Chapter 4

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"When you live for someone, you're prepared to die."

 Lawrence was circling Adam, who was a year older than when he first began branching. His wings had grown strong, larger, as he stood in the center of the hollow, his chest puffed out a little and his back straight, his eyes closed in concentration as his father spoke. "That means putting the life of the colony over your own life," Lawrence continued. "You are the queen bee, and they are your loyal followers. You are the commander leading the army, the body of the hydra-- they are all under your care and protection, and you must do everything in your power, to protect the colony." Adam opened one eye.

"... Even if they don't like me?" He mumbled quietly. Lawrence halted and stared at Adam in surprise. He squinted at the gold fairy, studying the young monarch.

"... Who doesn't like you?" He demanded after a pause of silence. Adam averted his gaze.

"... M-Mitch and-and Jerome, s-sir," he answered in a barely audible volume. Lawrence stared for a little longer, then his strict posture faded.

"Why do you think they hate you kid?" Lawrence gently lifted Adam's chin back up to him, blinking when he realized that the young golden fairy had started crying.

"B-because I'm so curious!" Adam wept bitterly, covering his face with his hands. "F-fairies are s-suppose to-to fear the unknown t-to keep safe, right!?" Lawrence pulled the troubled young-wing to his chest and wrapped his arms around him, hugging him reassuringly.

"Hey..." He murmured softly. "Don't start crying kiddo. There's nothing wrong with being curious. It's a good trait. You like discovering new things, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that." Then he chuckled softly and kissed the top if Adam's head. "You get that from your mother," Lawrence smiled, resting his chin on Adam's head. "Of course, you also got your pig headed-ness from me, so..." Adam giggled, smiling through his tears as Lawrence pulled back to gaze at his son.

"I'm proud of you kid, never forget that." He knelt down and ruffled Adam's hair, making the gold fairy beam with a titter, wiping his tears away. "People can try to judge one another for who they are, but in truth they just wish they were as awesome as you," Lawrence added with a cocky grin. Adam laughed, and Lawrence chuckled, and the two hugged again for a moment.

"... Alright then kiddo," Lawrence sighed, standing up. "Now come on, your mother's waiting. She's gotta teach you about what foods are edible and which ones you should avoid. You listen to her Sky, and be very careful," he added sternly. Adam nodded and hopped around a little in excitement, and the corner of Lawrence's mouth quirked up in another grin. "Now skedaddle," he shooed playfully, and Adam giggled before heading out of the hollow, hopping from one branch to another to join Lillian, who had amassed different variations of berries on a broad branch. She smiled warmly and took her son's hands, helping him up the last small hop and giving Lawrence a relaxed beam before guiding Adam to the berries. Lawrence sighed and leaned against the side of the hollow, watching the two fellow fairies most precious to him with a content smile.

'We done good.'

Adam was sitting on the branch with a distant gaze, as if on another planet while Ian and Ty spoke.

"... Are you sure?" Ian slowly asked after Ty explained his story, and the human nodded.

"I don't know who Martin's client is, but whoever he is had to have taken Seto," he asserted.

"But... Why?" Jason quietly chipped in. He was hovering next to Adam, the fairy looking anxious as well. "Why would someone want to take Seto?" He mewled worriedly.

"I don't know... Maybe because his nest is farther out on the outskirts of the clearing, easier to get away with it," Ian sighed worriedly, his arms folded over his chest. "Either way, there's got to be a way to get him back." Adam kept silent, out of the conversation as he absent-mindedly traced his finger over the ridges of the bark. Yes, he too was worried, and yes, he wanted to plan a course of action, but he couldn't bear to waste his energy on speaking right now. His mind was still clouded by the shock he had experienced. First Ian... And now Seto. At least they had both returned, unlike his parents...

A younger version of Adam was sitting on a branch, his legs draped over the side as he gazed blankly at the late morning sun. His wings by now were very much larger, and much stronger, yet now they were limp at his sides, his usually bright gaze clouded over, as if he no longer saw joy in the world.

"... Adam?" Ian walked out across the branch. They were on a young sapling that was perched on the edge of a cliff, that was prominent and looked over the whole forest. For the fairies, it was a sacred place, a reminder that they were a part of Nature. "The others are waiting," Ian murmured, sitting down next to the troubled fairy. Adam brought his legs up to hug his knees to his chest.

"... Dad said not to fly without him supervising," he mumbled. Ian sighed and wrapped his arm over the young-wing.

"Adam..." He started quietly. "That was before they passed away. They'd want you to grow strong, to take your father's place as leader of the colony. I'm just your steward. Don't forget who's the real leader."

"My dad," Adam sniffled, wiping a tear away. "I-I never got to say goodbye," he whimpered, his eyes glassy and round. "He just... Disappeared, with mom..." He slowly looked up at Ian. "You don't think they-they abandoned me did they?" He sniffled. Ian was shocked.

"No, no!" Ian denied, hugging the fairy as the young monarch started crying again. "Of course not Adam! Never think like that, Lillian and Lawrence loved you more than anything else in the world!" Adam snuffled and fell silent.

"E-Even more than-than Star fruit?" He hiccuped. Ian smiled sadly and gently gripped the back of the young-wing's hair, holding him close.

"Much more," he promised. "And they didn't just "disappear," Adam, remember we were in the middle of fending a dog off." Adam sniffled and buried his face in the blue fairy's chest.

"It's not fair," he whimpered. "Why did this happen!? Did I do something wrong?"

"Oh, no Adam, this is not you're fault, I promise," Ian murmured. "It's just that life isn't fair... Fate can be both kind... And cruel." Adam sniffled and rubbed his eyes.

"... Do I have to still have my Flying Ceremony?" He mewled.

"No." Ian gently pulled away and got up. "I'll have them postpone it. Go back to your hollow and get some rest." Adam said nothing, sniffling miserably and hauling himself to his feet, silently trudging across the branch before hopping his way down and heading back, with Ian close behind to make sure he didn't get himself hurt.

The only thing Adam could think about was how it was his fault.

"Adam?" Adam lifted his dull gaze to see his three friends staring at him. "You alright?" Ty asked. Adam sniffled quietly and put his hand to his cheek, realizing that he had been crying. Ian landed beside him and crouched down, pulling him into a gentle protective embrace, like he had all those years ago.

"Hey," Ian breathed in his ear. "We're gonna find him, I promise. I'm not letting you lose anyone else." Adam said nothing, simply hugged his guardian back, as Ty and Jason shared a concerned glance.

They needed to find Seto, or it would break Adam's heart.

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