch slightly, but I play it off by scratching at my shoulder.
They stay silent, both looking at each other as if asking the other for what to say." Um. Well. I'm sorry I guess. That we reminded you of it."
I shrug and eat the first sausage. A shiver goes down my back at the nightmare I had had last night and only eat another sausage before pushing the plate away." I'm full."
Mom frowns, studying me, as does dad as she finishes her breakfast." You haven't been eating much Asher. You've lost about ten pounds. It doesn't have anything to do with your little boyfriend does it?"
"No." I say and shake my head." We should probably be going to school. It'll take me longer then usual to get to class."
"Okay. You ready?"
I look at mom and show her the hair bow." Will you put my hair up before I leave?"
She smiles before getting up and coming over to my chair and pulling all my hair out of my face before wrapping the hair bow around my hair. She pulls the ponytail to make it tighter and pats my hair down, and putting my baby hairs behind my ears." There you go." She says and gives me a slight kiss in the top of my forehead." Have a good day at school."
"Hopefully I will." I tell her before raising up and this time using my crutches." It's going to be hell getting used to these."
"Language." Mother warns and I roll my eyes before walking out of the kitchen." I'll be coming and getting you after school! Just go to the office- I have to speak with the principal."
"Okay." I say back as dad opens the front door for me, later helping me go down the stairs of the porch.
"If any one says something about you being slow. Penetrate them in the ass with your crutch."
I laugh slightly as we go down the sidewalk and he opens the door for me to his car." Will do."


Xavier's POV

I glance up the time that Asher does the board and fight the urge once again to whisper things into her ear or kiss her on the cheek. This is much harder than I imagined.
She raised up in her seat and arches her back as she stretches out her arms." Asher. Do you have a question?"
She shakes her head and the teacher goes on with the lesson. I have no idea whatever we're studying from the lack of keeping my focus on the teacher, and not Asher. She glances up and we make eye contact before she goes onto writing again. I sometimes wonder if we'd end up together in this form. If she'd lose her virginity to dork Xavier and not X. "Okay. Now take out your notebooks and do pages one hundred and fifteen through one hundred and eighteen.
I take out my English notebook and flips to the pages to see it all about stuff I have no clue what is. I could tell you exactly what Asher's wearing, How many times she's bit her lip and moved in her chair. I sigh and just scoot over to her, the smell of the soap I had bought her filling my nose." I have no clue what this is asking. Do you?"
She nods and second later we hear the teacher speak." The two of you copying? I don't allow side talk in my classroom."
"I was explaining what this question is asking." Asher says back and the teacher nods before going to her desk. It's like she has a mind control over them all here, even before the wreck. How she could smile and a teacher would stop yelling. How the teachers would have a miniature party just because she answered the question while no one else could. But my girl deserves the attention. She works to hard not to get it." All you have to do is tell why you think this concept is important in writing."
I nod and take the paper back before glancing up at the board to see what we had learned while I was unfocused. I sigh before just using the notes on the board as the main key of answering the questions." Can I sign your cast?" I ask her and she pauses before nodding." When?"
"Now I guess." She reaches her arm over and I grab a black marker out of my back pocket and grabbing her and, purposely touching her skin. I sign it as slow as I can, adding 'last name' and putting a small doodle beside it." Thanks." She says before taking her arm back and writing on her paper.
I let out a sigh before taking out my phone when the teachers isn't looking and send out a text. Me, you. My place and dinner. Love you.
I wait as the clock passes by and I'm one of the first to get finished, Asher like usual being the first. She jumps slightly in her chair before sliding out hers and smiling as she reads the text. I turn the volume down on my phone as she begins to type and sends out her message. She puts it in her backpack the timer he message comes to my phone. Good deal bro. Love you too. I smile and put the phone in my pocket, glancing her way to see her smiling as well. Well this day has gotten better.

Sorry that it's such a short chapter but I'm beginning to write my story for the writing club I'm in and it takes up a lot of time. I was also in a bit of a writing block, which really didn't help. And sorry for not updating like I usually did. I didn't come home until ten, and never came to my house before then so there was no way for me to publish anything.
Question: Hint for the ending?
I'll leave a small scene of the next chapter for you.
See you all soon and please comment, vote, and keep reading!

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