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The first thing she became aware of was the sun slanting down over her face, warming the backs of her eyelids. With a soft groan, Korra opened her eyes. Something tickled her nose. Blinking in the bright sunlight, she sat up, startled to see that she was lying on lush, green grass. Wildflowers fluttered in the breeze, glinting their fiery colors in the sun's morning rays. A white and blue butterfly flickered past her nose. Korra frowned, sitting up straighter. Where was she?

A soft breeze caressed her face, but she didn't feel the cold. Looking down, she realized she was no longer wearing her usual Water Tribe clothes, but a simple cotton dress, white as snow, that reached down past her knees. A smooth tan belt encircled her waist, drawn tight over her hips. Korra's frown deepened. What a strange dream.

"Korra. It's been a long time."

Korra looked up at the voice, and her heart soared up to the blue sky above. "Aang?"

The air nomad sat in typical meditation stance, back straight and cross-legged on the grass before her. His smooth, tattooed head gleamed in the light of the sun, as did his teeth when he smiled. Korra noted the way his blue eyes crinkled at the corners when he did that.

"Yes, Korra. You've finally connected with your spiritual side."

Korra drew her knees up, copying his stance, despite the fact that she was in a dress. The fabric was long enough to cover her ankles and waist as she crossed her legs, so she didn't worry. Resting her elbows on her knees, she frowned at Aang.

"I have? How?"

"In your fear, you cried out to the one you knew to be true. It wasn't a simple exclamation or an oath you swore by the spirits. You truly believed I would be there, and answer when you called. That's called faith, Korra. And you need that if you're ever to make a connection with the Spirit World."

Korra swallowed, running her tongue along the backs of her teeth. "So... I'm in the Spirit World, then?"

Aang nodded. "This world parallels that of the physical realm. Where do you think we are, Korra?"

Korra hesitated. Her eyes swept the little meadow, taking in the dark line of trees a few hundred yards away, the soft blue hills rising on the horizon. Smoke spiraled into the sky from a distant down. Realization dawned on her.

"We're in Blue Fairy Meadow," she said, recognizing the place. A little burst of happiness lighted in her tummy. "I used to come here when I was a kid, to get away from the White Lotus."

"Yes. I thought this place might bring you the most peace. Sometimes a fond memory is the best way to bring oneself down from the heights of fear and doubt."

Korra suddenly remembered what had happened back in the real world. That cold fear sank back down around her. "Sakura," she whispered. "She got away."

"For now." Aang inclined his head. "Korra, do you know that I was once as terrified as you, before I faced the Fire Lord?"

Korra frowned. "Well... yeah, I suppose. Tenzin told me you had nightmares about him for weeks before Sozin's comet arrived."

Aang smiled, but it was a sad smile. "I did. My friends tried to cheer me up the best they could, but this fear was an uphill battle I had to face alone. The Fire Lord was truly my greatest fear. I thought him invincible. He ruled the world back in my time, aspiring to be the all-powerful Phoenix King."

"I remember the story. You whooped his butt and took his bending away for good."

"Yes. But before that, he haunted my thoughts, day and night. I was terrified of him. I knew I had to defeat him, but it seemed impossible, too daunting a task to even contemplate without breaking into a cold sweat. There even came a point when I wanted to run away, to forsake my duty as the Avatar simply to save my own skin."

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