Chapter 12 (Alexs POV)

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(Decided to do a double Alex POV for 2 chapters in row. Enjoy!😊)

As soon we reach the SHU, Im thrown into a small 8x8.

I spin on my heels as soon as the door shuts.

Immediately, I start to panic. Many people have a lot of fears. But I only have 1.

Small spaces.

It feels as if the walls are closing in and suffocating me.

My heart beating hammering against my rib cage.

I can hear it pulsing through in my ears.

And then I begin to hyperventilate.

I hear screaming, but this scream gets my attention. It sounds familiar, it sounds like...


"Piper!" I begin to yell.

All I hear back is a 'Oof' through the vent leading to another cell.

I immediately drop to the floor and scramble over to the vent.

"Piper.." I say at a reasonable volume but slightly loud.

"Alex??" Pipers beautiful voice comes through the vent.

"Pipes!" I exclaim in relief.

My breathing is starting to slow back into a normal pace.

"Alex!! Im so sorry!! I was so stupid!! I wasn't thinking!! Please don't be mad at me!!" She starts to panic.

"Its okay Pipes. It was a good kiss, Im not complaining... But Im not exactly enjoying the smallness of this place." I respond weakly.

"Alex, just calm down. Focus on my voice. Just me. Okay? Can you do that for me?" She very well knew about my fear of tight spaces.

But she always knew how to calm me down and take my mind off it.

Most of the time when she took my mind off it... The result always ended up in sex.

But we couldn't cope like that right now. (A/N Lol, I couldn't help it 😏)

I focus on her voice and try to calm my breathing.

And after awhile, it starts to regulate and my heart is at a normal pace again.

Piper must've heard my breathing slow. Because I hear voice not as panicked as she was before when I was breathing like a wild animal.

"Are you okay Alex?" Piper asked, her voice still has a tint of worry in it.

"Im fine." I let out a small laugh.

"Alex... Im so sorry... Its my fault were here..." Piper sounds upset.

I wish I could see her beautiful face.

"Pipes, don't worry about me. Im just glad I have you to talk to. Im pretty sure I would hyperventilate to death."

My attempt at a joke is cringe worthy, but Piper lets out a small laugh anyways.

Soon after me and Piper talk for awhile and she continuously apologizes after I reassure her many times, a tray comes through my door.
And I hear Piper get one too.

I look down and what I have. And why aren't I surprised at what it is? A moldy piece of baloney.

A faint 'Ew' comes from the other side of the vent, separating Piper and I.

I can't help but chuckle.

"Very funny. You get moldy baloney too?" Piper asks.

"Yup. As moldy as it comes. I bet Healy put in a special request for our five star dinner choices." I say, venom in my voice.

She doesn't respond.

I do push ups, sit up, run in place and jumping jacks to pass time.

I hear Piper from time to time do the same thing.

The guards allow me to have a book too. Which surprises me greatly. Gee, what nice people?

I sit and read my book, "Anne of Green Gables" just as my lunch comes through.

Every time a tray comes, always a moldy piece of baloney.

Piper and I have started to use the trays as a sense of time. 27 trays come through.

And then on Pipers side, I hear Healy.

"You don't understand Chapman. This is for your protection. People like Vause are dangerous-" Piper cuts Healy off.

"No. She isn't. I kissed her that day. So if you think shes a sick lesbian, then I guess I am too. What did you think we would end up together or something?"
Her voice hard.

But Healy remains quiet.

"You thought that? Well. Get it through your sick old man brain, we will NEVER happen. We lesbians, go for the tall, thin ones and beautiful ones. Not old men." Pipers voice laced with venom.

Healy is still silent. Then finally, he responds.

"Enjoy your stay." Is all he replies with, before I hear him leave.

I remain silent.

I hear Piper talking to herself.

"What did I do? He'll never let me or Alex out now!"

She screams and I hear a thud on the wall. Then I hear her whimpering.

"Piper?! What did you do?! Are you okay?!" I slap at the wall in frustration.

If only I could get to her!

"Pipes. Answer me." My voice firm.

"Im fine." Piper replies, pain in her voice.

"Tell me, what you did." I say quietly.

"I.. I punched the wall.." I hear her slide down the wall and land next to the vent.

"Piper. Can you move it?" I ask.

"Yeah. It just hurts. Im fine." Pipers voice is wary.

"Im so sorry Alex. I fucked up. We might not get out of here because of me." I hear her start to cry.

"Hey, keep your chin up Pipes. Will figure this out. Together." I state.

"Really?" She asks unsure.

"Im sure. Now say it. Together." I order her.

"Together." She replies firmly.


Well. Tah-Dah! Hope you enjoyed. Next update soon. Bed time for me.😊
Nighty night guys!!

~ Gabriellez💁

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