Family meetings (New Year part 1)

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"Momma!" I greeted her happily, dragging my mother into a tight hug "Des, Sarah" as soon as I release my mom, my sisters attacked me "I missed my favorite girls so much!"

"We missed you our annoying brother too" replied Desiree cheekily.

"Hey!" I exclaimed theatrically with a sneaky smirk "You just say that because you know that I'll scare your new boyfriend tonight" I teased her.

"How did you know?!" she exclaimed surprised but then glared at our sister "Did you tell him?!" she demanded to know furiously.

"No one told Derek, Desiree" the soothing and silky voice of my boyfriend managed to calm my sister down. I've never been happier of him cleaning up after my mistakes "Derek is a profiler he noticed it from the awkwardness in your voice from the calls last month. He knew that you were hiding something, the last piece of the puzzle was the way you were tense right now. As if you were nervous or anticipating that something will go completely wrong."

My sisters stared at pretty boy with shocked expressions, as if they weren't expecting to meet the genius again. I've talked so much of Spencer that you might think that everyone was already familiarized with him, I even brought him to spend vacations with the Morgans when the Bureau demanded that Reid took a vacation after the whole kidnapping mess. But then again, pretty boy was so perfect that he never stops surprising you. Contrary to my sisters, my mother was just looking at Spencer with fond eyes and a kind smile. My heart ached a bit at that, my mom was looking at my boyfriend as she looks at my sister and me. I couldn't be happier, my momma had already accepted Spencer.

"Also, you need to know that he only does that because if your boyfriend doesn't fight for you he isn't really worth it" pretty boy finished, by then he had began playing with his sleeves and watching his shoes with a cute blush.

I couldn't stop myself and wrapped my arms around him, kissing him soundly. I didn't care that we were in middle of the airport and a lot of people were watching our little show greedily, after all they could look but not touch. Spencer was mine and only mine. No one except me could have him. However, I had to break apart earlier than I wanted because I knew how much my boyfriend dislikes being the center of attention. Which was completely crap because even if we weren't making out, pretty boy would still attract the eyes of every man and women here. Because as his nick name says, he is very pretty. That is another reason why I love PDA, it showed everyone who Spencer belonged to. I knew that pretty boy knew this, he wasn't a genius for nothing but still let me do it because he knew I needed it.

"Cut it off guys! Or at least get a room!" teased us Des, making my boyfriend blush even more.

"Where are Dimitri, Rosa and Alexandra? And your husband Sarah?" I asked my older sister, I wanted to see my nephew and nieces soon. I missed them a lot, the bad side of my work is that I am far away from my family.

"They are waiting for us back home" she answered me with a small smile "They are very impatient to meet their new uncle" she said looking at my boyfriend "Welcome to the family Spencer" she told him and gave him a small hug, respecting his hesitation for touching other people... that aren't me of course.

Des wasn't so respectful, she threw herself on him and gave him a bear hug "Now I have someone to tell embarrassing childhood stories about my big brother, I'll finally get my payback for all those times Derek embarrassed me in front of my boyfriends!" she cheered happily, faking an exaggerate evil laugh at the end.

"Hands off Des!" I mocked a growl, wrapping my arms tightly around his waist and dragging him away from her.

"Someone is a bit possessive!" she teased me back sticking out her tongue, acting like her six years old students.

"Stop it children!" cut us off momma, before we could continue with our banter "It's good to see you again Spencer" she smiled at my boyfriend "Now let's get going to Sarah's house, we need a party to help prepare".

With that said she turned around, walking towards the exit with my sisters following her closely. I smiled down at pretty boy and pecked his lips, before dragging him towards my family. If he noticed my smug smirk he didn't mention it.

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