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"Have you ever thought about what would happen if I found you? If I would hurt you or let you go?" Joker smiled as he walked around the pair who were tied down to chairs.

"L-Let her go, just kill me," Ashton spoke whilst looking over at (Y/N) who was crying, he felt sorry for her. He felt bad that he basically dragged her out without hearing her opinion on the plan, "She didn't do anything wrong. It was all me."

"Oh, I know that, Ashy..." Joker placed a knife against Ashton's neck and slowly made a thin cut on it, he didn't want the boy to die yet; he wanted to have fun, "But she didn't stop, right? She left with you and didn't try to come back."

"I-I'm sorry, Mr J." She spoke softly and silently, she didn't care if she died.

Joker laughed loudly, "You should be, doll face," He crouched in front of her, "Apologise to daddy, c'mon baby."

She gulped and looked down, "I-I'm sorry."

Joker stood back up and moved to Ashton. Joker really didn't like Ashton. He placed the knife against Ashton's torso and smiled whilst pressing it in slowly, he wanted Ashton to feel a lot of pain during this fun experience.

"D-Don't! Don't hurt him!" (Y/N) shouted as she watched them.

"You know I won't," He pressed the knife deeper into the boy and laughed as Ashton whimpered, "You like it?" Joker took the knife out and then ripped Ashton's shirt open before drawing deep lines in his pale skin. He watched as the dark red blood seeped out of the cuts, he loved it so much. Joker cut into Ashton's cheeks to make it look as it he was smiling all the time. Obviously throughout this whole torture Ashton was screaming and (Y/N) was crying.

The sound of a loud gunshot spread throughout the room and Ashton's limp body that was tied up to the chair now laid on the ground. His lifeless eyes were wide open and blood was coming out of his purple lips. He was dead, Joker killed him.

"No!" (Y/N) shouted through her tears whilst trying to free herself from the chair.

"Doll face... No one can take my baby away and expect to stay alive," Joker laughed loudly and then untied her, "My precious, little doll..." He helped her stand up and pulled her towards his chest and hugged her warmly, "I missed you." His strong arms held her in place despite her attempts to push him away, she was too weak for that.

Her sobs was the only sound in the room. Joker killed her sister and now Ashton. Will he kill her parents and then eventually kill her too? She wanted her family to be safe, she didn't want them to be in danger. Has Joker stopped paying for Ashton's mums hospital fees too?

"C'mon, doll face, let's go to bed." He held her hand and took her to his room then started undressing her, "How about you shower first? I'll wait here for ya." Joker pushed her toward the bathroom door and she opened it then locked it. (Y/N) looked at herself in the mirror and frowned. She used to be so pretty but now the shine was drained out of her eyes, there are bags under her eyes and her lips are chapped. She frowned but stepped into the shower then washed herself whilst crying softly. She didn't make much noise to not make Joker suspicious, but damn, this hurt.

(Y/N) took her time and when she was done she stepped out and dried herself then put on the shirt and underwear Joker had given her. Her small hands unlocked the door and she made her way to the bed whilst arm hugging herself. Her hair -which was still wet- framed her face as beads of water fell onto the floor. Joker looked at her and frowned but smiled, "Let's go, doll face."

She nodded slowly and laid down on the bed, she turned away from him to not feel his presence. She pushed herself to the edge of the bed and got comfortable.

"Y'know... You're gonna fall off if you stay that far away," Joker spoke softly as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to him, he smiled once her back was pressed against him, "Goodnight, doll face."

Laying like this with a man who murdered their sister and friend would usually make someone feel uncomfortable, but right in this moment (Y/N) felt protected. Jokers warm body and soft breaths calmed her down and made her slowly forget what is happening to her and around her. She fell asleep.

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