Chapter 2

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Ty looked back as he jogged up the steps of the mean looking building, and he nodded to a policeman before he was let inside the building. He stuck his hands in his pockets as he was escorted down the hall, then they made a left and entered a room, with a glass booth and jail cells visible on the other side. They were all empty, save for one man sitting in handcuffs on the other side of the glass.


Ty looked back as the policeman closed the door behind him to give them some privacy, and he slowly moved forward to take a seat. He took a deep breath, and then they both picked up the wall phones to begin.

"... Been a while since your last visit." The Bulgarian winked, smirking.

Ty didn't respond.

"Oh well, can't win them all." Martin yawned and played with the handcuffs, while Ty gathered up a question.

"Why did you kidnap them?" He asked quietly. Martin grinned.

"Part of the job," he answered cheerfully. Ty narrowed his eyes.

"What job?" He challenged. "Was it really worth stealing money and kidnapping-" he stopped, glancing around nervously before continuing. "--Kidnapping 'butterflies' for a personal project? For fame?" He demanded. Martin shrugged, keeping that goofy smirk on his face.

"Worth the money I got." Ty rolled his eyes.

"Was it worth it getting in jail?" He huffed. Martin smiled and sat back.

"I can always have my bail."

"Well sorry to break it to you Dreamworks, but you need someone to bail you out in order to do that, and there's no way I'm letting you out," Ty growled. Martin giggled in a way that made Ty glower at the foreigner.

"You're so sweet," he teased. "But I don't need your pity, don't worry..." Ty frowned and tilted his head.

"But how are you gonna get out?" He questioned. "I'm not bailing you, and you have no partners." Martin flashed a wide smirk.

"Ah yes, true, true... But what I do have is a client." Ty froze.

A client?

The air conditioning could be heard as they sat there, silent. The ticking of the clock plotted out the length of the time, each tick and tock striking out in protest at the silence. Martin was sitting there with one hand to hold the phone, his other arm resting on the desk, smirking.
Finally, Ty cleared his throat and blinked rapidly a few times before he lifted the phone back up to his ear.

"Client?" He croaked. Martin smugly stared back.

"Oh yeah-- you didn't know? Daww, poor little human," Martin drawled. "You see, my client was the one who gave me the information that suggested fairies existed. He persuaded me that they're out there, right under our noses. He presented me with evidence shortly after, giving me two fresh fairies to experiment with." Ty's knuckles were going white from gripping the phone so tightly. Martin smirked and leaned to just an inch away from the glass. "I'm sure he'd love to find out that you're a part of their colony now," he whispered. "That you merged with one of them and formed a bond. That your friends with their leader even. But don't worry. My client, yes, I don't have to get out of here for my work to continue... He can take matters into his own hands." Ty had gradually gritted his teeth, then widened his eyes at the threat and hung up, springing out of his seat and racing to the door. The guard gave him a confused glance but said nothing as the teenager raced away, with one single thought burning in his mind.

The colony was in danger.


Adam sucked in a deep breath before he exhaled the forest air happily. He was hovering just on the border of the National forest, taking a moment to appreciate the smell of nature instead of the smoky air of pollution.

'Oh it feels good to be back.' He finally opened his eyes and gazed at the lush forest. Summer was nearing, he could see it in the tree branches, which were showing off their rich bark wood. He smiled as he watched the leaves billow like sheets hung outside and caught in the wind, and he closed his eyes again, thinking back to a scenario that made him homesick...

"Come on Sky, you don't actually flap your wings yet!" Lawrence reprimanded, flying up to where Adam had tripped and ended up clinging to a branch. The emerald fairy helped the young-wing back to his feet, as a lavender female fairy sat back and watched quietly, her dark hair gracefully falling over her golden tanned skin. Her eyes were a sweet soft brown, and her wings were that of a Red-Spotted Purple butterfly; Lawrence's wings resembled an Ulysses', and Adam's were just like a Monarch's.

"I'm trying dad!" Adam whined, balancing on the tree branch. "But it's all my instinct is saying!" Lawrence sighed and flashed a glance over at the lavender fairy, who gave a small smile of encouragement. The green fairy's tenseness faded, and he seemed to relax.

"C'mere kiddo." Adam complied and let the emerald fairy hug him tightly, staying still as Lawrence ruffled his hair affectionately. "There's a time and place for everything," he murmured. "Ya hear? It's not about flapping your wings, it's about when and how you move them. Ok?" Adam nodded, and Lawrence gently broke the hug.

"Alright, now watch your mother demonstrate again. Lillian?" The lavender fairy got up and glided from branch to branch, not flapping but keeping her wings crisp and still to catch the wind of her movement, allowing her to glide. Then when Lillian perched on the same branch as the other two, she smiled and pecked Lawrence on the cheek, making the male fairy turn a light pink shade and clear his throat, looking out of place and a little flustered with a tiny cocky grin.

"Now come on Adam, you try," Lillian gently instructed. She flitted closer to her son and re-positioned him into the proper posture. "Legs straight, crouch a little, like a fighting stance," she murmured. "One behind the other, so you can kick off. Just jump, and keep your wings as tight as possible. That's what makes your muscles grow stronger, and soon you can try flying."

"But not without us there to supervise," Lawrence grunted, smiling. "So don't get any ideas." Adam puffed his chest out proudly.

"I won't!" He promised.

"Adam?" Adam opened his eyes and yelped as he reeled back, then giggled.

"Jason!" He whined, punching the fairy on the arm. "You can't just sneak up on me like that!" Jason yipped and laughed as well, prodding Adam back.

"It's not sneaking up if you're not paying attention!" He chided. Adam giggled, then looked to the forest.

"I was just enjoying the sense of the forest..." He sighed quietly. "It feels good to be back." Then he looked back to Jason and smiled. "How are Seto and Ian?" He asked.

Jason's smile faded immediately, and he scratched the back of his head, looking troubled.

"Erm... It's best if you talk to Ian about that..."

"What? Why? What's wrong?" Adam was immediately alert, gripping the cyan fairy's shoulders. Jason sighed.

"Seto's been missing all day."

Little Wings (Sequel to Little Butterfly)Where stories live. Discover now