we back and we better

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I havent been here writing and a couple of days. I still havent hung out with any of my friends but i have talked to them through text. ive been working out and washing my face everyday which is good because i feel alot better emotionally. ive gotten over alot of things and ive ''moved on'' as some people say.

ive been putting myself first. thats what i needed to do. im still working and buying things. im going to get my nails done soon and most likely hangout with one of my bestfriends. i really wanna go to the movies and watch the new movie nerve that is out. So many good movies have come out its unreal.

the movie i went to go see last time was called ''the secret life of pets'' that was a funny movie for it being rated G lol.
I've been watching degrassi for a long ass time it feels like. I've been binge watching it. if I even spelled that right wtf.

anyways I've been washing my face everyday,and making more money. it feels so good to not feel broke lmao. I still need to continue learning the language I am and record more YouTube videos. I'm going to finish editing one today.
I'm gonna film today most likely a makeup tutorial. filming and editing make me happy. working out makes me happy too. it's pain but it's worth it in the end trust me.

i havent typed in days. i dont even wanna talk about what happened i just wanna move on from all of it. but so far i have talked to so relatable people. i did my first cut crease for makeup. not my first but my second. it was my first time getting it right. its almost 12am but i need to workout. im afraid im gonna stop working out and loose my progress. i gave myself a resting day  because my abs were hurting.

i need to get back on editing youtube videos again. i made one a couple days ago but i wanna edit this other one i have. im kinda mad at myself for not filming more. my dumb camera hates me so much it wont let me film what i need it to. i can either delete some things from it or i can buy a new SD card. not sure which one i will do but i miht do the first one. 

the things id delete arent on my computer which sucks. i dont feel like impoting everything though. my laptop will run out of space. let me shutup about this lol. im gonna get off of here and go do the things ive been talking about.

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