Chapter 25: Prepare The Food With A French Traitor

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Elle's POV

"I can't believe we are preparing a freaking feast only hours after Stefan got shot!" I hissed, as both Lumiere and I got to marinating the meats.

"That's Mr. DeGramont for you. He might not show it, but the fact that his charity event was ruined did effect him. This is the one publicity event he actually really looked forward to, mainly because, it wasn't really about him. It was about the great things other people had done and deserve recognition for. That means much more to him then he'll ever let on." Lumiere explained, as he took out the basil leaves.

I couldn't stop the smile that lingered on my lips. You just couldn't guess all that from a first glance at Stefan. The fact that this was a sensitive part of him, made me feel all warm and gooey inside.

"Calm down, will you, I mean he's still involved in some sketchy business." Lumiere laughed, as he saw my smile falter.

Things grew silent as we busied ourself with work, but we both knew there were some questions lingering in the air. Soon, Lumiere couldn't handle it anymore. "Out with it Elle."

"W-Well it isn't really any of my concern but..."

"Me and Mr. DeGramont?" Lumiere offered, turning to me. It was as if he knew exactly what I was thinking.

"Y-Yes. I just wanted to know why he snapped like that. I mean, you've mentioned quite vaguely your relations with his family, but I guess I'm asking for a bit more." I admitted.

"Well, you aren't wrong. My relationship with Mr. DeGramont doesn't extend past employee and employer like yours or Mrs. Potts. I was originally assigned this work after a certain incident with his family and mine. A few years back, there was an attack on one of Mr. DeGramont's branches. It looked to be like the signature of one of my French families. After an extensive investigation, and many allegations, we discovered that one of my brothers had made a ridiculous plot to overthrow Stefan's family.

"Of course, we claimed no part in that plan, and we apologized profusely on my brothers part, but there is no room for fuck ups or betrayal in the Mafia. Stefan took it much more personally because the branch that was attacked, wasn't even a part of his unorthodox work. The branch, as it turned out, was actually a charity foundation. 8 innocent civilians ended up dying."

I just stared at Lumiere, as I tried to process this all. I honestly couldn't believe what I was hearing. I mean, I had witnessed only a few hours ago, Stefan getting shot, but I had no idea that innocent civilians could get wrapped up in this mess... Then again... Wasn't I an innocent civilian?

"So now, this... Arrangement is more a less, an example of keeping your friends close, but your enemies closer. I wasn't the criminal who did these actions, but it was my family. Everyone knows that our association with our family can either be our statement, or our downfall. When a member of your family screws up in the Mafia, your entire family screws up."

"B-But that's not fair. Stefan shouldn't be so hard on you if you didn't do anything..."

"I don't blame him. My family was very disclosed with what my brother did. The DeGramont family demanded he be handed over, but we declined. I couldn't imagine, at the time, why this was so incredibly personal to Stefan. My family never had close ties to any foundations that weren't corrupt. When I was sent to work here, I soon found out why. Stefan was much more different from what I had expected. He treated me very coldly, but what I didn't expect, was all the love and compassion he could show for a 100% pure, uncorrupt organization. He, in a way, changed me for the better. I don't regret a single year since I've been here." Lumiere admitted.

"That's a lot of trust that Stefan has shown though, right? You said that you were still active in his Mafia tendencies. Stefan still let you work that side of his family? Even after what he accused your family of?" I asked, still a bit lost.

"I, too, was awfully confused. When I was transferred, they told me that Mr. DeGramont requested for someone to help with the lighting in his home. This was practically a slap in the face for the position I held in my family before... But as the years grew on, Mr. DeGramont started assigning me to more personal matters. I was positive he knew of my work in my family, but I never expected him to utilize me in this way... A supposed enemy now reporting confidential news about his organizations to him. But regardless of that leeway, I also knew first hand that Stefan wasn't stupid. The first few years, I was followed and bugged. Even up until now, details are put on me whenever a major play in his organization is happening.

"But I mean, I'm not surprised. If I was in his position, I would do the exact same." Lumiere added, as he continued to busy himself with the feast.

Before I had time to reply, our conversation was cut short as someone cleared their throat from the doorway.

"Elle?" Mrs. Potts called out. Her face looked much more pale than I had ever seen. My body instantly went rigid.

"What's wrong?" I asked, setting the teriyaki sauce down.

"Stefan wishes to see you." She replied. I wiped the wetness onto my apron, before sliding it off myself and following her out into the hallway. As we approached Stefan's office, I asked once more.

"Is there something wrong, Mrs. Potts?" But she didn't reply. She, instead, opened the doors for me to walk through, then closed them as I entered the dimly lit room. Stefan still sat in the chair that we had set him in, but this time, the laptop and computer were on, along with numerous papers and cash on the table.

"What's going on, Stefan?" I asked, moving closer to where he was. His chair was turned slightly to his monitor, which illuminated his chiseled cheekbones and beautifully rough face.

"I-It has come to my attention, that you are no longer safe here." He replied. His voice was so tight. That was the first time I had ever really heard him stumble over his words.

"Stefan?" I called again, my voice small and fragile.

"As of now, I, Stefan DeGramont, release you of your services." He replied, looking everywhere but at me.

"I- I don't understand." I whispered. His eyes zeroed in on mine from the crack in my voice. I could see his eyes were puffy, as if he had been crying earlier. His face was a basket of emotions that I couldn't read.

"Elle... You're fired." He whispered back, his voice with the same unevenness as mine.

I'm finna rip all y'alls hearts out with these next few chapters. Get your Ben and Jerry's ice cream out, maybe some chocolate, and tissues. Whatever you'll need to survive this😭

 Whatever you'll need to survive this😭

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