Part 1

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Cara and I walked hand in hand through the crowd littering the crosswalk, hoping that the light didn't change too soon, as it always scared me a little when it did. The temperature was warmer than normal, although it was still below sixty-five. Today was our one-year anniversary, so we had planned to eat at this new, supposedly top-notch restaurant located near the center of the city. I turned my head slightly to the left and saw my girlfriend's warm, wonderful smile and caring, emerald-green eyes looking back at me. Her long, wavy, sandy-brown hair bounced with every step she made, and she squeezed my small hand. I couldn't help but smile back at her - she was lovely, radiating an aura of bliss and tranquility.

"I love you, Eve," she said as our feet hit the sidewalk. My grin stretched across my face.

"I love you, too," I replied. "More than anything." She leaned over and kissed me on the top of my head. She was almost half a foot taller than me, and stood elegantly like a noble princess. She was slim and tall, almost like a supermodel, though, I thought she was even more beautiful than one of those. She was more beautiful than anyone else in the world.

"Are you excited?" she asked. I nodded vigorously. "I'm glad. I hope this place lives up to its reputation. What are you going to get?"

"Probably the sushi," I said, my mouth watering at the thought. The first time we had met, she had served me sushi at a restaurant on the campus of a college I was thinking about attending. She left her number for me with my check, and I left her a generous tip. That night when I texted her, we just clicked, and ever since then we've been together, even though I never actually attended the college.

"Of course," she chuckled. "I think I'll probably join you in that. Hey, look. There it is." She pointed across the street to a pagoda-styled three-story building that was a dwarf in comparison to the giant office buildings around us. We crossed the street once more, and she pulled me close when I started at the sound of a nearby car horn. "It's okay. I've got you. You're always safe with me." Two months ago, a car horn had been the last thing I'd heard before a large truck had hit the car my older brother and I were in. By chance, I escaped with non-life-threatening injuries. He didn't survive. Cara was the only one who could get me through his death. Now, I walk everywhere, and even though Cara is able to drive, she'll walk with me.

When we finally arrived at the restaurant, we were seated at a couple's table, against the wall on the far side. The interior surpassed our expectations - lanterns hanging from the ceiling, wood and bamboo paneling for the walls and floor, and little bonsai trees and lucky cats dotted around the shelves protruding from the walls. There was even a cherry-blossom tree growing in the center of the room beneath a sky light. It gave off a very modern, upscale vibe. The waitress came out and handed us our menus and got our drink orders. Both of us, wanting to save money, ordered water.

"Oh, come on, Eve, don't be cheap - get whatever you want," Cara said. "I'm paying. Don't worry about it."

"We both know you're not rich," I said. "Anyways, I can't drink alcohol, and soda just seems out of place here, so water is fine."

"Why not tea, then?" she asked, flipping through the menu. I turned to the two pages filled with sushi rolls.

"Tea just reminds me of when I was sick, and you were trying to make me feel better," I said. "Do you just want to get a big platter to share?"

"Sounds good to me," she said, smiling and closing her menu. I made note of the most assorted party platter and set my menu on top of hers. Her hand reached across the table and then curled around mine. "Eve, I want us to be together forever. I'll give you everything that I can: all my love, my attention, my care, my anything." Her eyes twinkled under the dim lighting, and there was a sappy, gooey expression on her face.

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