Chapter 47 - The End of a Voyage

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Dragonfire Sea/Kastali Dun

Captain Bennett looked out over the dark blue waters of the sea and beyond. If one sailed far enough west over the Dragonfire Sea, one would find Oshea. It was far enough away that the two countries rarely interacted. Bennett himself was from Oshea, though he believed few in these parts could claim such. His parents had taken him away at the dawn of an Oshean civil war, one of many in Oshea's bloody history, or so he was told. He never knew his parents; he was told they had died during their journey to settle in a new country. He could only guess wildly as to how he ended up in Dragonwall, or if that was the country his parents intended to flee to.

Ever since learning about his past, the sea held new fascination for him. It was part of why he became a ship captain. He hoped to someday see Oshea with his own eyes. For now, he had more important concerns. They were less than a day away from Kastali Dun, but their journey had not been without its excitement—not at first anyway.

With Drengr escorts, the Lady Faith was untouchable. He discovered this fact two days after departing from Fort Squall. It was no surprise when pirate ships were spotted in pursuit. A triple blast of the horn gave the warning. His men reacted with fear; memories from their previous battle were still fresh in their minds. But then the Drengr took flight, jumping from the deck of the Lady Faith and transforming mid-air into giant beasts. Their Riders watched with the crew. Bennett's men had forgotten their protectors in their fear, but when they saw the dragons flying into battle, they gave cries of excitement and victory.

What a sight the battle was! He had watched the whole confrontation unfold through his spyglass. When the Drengr confronted the ships, they used their strength to rip apart whole masts before belching flames. It took less than an hour before all four ships were torched and burning. Nothing spread faster than dragon fire. The saying was popular in Dragonwall, and now he knew it to be true. On that blessed day, the Drengr demonstrated their worth ten-fold.

"Port ho!" A cry came from the crow's nest. Bennett snapped out of his sea-trance and turned his gaze from the west, from distant Oshea, to the ports of Kastali. He was eager to bring this voyage to an end. The sun was quickly falling from the sky, likewise eager to bring about an end to the day. The darkness would soon swallow them up, bringing with it a lively evening in the city.

Beaky had taken flight at the sound of the warning and circled the ship from above. Meanwhile, his men worked to prepare the ship for mooring. Amidst the busy activity, the Lady Faith sped along, steadily approaching the Bay of Bandu.

Night was upon them well before the anchor dropped. Bennett stood motionless, looking ahead of him. The moment he laid eyes on Kastali Dun and truly studied it, he frowned. Something strange was happening. Even from their distance, he could see that the streets were alight with the glow of many torches.

Keenan, one of the Drengr escorts, stood on the deck beside him. They watched the activity together. After a while, he felt Beaky's familiar presence on his shoulder as she joined them.

Bennett had grown up in one of the many orphanages in the Pauper's District. He lived there until he was ten. He knew Kastali Dun well enough, though he often saw it from a deck these days. The streets and buildings of the vast capital were located on a massive hill, which rose from the water, steadily sloping upwards towards the Great Keep. Along the thoroughfares, many of which were switch-backs, lights moved to and fro, glowing like hundreds of fireflies in the distance.

"Something isn't right," he said. "What do you reckon is happening?"

Keenan was silent for several moments. When he spoke, his voice sounded troubled and far away. "A lady is missing—a royal lady—King Talon's ward."

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