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As soon as they arrived, Joker grabbed her arm and dragged her to his favourite room. He strapped her down onto the metal table and laughed, "You shouldn't have ran away."

(Y/N) gasped as she woke up and sat up on the cold bed. She wiped the sweat off her head and started getting her senses back, meaning that she started feeling the pain that was caused by the insane man.

Her hands picked up the picture frame and she smiled sadly, "I'll find my way back to you." Her eyes landed on her sister and tears started falling from her eyes, the memories of the day started coming back and she closed her eyes, sticking the pieces together.


"Don't scream, okay sis? I'll go speak to him" (Y/N) whispered to her little sister as she stood up from behind the desk where they were hiding.

"N-No, (Y/N)... Can't we wait until mummy and daddy get home? They will tell him to leave or he will leave by himself." Her younger sister pleaded, clearly terrified of the man.

(Y/N) shook her head, "He won't leave until he gets what he wants. I'll come back soon."

She walked out to the lounge where the insane man was, he glanced at her and smiled, "Hello."


"You look like fun, don't ya?" He spoke with venom in his tone.

"W-What do you want?" (Y/N) spoke slowly.

"Something... I'm not too sure yet. You have something that I want." He chuckled and walked over to her.

"Leave us alone. We have nothing of yours. I'll call the police." (Y/N) spoke quickly as she backed away.

"You look a few years younger than me. I'm sure you don't want the rest of the years you have left to quickly disappear now." He laughed and stared at her.

(Y/N) looked down and then back up. She examined the man, green hair, very pale white skin, emotionless eyes and tattoos, "I don't c-care, as long as-"

"Look who I found, puddin'." The blonde girl walked into the room, holding the child as she squirmed in her arms.

"You know she isn't going to be useful, let her go." The man spoke as he glanced over at the child.

His companion stomped her foot and shook her head, "She already called the cops, Mr J, just kill her."

The man glared at the child and walked to her, "You have? Hmm, that's not how I had this planned out." He placed the gun on her forehead and shot her, not bothering to use his knife instead.

(Y/N) screamed as she started crying, she ran over to her sister and picked her up off the floor, "N-No! Why would you do that?" She spoke between sobs as she held her tightly and close to her body.

"C'mon, puddin'. Let's go before the cops come." The girl spoke as she started dragging the man out and to the car. Moments later, (Y/N) heard their car drive away and she tightened her grip on her sister.

"I'm sorry I-I couldn't protect you." She sobbed into her baby sisters shoulder.


"No!" (Y/N) screamed as she finally found out what happened that night, "No, no, no, no." She brought her legs to her chest and placed her head on her knees then cried into them.

She felt her heart beat quicken and she sobbed whilst whispering, "He k-killed her."

"Who killed who?"

The crying girl looked up and saw Joker standing in the doorway. She hadn't realised he was there as she was too busy crying. She stayed silent and didn't reply.

"Wanna talk, doll face?" He walked closer to her and sat on her bed, causing her to push herself to the corner of the bed, furthest away from him. He sighed and frowned, "No?"

My Fault || JokerKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat