Chapter 27 - The Vodar

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Kastali Dun

Saffra shifted the basket she carried, readjusting the cloth that disguised its contents. Hidden within was a generous selection of dainties and a rare bottle of wine. Today was a rest day. The afternoon sun was high in the sky, bringing many out of doors. She passed sunbathers in various courtyards, each enjoying time away from monotonous duties.

As she ventured through the keep, she smiled. Soon she would be relishing in the company of friends, enjoying the finer aspects of life. She was growing to love Claire and Desaree's company. They were slowly filling the hole that Cyrus left in her heart; she was healing. Better still, in eight weeks she would be married to the man she loved. The king himself was to marry them in the throne room. She thought of all the plans to be made, and of her gown, which still needed designing. There was so much to do! That was the reason for her basket of goodies: this afternoon, they were to begin wedding plans.

It was almost difficult to believe that somewhere on the fringes of Dragonwall, an evil Asarlaí lurked, intent upon destroying the kingdom. The harrowing fact was always present in Saffra's mind. She had made it her job to help in whatever way possible, to prepare Claire for what she would one day face (whenever that might be). But during times like these, when her happiness freely overflowed, she struggled to believe reality.

Claire's quarters were in the Hall of Kings, two stories above hers. The Hall of Kings occupied the top floor of the southernmost wing of the keep. These rooms were reserved for royalty, distinguished guests, the king's Shields, and the people who served them.

Saffra knocked at Claire's door and heard a giggle from within. Desaree's face appeared, flushed with excitement. "Come quickly!" Desaree whispered, glancing out into the corridor both ways. "We have something to tell you."

She rushed in, depositing her basket upon a nearby table. The first thing she noticed was that both Claire and Desaree were beside themselves with excitement. "You are not going to believe this," Claire said, rushing over.

Saffra's brow furrowed as she looked between both women. "What is it?"

"I think it's best if we show her," Claire said, glancing at Desaree for confirmation. Wicked grins spread across their faces.

"Show me what?"

"Come here." Claire took Saffra's arm and led her to a wall near the fireplace. Desaree pulled back the wall's covering.

For several moments Saffra stared at the castle wall, eyeing the stonework with a frown. "I am afraid I do not understand the fuss, perhaps I have missed some joke?" She looked at Claire and Desaree, waiting for an answer.

Claire's grin turned triumphant as she cried, "Hinga!"

Saffra recognized a familiar power seeping through the air. A loud grinding noise alarmed her. She jumped backwards with a yelp as the patch of wall before her disappeared into the darkness. All that was left was a gaping, square hole. She opened her mouth several times but could find no words to fill her breathlessness.

Desaree giggled. "Impressive, huh? A secret passageway! Claire showed me earlier. She found it last night. I still cannot understand why you did not fetch me, Claire. There could have been something dangerous inside."

"And could you have protected me?" Claire's teasing tone was gentle.

" But that is beside the point."

"You have been inside, then?" Saffra asked, turning to look at both Claire and Desaree. "You have seen what lies within?"

Claire nodded. "I spent hours down there last night. I got lost, actually. When I finally found my way out, I found myself in none other than Lord Glover's chambers!"

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