Green eyed monster

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"Baby girl you have the best ideas" I praised Penelope, as we danced on the dance floor.

We had just finished a hard case, not because it was difficult but because it was hard. It hit us hard emotionally. So baby girl, being the ray of sunshine she is, proposed that the whole team go out clubbing. Everyone was having fun, even Reid did. I kept an eye on him during our outing, even when I was dancing with Penelope or grinding against an unknown woman, to be sure that no one suspicious got close to him and offered him drugs. Even if I knew that the club was a nice one, I couldn't stop myself from worrying.
"Thank you my chocolate knight in armor!" she replied in her usual cheerful self, making me chuckle "Oh, oh..." she then said with a mischievous smirk.
"What?" I asked her with my usual women killer smile, curious at what had gotten her so excited.
"It seems like our little genius is getting some love tonight" her comment, stopped me frozen.
I didn't care if I confused the heck out of baby doll or that I got some dirty looks from the dancers surrounding me, I stopped dancing and turned around rapidly trying to catch sight of Spencer.
I finally managed to see him once I glanced at the bar. I had to swallow something between an angry growl and a pitiful whimper, when I noticed the beauty that was leaning against my Pretty Boy and playing flirtatiously with his hand.
My pretty boy? Where did that come from? I thought a bit agitated and very lost. But more importantly, from where did that whore come from?! Now I was angry, which made me forget my confusion. She isn't that especial. Her breasts are like a children... she might have nice legs and ass, but that still doesn't mean she is pretty.
"Look at her body, Derek!" exclaimed Penelope, oblivious to my mental discussions "She is so tall and slim, not to mention that silky wavy hair. And look at those legs!" she grabbed my arm and started jumping excitedly, as a five years old girl, pointing at them "She is totally captivated by his adorably awkward genius cuteness. And he doesn't even care about her touching him. They are perfect for each other! Maybe getting laid would make him stop being so twitchy...".

I didn't even bother to hear the rest of her speech and just marched towards the bar, when I reached there the woman was gone and Reid was on his own.

"Morgan" he said surprised "Weren't you dancing?".

"Where is your friend?" I didn't mind if I was rude, I needed to know.

"Genim? She went to the restroom" he replied, with a small confused smile "What is this about?"

"I... I..." I stuttered not knowing what this was about either "I...".

"Finished. Ready to go?" I was cut off by the same strange woman that had been talking with my pretty boy before "Oh... who is your friend?".

"Derek Morgan" I presented myself with a false charming smile "You're leaving?" I asked Reid, completely ignoring the girl.

"It's very loud to talk here, so we are going to have some coffee" he replied "Are you ok? Or do you need a lift home?" he asked me.

"No, I am fine... have fun kid" I told him, ignoring the pang of hurt in my heart as I watched him leave with that strange beautiful woman.

What's wrong with me? I don't understand what's going on. I thought sad and confused at the same time. Maybe momma might help me figure it out.

With that in mind I left the club, without a second glance to my colleagues, got into my car and took my cell phone out of my pocket, to call my mother and ask her about what is happening to me.

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