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Austin's POV:

I snarl and try to escape the hold of the rogues but they aren't holding me down, the Dark One is.

His arms are held out towards me and he smirks. I try to get up with all my strength and I see his smirk falter but it quickly comes back when I slump to the floor.

"Good dog." He sneers making a growl bubble deep inside me.

"What do you want?!" I snap at him.

"Isn't it clear?" He asks laughing evilly, he walks around me and all the rogues laugh. I watch as they all restrain my pack members.

"Obviously not!" I shout back as he keeps circling me, I growl when he steps closer.

"I killed your mate." He laughs and I feel the ground shake at the snarl the leaves my lips. My whole body shakes in anger. "Now I'm here to kill all of you, I hate packs of werewolves. We should be free. My friends agree with me."

"Why did you wait?!" I ask angrily "why not strike right after you fucking k-killed my mate!"

"Well you see. I didn't plan to kill your precious mate, she turned up at my doorstep with a deal. She dies and I give your pack more time to prepare. She was brave but stupid."

I freeze, she gave her life away for the pack. She went to him. Oh Maia...

"Well what now?!" I snap, he smirks.

"None of you can beat me." He says obnoxiously. "None of your pack have magic. Especially light magic."

More of my pack came from the trees but were instantly pinned down, nobody is killed though.

"Why aren't you killing us?"

"What would be the fun in that?" He clicks his tongue "Why kill them now when I can make them watch their precious Alpha die a painful death."

My whole pack growls making the Dark One chuckle. He walks in circles around me, my eyes watch his every move.

"This is hilarious." He adds "You are all useless, you can't do anything. None of you can defeat me." Fire shoots upwards from his hands.

"But I can." A familiar voice echos from the trees, my ears snap up and I watch eagerly in the direction of the voice.

White light shines around a figure who stands brave and strong in the tree edge. It can't be...

Her scent fills me up making my wolf howl out in happiness and joy. This can't be happening.

"No..." The Dark One whispers fearfully, he steps back.

"Yes." The familiar voice says firmly stepping into the light, everyone around us gasps.

She stood there in all her beauty and glory, her whole body shone with a bright white light as she took a step forward towards the Dark one. There stood someone who we all thought was dead, my mate.

She lifts her hands and a blinding white light burst from her palms and hit the Dark one making him fly into a tree breaking the lock on me. She blasts the rogues holding me down making them shoot out of sight. Maia slowly turns her head to me.

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