Chapter 6 - His Sudden Change

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Blake Coster

"I'm so not agree with your deal Blake, it's ridiculous!" She glared at me as she pushed back my paper. She giving me a cold shoulder again.

"We'll be husband and wife Jean not an enemy." I said again and she sighed looking at me.

"We're fake, why do you want me to be in one room with you and even share bed?" She asked and I was completely out of words for this woman.

"That's what married couple do, sweetheart." I said sweetly and she pouted looking at me like I'm crazy.

I can't help looking at her pouty lips. I don't know what's with me when I kissed her. I just did and I didn't regret any second of it. She's just amazing and why on earth am I thinking about it?

"Blake! Eyes up here!" She pointed at her eyes with her fingers and the wild and cold Jean is back.

"So baby, I want us act like a married couple on and off camera, we will act like one. After 3 months we'll be divorce and I'm going to give you a house in Brighton, UK because it's quite there and it's a beach so I think you'll like it." I said and she shook her head not agreeing to any of it.

"I don't want to be in one room with you and besides you will have the freedom to bring your mistress. I won't bother you and I will respect your privacy." She said and raised her eyebrows giving me the 'do you agree?' look.

"Deal." I said.

"Okay! That's good!" She got up from her seat, I walked to her and grabbed her arm. She turned to me confuse.

"No goodnight kiss?" I smirked.

"No." She said coldly.

"Let's seal the deal."

"Seal wh-" Before she could finish her sentence, I already crashed my lips to hers. How I love this sensation a lot, it's fascinating. I sneaked my arms to her waist pulling her closer to me until there's no space left. She tried to push me but she gave up.

"Bla-" I cut her again.

"Blake." She successfully pushed her lips off mine.

"Yes beautiful?" I looked into her green eyes, I can see fear and hate in her beautiful eyes. Who are you actually Jean? Why are you making me curious about you?

"Don't ever kiss me again, Blake, I'm not a cheap girl that you can spoil money just like you do to your mistress. I'm here with a deal so you need to respect my rules!" That cold words left her mouth, I released my grip from her. She looked at me one last time before she walked back to her room.

I walked to the kitchen and took out my bottle of wine.

"Shawn." I called him again to know everything about the girl that I'm dealing right now.

Jean Verodine

"I'll be there in 30 minutes." I said to Lexy.

"I'll be waiting." She said and hung up the phone.

I put the pancakes on the plate and put some maple syrup on it. I looked at the clock and it's 7.25, where is Blake? Romina told me that he usually will come down around 7.15.

I took a cup of milk and put it beside the plate. I can't wait for Blake to eat. Suddenly I heard a foot steps and I walked out from the dining room. Blake was wearing a black Armani suit and he's struggling with his tie.

He looked at me with a glared and I was stunned.

"Blake, breakfast is ready" I said and he walked pass me like I'm not there. He sat down and looked at the pancakes. He quickly ate it and drank all the milk. He didn't say a word. I was waiting for his reaction for the pancakes but none. He showed no interest in talking to me or even.. react to the food.

He stood up suddenly after finishing all the food, I held him to fix his tie. I pulled up his collar and tied it correctly for him.

"What's with the mood, Mr. Coster?" I asked as I took a glance to look into his eyes. His eyes was looking at me intensely and I felt so nervous.

"There.. it's done." I said and I put down the collar. I took a step back from him and he sighed.

"There's a party tonight at the St. Regis Hotel at 7, wear something nice." He said and I nodded. Why did I hate him when he's treating me like a stranger?

Oh Jean, isn't this what you want? You don't want to get comfortable to Blake because you know he's trouble. Let's just stay on the.. safe side for now.

"Take this and buy a nice dress." He said coldly as he gave me a gold credit card. I shook my head and gave the card back to him.

"I have my own money, you don't need to worry about it." I answered him in a cold tone.

"Good." He walked pass me. What's with him? Did I say something wrong last night? He's going to work and now I'm going to work too.

I have a photoshoot with Vogue magazine right now with Lexy and the other angels. Good thing that I can fill my day with something or it will bore me to death.

"Lexyyyyy!" I hugged her as I arrived at the studio.

"Hey girl, how are you doing?" She asked, she knew about my condition because I called her yesterday. She didn't expect me to take the risk by marrying Blake. She told me she will help me to find another way but I told her that this is the only way.

"I'm good."

"Girls, go get your make up done now! Prontoooo!" The manager shout to all of us and I gestured Lexy to go to her makeup room.

"Hey Jean." Nicole greeted me.

"Hey girl.."

"Hey babe." Charlotte smacked my ass and I chuckled.

"Charlie!" I smacked her back and she laughed.

The rest of my friends greeted me and we all were so drown to finish our makeup and hair done. Today's photoshoot is in lingerie and wings. Of course angel must have wings right?

"Come on girls!" The photographer said as he clapped his hands taking our attention.

The photoshoot went well and after this, me and Lexy are going shopping to buy a dress for tonight. I'm not sure what to wear but Lexy said I need to wear a sexy dress to impress Blake.

What the hell! Why should I?

I don't need to impress him! He's going to be my fake husband for 3 months and then we're done. Done about eveything and I can go to the other side of the world and live peacefully. Maybe having a dog would be nice and find work there. I want to live quietly.

"Earth to Jean." Lexy waved her hand in front of my face trying to take my attention.


"We already arrive at the mall, it's time for us to explore!" She squealed and smirked at me.

"Okay!" I got off from the car and we both walked inside the mall. It's been a long time since I went shopping, I miss the tingly feeling.

"I can't wait to dress you up!" She said squealing again and pulled me to the nearest store.

"I think red suites you, don't you think?" She asked as her eyes landed on a red short dress. I shook my head in horror. It's not that I don't like wearing a red dress but the fact that I'll be going to Blake's event making me nervous.

"Lexy, that's too bold. I don't want to be the center of attention there!" I shook my head.

"Blake would love you in this!" She squealed as she took the dress.

"I don't care about Blake, Lexy. He's just my fake husbandc nothing more." I sighed.

"Look Jean, you already have a rough life. Enjoy life will you? There's a hot guy who willing to marry you and besides.. He's not bad!"

"How can you judge like that? We never know boys, Lexy!" She looked at me and nodded.

"Come here, I have a feeling that this dress will make man worship you!"

"I had enough with guys.. so please don't make them look at me."

"Blake is going to hate you when you wear this.." She smirked big time.

Oh my!

Prologue : Loving Blake CosterKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat