Chapter 13- They are leaving?

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Chapter 13
They are leaving?

Two days pass by and I am still locked up in my room. Every morning, afternoon and at night people come into my room to bring me food. I feel like I am a prisoner in a cell.

I want to see my mate. I want to jump on him and we start fresh together. I have had the time to think of what I want. I want to tell him that I am giving him a second chance. I just have to get out of this room.

When will my punishment end? Two days ago when I received the unknown call I assumed that it wasn't real. That I was only going crazy on the fact that I was locked in my room. I have grabbed a scissor and cut myself many times so I will loose blood and faint. I did faint and don't remember how I got on my bed. The next thing I know is my father and Elsa arguing outside my room. Elsa argued with him how bad it is to leave me locked in my room alone. My father doesn't listen to her.

Then I open my eyes seeing my scars that I made on my hands stitched. I get off the bed and walk around my room. When I decide to draw my empty wall. I grab my paints and brushes and start painting. When my painting is done I look at what I have just made. It's a beautiful painting of a white wolf with her black wolf mate brushing against her. I love this painting so much. I keep staring at it until food comes.

As I look at my plate the only thing I have is one chicken breast. I am a hungry wolf and I can't just have one I need around four chicken breast. I can't argue so I just eat it and accept that at least they are giving me food. When the man comes in again to take my plate I jump on him.

I put my hand around his neck slightly cutting with my claws. "Tell Ted I am going for a run." By those words I snap his neck and run down the hall and jump from one of the big windows as I am outside I take off my clothes and shift.

I ran in the forest feeling the cold breeze against my fur. I missed it all I missed being free. I stop running when I see two rogues walking around. As he sees me he comes towards me and shift. It's him.

"Shift we need to talk." He demands I go behind a tree and change. Then I walk back to him and I am standing in front of the alpha's rouge.

"Nice to see you again sunshine." He says with a smirk on his face.

"What do you want now?" I ask as I look behind him and see a woman shifting. It is the same woman that I was trade for. I don't know what he wants he got his mate back. What possibly could he want now.

"Nothing really just want to tell you the truth." He says still smiling as he turns around and pull his mate more closer to him. He sniffs her hair. I look at the woman and see her face better now. I can see that she is still weak and still has mark all over her body. I look back to the alpha and nod to show him that he can tell me what he wants.

"Well I want you only to know this. We are moving and you aren't going to see us anymore. What I want to tell you isn't from me but someone else requested me to tell you. They told me to look out for shadows if you want to know what they are search through your father's library. Also when your blood test comes back don't be shock of what you see" He says with a scared tone.

They turn around and start walking back from where they came from. "Wait." I say and he turns around."Who told you this?" I say and he smile.

"Elizabeth" he says as he leaves.

It can't be but I was imagining that I heard her. No it can't be. My mother is alive. How should I act towards this information. He knows her probably working with them. I know one thing that my mother never lies.

So this information is true I have to wait for the blood test and I need to look for a book. Easy right. Just need to wait with patience. I go back to the house walking from the entrance to show everyone that I escaped. I heard some gasps as I walk.

I go in the library and start searching for my book. After two hours I find nothing.

Emma this can't be, the book needs to be here. Shadow says in my head.

I can't find it . I reply.

Search harder it needs to be here. Hidden.

For I don't know what reason I believe her. I go around looking at the shelves. One particular shelf gets my eye as it is thicker and has no dust on it. I put my hands and search around it when I feel something under my tumb. At first I only see the color of the shelf brown. As I look closer I see a shape of a circle. I press the circle and the base of the shelve is opened.

I put my arm in and search inside it as I touch somethings hard. I pull it and see that it's a thick black book with the word Shadow written in blue ink. I sit down on the floor, open the book and I start reading the first page.

 I sit down on the floor, open the book and I start reading the first page

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To be continued.....


So I hope you guys like where this is going.

More information about what is a shadow will be on the next chapter.

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