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Just want to say, again, thank you so much for your continual support and encouraging reviews. They make my day! Sorry for the delays, I've been pretty busy with school. I'm hoping to finish up this story within the next week or so. I'm predicting about four chapters more. All-righty! Enjoy, kiddos!

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"You've got to try harder than that, Korra."

"I am trying! You're just moving too fast."

"Do you expect me to go easy on you? Sakura won't. Now enough of those weak counter attacks, and bloodbend me."

Korra growled, her whole body going tense as she planted her feet, struggling to focus on Amon's flickering form while she held her eyes closed. The sparkling map of lights that was his figure darted forward again, and she felt her breath whoosh out of her as his fist struck her side. She dropped to one knee.

"You're not even trying," he snarled.

"I am," she gasped.

"Block my attack!"

"I can't!"

With a low growl, his arm caught her across the chest, snatching her up from the ground. Korra's eyes flew open. He threw her over his shoulder as if she weighed no more than a child, pinning both of her arms in an iron grip. Korra emitted a choking gasp and struggled against the impossible hold.

"What are you doing?"

"Teaching you a lesson."

His voice, low and cool, sounded so much like the old Amon that haunted her nightmares that a chill raced down her spine. Korra beat her fists against his back, but to no avail. He carried her across the beach where they practiced to the water, and promptly threw her in. Korra hit the waves with a gasp, sputtering as she surfaced in the shallows. Without warning, the water tightened around her, choking her in an icy grip.

"Fight it. Don't just sit there and let it happen."

"I'm—trying!" Korra slung her arms out in the thickening ice, and melted it with a blast of firebending. She leaped out of the water, hurtling towards him, but before she could even get a punch in edgewise, he'd darted out of the way, pounding the side of her torso in one fluid chi-blocking move. Korra's left arm went limp.

"Hey!" she bellowed. "Sakura doesn't use moves like that!"

"I'm upping the game. You think she'll just stand there and let you bend all the elements at her? You need to bloodbend. I've blocked your firebending." He lunged forward again, faster than the eye could see, and snapped a curled fist against her opposite side. Korra staggered. "Now I've blocked your earthbending. All you have is water. So use it."


He hit her with a bone-jarring blow, knocking her off her feet. Before she could react he was on top of her, pinning her to the sand.

"And here's the point where Sakura's won," he growled into her face. "What do you do now?"

Korra snarled and jerked her knee up to catch him in the gut, throwing him off her. She forced herself to shut her eyes and took a deep breath—a few moments of concentration, and she saw him again. She rolled to one side as he lunged for her again, snapping him over the back with a well-placed blow. His breath expelled in a painful grunt. Korra jerked to her feet, dancing away from him as he swung out an arm to catch her legs. Then an exhilarating rush of power surged through her as she reached out both hands, curling her fingers into fists, and let instinct take her.

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