Chapter 42 (Pipers POV)

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I clicked my tongue in my mouth, strolling into each cube and asking people to sign the petition. After lunch my table helped me start the petition, writing down what we wanted and then their names afterwards. So far, much of the petition was filled with names. A few people still had to write their names and I would have at least a hefty amount of the prison on my side. My hopes were high that since Caputo was in charge now, changes would be made in our favor. I walked towards another group of girls who I hadn't really spoken too all that much, handing them the roll of toilet paper and a sharpie. They read it over curiously and then uncapped the sharpie, signing immediately. One girl passed it to the next, each writing their signature. I smiled politely when they handed it back to me, feeling happy with the progress.

I walked off, looking around for Alex. After looking for quite awhile I finally found her standing by the fence and she had her arms crossed. Her jet black hair laid on her shoulders and she had her arm sleeves rolled up due to the hot weather. Alex's eyes looked up from behind her glasses, they locked onto me and she smiled. She started walking towards me, but stopped abruptly. A look of disgust appeared in her eyes and I was confused for a moment. Then I felt some ones hand on my shoulder and heard a familiar Australian accent.

"Hey love." Stella said lightly and gave me a smirk. I smiled back and looked back at Alex, just to see her stalking off in the opposite direction.

"Hey." I said kind of disappointed Alex had taken off. I walked and Stella followed by my side, I looked at my feet as we walked. My blonde hair was in my face so I brushed it behind my ears and finally looked up at Stella.

"Whats wrong? Have I got Vause feeling all intimidated?" Stella laughed and looked in the direction that Alex had walked.

"I don't know." I said honestly. Alex was confusing sometimes, I wasn't really sure how she felt towards me. At this point I really wasn't sure if we were even together or not. Hell, this whole situation was confusing.

Stella looked at the petition and she held her hand out for it. I passed it off to her, she read it over and laughed. "You don't actually think these changes are going to be made are you?" She laughed again and held her stomach as if this was the funniest thing in the world.

"Actually, I think that with the right amount of signatures some might happen." I said hurt, if I had thought this was pointless I wouldn't have spent my time walking around asking for signatures. Sure, it was unprofessional considering the thing was written on toilet paper. But I thought we had a decent shot.

Stella must have sensed my hurt because she stopped laughing and got silent. "I didn't mean to laugh Chapman, I just thought that some of the requests were ridiculous." I had become frustrated at that point and taken the petition from her.

"If its so damn ridiculous just don't be a part of it okay?" I said pissed off. I walked in the direction Alex went, leaving Stella alone. She calls my name once or twice but I was too pissed to answer her. I did feel a bit silly for overreacting, but I was committed and for her to laugh at me I was angry. Maybe I was stubborn, but I preferred to call myself persistent instead. Alex would rather call me a narcissistic horses ass, but whatever.

I finally catch up to Alex and walk beside her, smiling at her slightly. She glances at me and then away. "Has the kangaroo finally left?" Alex smirks referring to Stella. I give her a look of disapproval but slightly giggle. Alex beams proudly at being able to make me chuckle, but she tries to hide her satisfaction.

"Yeah shes gone. She laughed at my petition and I kind of walked off." I shuffle my feet and look at the petition in my hand. At this point the ink had bled through to the other side, some parts were ripped and there were a few holes going through it. I sigh at it, I could understand why Stella laughed; it looked pathetic. I felt pathetic, we were in prison. PRISON. Half of these changes probably wouldn't even occur. Hell, whoever I hand this thing too they'll probably use it to wipe their ass.

Alex senses my sadness and takes the petition from me, her hand gliding along mine softly. She gently pulls it away from me and looks it over, looking at the hefty amount of signatures. Alex grins, and hands it back. "Pipes, half of the prison is on there. If this doesn't change anything then the next thing to do would probably be to riot." She says jokingly.

"I really hope things do change around here." I glance around the courtyard and see new CEO's walking into the prison. Some were scrawny and short, some tall and chubby. No matter what they looked like, they were very inexperienced. The way they carried themselves, unprofessional. This place really was going downhill, well, for a prison.

Alex silently slings her hand over my shoulder and pulls my body to hers. I snuggle closer into her side and inhale her sent. Her touch makes me tingle and I feel my body heat up. I hadn't even realized I was chilly. All my worries fade and all I can focus on is her, my girl. All I knew is with her by my side, we could change things. I knew with her, I'd be alright.


Woah! Im back! Surprisingly lols. Anyways, I have a computer now and maybe now updating will be easier, maybe I'll update more. Not sure, but I'll keep y'all posted. Anyways, hope you enjoyed! It was a bit rushed, I kept getting people asking me to update. Thanks for all the love! I wrote this fan fiction sooo long ago, just for fun. I never expected to receive so much love and loyal readers from it! You guys are amazing! Have an amazing day dudes, stay cool. :p

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