Chapter 9-It's a secret

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Chapter 9
It's a secret

The twins are two completely different people but they have something in common they are caring. When my secret got out they hug me and help me to breathe so I will calm down.

"That jerk he hurt you if Drake will know he will..." Jake starts but I stop him before he says something else, "He won't know I can't let Jason know that you guys know." I say as I am afraid of what he might do to them.

"I told you, I just need you guys to be here for me."I say, reminding them of our last talk. "I still don't agree with you. We should kick his balls." Dane says clenching his fist.

"Already done that."I say with a smile on my face,"yeah you did and you punched him in the face." Zane adds.

"Shit he is going to tell his dad we are having a meeting after school. I have to go get ready." I say as I notice the time.

"We will all come with you we won't leave you alone." Jack says.So we walk back to the house. I get changed and wear my grandma necklace to make me feel more safe and protected. When I am ready for the meeting I go in my dad's office, seeing Alfred already there so I go in.

"Now only Jason and my son are left to come." my dad says. I look at my father who is looking at me like a hawk or some creepier. What is his deal? I don't look at him in the eye.

Then my brother joins us which he also looks at me suspicious. Why are they looking at me like that? Is it because I am wearing grandma's necklace?

Then after ten minutes of waiting Jason comes. He looks at me and doesn't say anything but he also looks at me in confusion even Alfred. Everyone is staring at me
Why am I the center of attention? I hate this everyone is looking at me and I don't know why.

I finally broke the silence. "Why are you looking at me like that?"I finally ask. I look at my father. "You're wearing her necklace. You would never wear that. What's wrong?" My father aks.

"Nothing."I lie but I am in no mood to deal with this. So it's acting time. "You're lying."my brother says. How does he even know that I am? If the twins told him I am going to kill them.

"That necklace is only worn by a Luna and it will only glow if the girl is going to be a Luna. The necklace is glowing you're going to be a Luna but then it also says someone's mood and yours is red and yellow which are angry, sad and disappointed." Alfred says looking at me.

"God can you just cut the crap about the necklace and let me wear it. I like it and tell me why I am here again?" I say while fidgeting with the necklace.

"We are talking about this after this meeting. Don't think you got away with this." My father says. Then my father looks at Jason.

"What the hell happened to your face. Don't tell me it was you again Drake." He looks at Drake angryily. What he doesn't know is that I did it. He is going to be much more angrier at me.

"Actually it was your daughter sir." Jason says and I want to kill him right now. My father is more angry at me like I predicted. "EMMA." My father says trying to keep his wolf calm but his tone is full of anger.

"I don't want to talk about it especially now and lets start the meeting."I say.
"Like I said we'll talk later. Before we start Jason did she do anything else to you?"
Father asks Jason. Please don't tell him please...

"To be true yes." My father looks at me more furious now."She kicked me down there and it hurts a lot and I can still feel the pain." Of course he have to make it worse he just keeps adding to get my dad angrier.

My dad is about to start shouting. "JUST STOP WITH ALL THE CRAP AND TALK ABOUT THE IMPORTANT STUFF AND DON'T SAY ANYTHING ELSE IF NOT ABOUT THE ROGUES." I say almost shouting to show them how angry I am.

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