part 4 undye and alphys

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*sorry guys i know it's supposed to be a love story between sans and papyrus but i like this ship too*                                                               "But wait i have something for this moment " (she goes to her closet and pulles out two big purple dilldose)        WHY DO YOU HAVE THOSE!, they were test subjects for mettiton. THAT MAKES SENSE undyne said ,(they go to her secret lab and start plunging it in there pussys) THIS ISNT RIGHT ,whats wrong ,NO ANIME IS ON,oh ill put on a romantic anime,SEE ISNT THAT BETTER,yea BUT STILL SHOULDENT WE BE TOUCHING WE CAN SCISSOR.  Um i guess (they walk to the guest room) she puts the anime tape in the guest room they throw the dilldose to the side and they start kissing,
* undyne,s face is bright red alphys is too* there va#g#s meet and she goes up and down                                                       (meanwhile) .............................sans lets go to grillbys ,ok papy* they walk to grillbys* grillby gimmie a usal sans said, ILL have a burger said  papyrus grillby passes a bottle of ketup with a sticky note on it it sas *sans i love how you come here everyday but plaese pay your tab and ill be waching * well that was creepy sans said well leave when i get my burger ,ok (papyrus gets his burger it also has a sticky note on it it sais *your next sexy*) well thats pretty creepy lets go sans ill carry you,ok papy (on the way home they start kissing and the crash into the shed they start making out sans pushes him away, not  here they walk inside the house and to sanses room. papy starts to lick his neck ,OH GOD PAPY STOP IM GONNA CUM  *sans mones* ..............................back at the lab ,THE ANIME IS OVER LETS STOP AND PIT THE DILLDOSE BACK BEFORE SOME ONE WALKS IN ,ok (they put them back ) AND WERE WE'RE YOU TO mettiton said  HMM..,well you know how i like undye, STAY OUT OF IT METTLE SCRAPS.shes really not wrong UHH SO RUDE BUTIES WELL IM GOING TO THE LIBRARY, why are you going there I WANT TO LEARN ABOUT MY MACANICS,uhh ok ,SHURE GO AHED I BET YOUR MADE OF IRON MINE YOUR MANNERS IM NOT ALL IRON SOME OF ME IS RUBBER , Go nock yourself out ,OK BYE BYE, GRR  well bye mettiton BYE ..........(what will mettiton learn?)                                                     Q:why cant a skeleton play a a church                                         A:they have no orgins

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